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joined Nov 20, 2015


joined Feb 5, 2015

mvl booked me... but im almost finished...

Im fine with the bottom

So, Rainy, you're a call girl now? O_o...and when did you become so lewd? XD

Probably since this thread happened. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Damn'....I have underestimated the power of this thread xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

reminds me of Scott Pilgrim xD

Who is Scott Pilgrim?

Just imagining Su in a hospital bed battling all of them one by one.

They would all shit her pants if they had to face off against Su. xD Su actually learned knife fighting from her father, so she'd own each and every one of them, lol. ...Well, except for Lucy, maybe. Lucy was a Stone Butch and a Hockey player. Yeah, I think Luce would have a chance, but the others...nooope. xD

did she actually ask to marry you or did she just mention it...?

Neither. She was just talking about it like it's already set in stone that we are actually gonna get married and one of us is gonna do the whole artificial insemination thing and have kids etc. She never even asked me. There was no proposal or anything. We just talked about our career futures and she just suddenly went "Well, we just need to make sure to have enough money so we can buy a house. I mean, I wouldn't want to raise our kids in a small condo or something." Again: we were 2 months into our relationship!

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 12:28PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

reminds me of Scott Pilgrim xD

Who is Scott Pilgrim?

Its a comic book called Scott Pilgrim (also made into a movie a few years ago)
where a guy has to face like 7-8 of his gfs evil ex boyfriends XD its so jokes haha.

Just imagining Su in a hospital bed battling all of them one by one.

They would all shit her pants if they had to face off against Su. xD Su actually learned knife fighting from her father, so she'd own each and every one of them, lol. ...Well, except for Lucy, maybe. Lucy was a Stone Butch and a Hockey player. Yeah, I think Luce would have a chance, but the others...nooope.

Lucy the stone butch hockey player.. nice.. XDD. Poor Su hahah.

joined Mar 8, 2014

reminds me of Scott Pilgrim xD

Who is Scott Pilgrim?

Just imagining Su in a hospital bed battling all of them one by one.

They would all shit her pants if they had to face off against Su. xD Su actually learned knife fighting from her father, so she'd own each and every one of them, lol. ...Well, except for Lucy, maybe. Lucy was a Stone Butch and a Hockey player. Yeah, I think Luce would have a chance, but the others...nooope. xD

her father sounds a bit dangerous >.>

did she actually ask to marry you or did she just mention it...?

Neither. She was just talking about it like it's already set in stone that we are actually gonna get married and one of us is gonna do the whole artificial insemination thing and have kids etc. She never even asked me. There was no proposal or anything. We just talked about our career futures and she just suddenly went "Well, we just need to make sure to have enough money so we can buy a house. I mean, I wouldn't want to raise our kids in a small condo or something." Again: we were 2 months into our relationship!

yeah it sounds kind of weird but I think the other things were a lot worse than this XD seriously... I thought only ten year old girls acted weird like that... maybe twelve... >.>
by the way, you must tell me :< why am I walking contradiction?! I need to know this!!! I posted before that I tried to answer to you but it was like 1500 words so I didn't post that ^-^'''''

joined Mar 8, 2014

reminds me of Scott Pilgrim xD

Who is Scott Pilgrim?

Its a comic book called Scott Pilgrim (also made into a movie a few years ago)
where a guy has to face like 7-8 of his gfs evil ex boyfriends XD its so jokes haha.

Just imagining Su in a hospital bed battling all of them one by one.

They would all shit her pants if they had to face off against Su. xD Su actually learned knife fighting from her father, so she'd own each and every one of them, lol. ...Well, except for Lucy, maybe. Lucy was a Stone Butch and a Hockey player. Yeah, I think Luce would have a chance, but the others...nooope.

Lucy the stone butch hockey player.. nice.. XDD. Poor Su hahah.

don't worry, maybe she can beat up that one too when she gets her new heart XD

joined Feb 5, 2015

Su actually learned knife fighting from her father

I so envy Su, that's so cool ><

joined Apr 3, 2016

Its a comic book called Scott Pilgrim (also made into a movie a few years ago)
where a guy has to face like 7-8 of his gfs evil ex boyfriends XD its so jokes haha

That sounds awesome, I need to find that movie. xD

Lucy the stone butch hockey player.. nice.. XDD. Poor Su hahah. much as I love her, but I think she would really get her ass handed to Lucy.

Btw, @Mvl:
I just retraced my steps in my dating history for a bit and uh...ehehe...I actually have 11 ex's. ^_^;;

joined Apr 3, 2016

@Fay & Martian:

Su's father is a drill sergeant in the airforce. He taught each of his children how to fight and defend themselves, so all of Su's siblings are actually very skilled hand-to-hand fighters. Her mother told me that until she was about 15/16 years old and her heart problems started raising their ugly heads, Su herself was actually quite a good kickboxer. When her body couldn't really deal with the intense stamina training anymore though, she was forced to give it up. But since living in Berlin can be dangerous, especially when you're a young woman, her father taught her knife fighting techniques. Since you're armed that way, your weapon does most of the fighting for you - all you need to remember are the techniques and to stay calm. That's why I said I usually take either my brother, his dog or her with me whenever I think it could get dangerous. People usually back off when they see someone taking a stance with a hunting knife. ^_^

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 12:46PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

her father sounds a bit dangerous >.>

He is a drill sergeant in the airforce. He taught each of his children how to fight and defend themselves, so all of Su's siblings are actually very skilled hand-to-hand fighters. Her mother told me that until she was about 15/16 years old and her heart problems started raising their ugly heads, Su herself was actually quite a good kickboxer. When her body couldn't really deal with the intense stamina training anymore though, she was forced to give it up. But since living in Berlin can be dangerous, especially when you're a young woman, her father taught her knife fighting techniques. Since you're armed that way, your weapon does most of the fighting for you - all you need to remember are the techniques and to stay calm. That's why I said I usually take either my brother, his dog or her with me whenever I think it could get dangerous. People usually back off when they see someone taking a stance with a hunting knife.

omg, has she actually drawn a knife at someone before? O_O

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 12:46PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

her father sounds a bit dangerous >.>

He is a drill sergeant in the airforce. He taught each of his children how to fight and defend themselves, so all of Su's siblings are actually very skilled hand-to-hand fighters. Her mother told me that until she was about 15/16 years old and her heart problems started raising their ugly heads, Su herself was actually quite a good kickboxer. When her body couldn't really deal with the intense stamina training anymore though, she was forced to give it up. But since living in Berlin can be dangerous, especially when you're a young woman, her father taught her knife fighting techniques. Since you're armed that way, your weapon does most of the fighting for you - all you need to remember are the techniques and to stay calm. That's why I said I usually take either my brother, his dog or her with me whenever I think it could get dangerous. People usually back off when they see someone taking a stance with a hunting knife.

omg, has she actually drawn a knife at someone before? O_O


joined Mar 8, 2014

her father sounds a bit dangerous >.>

He is a drill sergeant in the airforce. He taught each of his children how to fight and defend themselves, so all of Su's siblings are actually very skilled hand-to-hand fighters. Her mother told me that until she was about 15/16 years old and her heart problems started raising their ugly heads, Su herself was actually quite a good kickboxer. When her body couldn't really deal with the intense stamina training anymore though, she was forced to give it up. But since living in Berlin can be dangerous, especially when you're a young woman, her father taught her knife fighting techniques. Since you're armed that way, your weapon does most of the fighting for you - all you need to remember are the techniques and to stay calm. That's why I said I usually take either my brother, his dog or her with me whenever I think it could get dangerous. People usually back off when they see someone taking a stance with a hunting knife.

omg, has she actually drawn a knife at someone before? O_O


I-I see... >.> is Berline that dangerous?

joined Apr 3, 2016

by the way, you must tell me :< why am I walking contradiction?! I need to know this!!!

It's an instinct of mine talking to me, don't read too much into it. xD From the things you've shared about you and your past until now, you just strike me as someone, who doesn't seem whole, so to say. You don't seem like someone, who can find peace and harmony within themselves and judged by how you word your thoughts and feelings, you just seem to be on edge a lot of the time. This contradicts with your usual cheerfulness and carelessness you seem to display here, which is why I said that to me, you seem like a walking contradiction. It's just an assumption - one I still either need to prove myself right or wrong on. Don't fret because of that. xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

I-I see... >.> is Berline that dangerous?

Parts of it are, parts of it aren't. You see, the gap between the rich and the poor in Berlin is actually pretty big. Either people have everything they need and more, or they have next to nothing and can barely live from day to day. People like me and Su, who earn enough to live comfortably and without having to worry too much are actually kind of rare here. The poor having to live with displays of the rich spending more than any normal person would naturally makes those poor people jealous and angry. And sometimes this anger leads them on the path of criminality. Illegal prostitution, drug trade, weapon trade and auto theft are the biggest problems here. Not only that, but Berlin is a multicultural city. With that many ethnicities and religions living together in such a tight space, conflicts are bound to happen.

joined Mar 8, 2014

by the way, you must tell me :< why am I walking contradiction?! I need to know this!!!

It's an instinct of mine talking to me, don't read too much into it. xD From the things you've shared about you and your past until now, you just strike me as someone, who doesn't seem whole, so to say. You don't seem like someone, who can find peace and harmony within themselves and judged by how you word your thoughts and feelings, you just seem to be on edge a lot of the time. This contradicts with your usual cheerfulness and carelessness you seem to display here, which is why I said that to me, you seem like a walking contradiction. It's just an assumption - one I still either need to prove myself right or wrong on. Don't fret because of that. xD

Hmm... some people get the impression I'm carefree but I just assume this attitude because it helps me calm down. I'm not putting up a front though; when I'm cheerful it's because I really feel it and honestly I just want to have fun and look at the positive aspects. Usually I'm a bit shy around people I don't know well but I am pretty cheerful when I get to know them better. I had a girl tell me that I was "shy" but not really shy XD because I had the courage to do new things and stuff ahah. I can easily block the unpleasant thoughts when I'm doing something that doesn't remind me of them... but when stuff happens like me not being able to concentrate and get work done or when my mom nags me with something (like not sending some papers fast enough or something) I feel like I really need to talk about it... Right now; I'm not doing through the best time because I have deadlines and I procrastinated a lot and I wasn't even sure about how to stop it and I had a block and I couldn't get over it and I got irritable. Also because of the deadlines I don't meet with my friends at all because they are busy too (I was at home the whole time during Easter break) so I had this need to socialize and I had no other way of overcoming it so I ended up writing a lot here... But generally if someone triggers my more serious and less cheerful thoughts I talk about them pretty easily and usually for me one thought triggers another and it goes on and on and on and on.
I used to have dark thoughts sometimes but I don't have them anymore (I guess it's because I stopped talking to that jerk >.>).

joined Apr 3, 2016

Aaaand it looks like I just killed the thread...
Distraction Time! =D
Look at these calves and be smitten by their adorableness.

Fun Fact: did you know cows can actually feel and distinguish about as many emotions as dogs? I don't know, I think that's amazing...

joined Mar 17, 2016

Awww the cows are so cute! I didn't know they could feel and distinguish about as many emotions as dogs that is cool

joined Mar 8, 2014

I-I see... >.> is Berline that dangerous?

Parts of it are, parts of it aren't. You see, the gap between the rich and the poor in Berlin is actually pretty big. Either people have everything they need and more, or they have next to nothing and can barely live from day to day. People like me and Su, who earn enough to live comfortably and without having to worry too much are actually kind of rare here. The poor having to live with displays of the rich spending more than any normal person would naturally makes those poor people jealous and angry. And sometimes this anger leads them on the path of criminality. Illegal prostitution, drug trade, weapon trade and auto theft are the biggest problems here. Not only that, but Berlin is a multicultural city. With that many ethnicities and religions living together in such a tight space, conflicts are bound to happen.

omg, there used to be a wall before, right? That's kind of bad :/ I thought not being either poor or rich was pretty normal everywhere. So if I go for a holiday there what should I keep in mind? ^-^''' I mean I know the part of not walking alone late at night ahaha; I'm just asking if there's something specific. I know in London you have to very careful to not get your bag stolen because there are bunch of people everywhere and the same in Madrid. What else? umm... well someone was stabbed in the underground by some radical muslims but I'm not sure how you'd prevent that... not taking the underground? >.> doesn't seem like it'd work...

joined Mar 8, 2014

Awww the cows are so cute! I didn't know they could feel and distinguish about as many emotions as dogs that is cool

but aren't they also yummy? >.> I seriously would feel bad eating a dog... now I feel more bad for eating cows... Nevertheless any guilt goes down the drain as soon as I put that piece of steak in my mouth XD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Awww the cows are so cute! I didn't know they could feel and distinguish about as many emotions as dogs that is cool

Cute. But dogs still are the best. I have always wanted a Samoyed. But it would be too cruel to raise one in a place that is forever summer.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Awww the cows are so cute! I didn't know they could feel and distinguish about as many emotions as dogs that is cool

but aren't they also yummy? >.> I seriously would feel bad eating a dog... now I feel more bad for eating cows... Nevertheless any guilt goes down the drain as soon as I put that piece of steak in my mouth XD

Wait how did we go from talking about cute cows to talking about eating dogs? Hahahaha XD

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 1:29PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Its a comic book called Scott Pilgrim (also made into a movie a few years ago)
where a guy has to face like 7-8 of his gfs evil ex boyfriends XD its so jokes haha

That sounds awesome, I need to find that movie. xD

Lucy the stone butch hockey player.. nice.. XDD. Poor Su hahah. much as I love her, but I think she would really get her ass handed to Lucy.

Btw, @Mvl:
I just retraced my steps in my dating history for a bit and uh...ehehe...I actually have 11 ex's. ^_^;;

Hehehe you are cool. You only have one life to live so might as well date as many as you can. I would probably date more than 11. I want to date everyone hahaha.

I told my sister and cousins many times to date more than one guy before they got married. Oh well...

joined Mar 17, 2016

Awww the cows are so cute! I didn't know they could feel and distinguish about as many emotions as dogs that is cool

Cute. But dogs still are the best. I have always wanted a Samoyed. But it would be too cruel to raise one in a place that is forever summer.

Oh gosh they are so cute! But they have so much fur so yeah it would suck to have them if you are basically always having summer lol

joined Mar 8, 2014

I want a fennec fox!!

joined Feb 13, 2016

Awww the cows are so cute! I didn't know they could feel and distinguish about as many emotions as dogs that is cool

Cute. But dogs still are the best. I have always wanted a Samoyed. But it would be too cruel to raise one in a place that is forever summer.

Oh gosh they are so cute! But they have so much fur so yeah it would suck to have them if you are basically always having summer lol

Right? They are basically giant white playful fluffy balls of fur, how can one even resist that? xD
But the poor thing would just suffer here. If I ever move to a colder place, I will raise one. / dreamy eyes /

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