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joined Mar 2, 2016

I dressed up for this girl to notice me but I got a bunch of guys to hit on me instead. After that I became less innocent and that's how the feeling of control and manipulation when guys look at me as prey was born...

Omg poor you xD haha..
I work at a bar, so naturally I am surrounded by a lot of drunk men who say stupid shit all the time and try to hit on anyone or anyTHING that moves. So I think Im used to ignoring guys who try to hit on you. Also the reason why Ive dated mostly like those super nice and caring guys who seem trustworthy but then end up getting whipped which is no fun

Uuuuh...whipped guys are no fun. Lol
Do you get to drink a lot while working in the bar tho ?? I wanna try working in a bar too but my parents won't allow since they're overprotective af. And also one more reason I can't work at a bar is that you need a certain certificate which I don't have

Yeah no fun at all.. Ive learned my lesson xD
And I would assume most places dont let you drink on the job.. but my boss lets us drink a shot or a glass of beer here and there especially on the less busier nights.
And hm yeah if you actually wanna make the drinks youll have to take a course for it (which is like $300-500 btw :() . I work at the front though as a waitress/bar helper so legally I dont need it, but I do have a smart serve certificate. And honestly its a fun job because of the atmosphere , and great tip (because everyones too drunk to care about how much tip theyre giving you ;) ) ... but if money isnt a concern for you I wouldnt recommend it.

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:37PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

I dressed up for this girl to notice me but I got a bunch of guys to hit on me instead. After that I became less innocent and that's how the feeling of control and manipulation when guys look at me as prey was born...

Omg poor you xD haha..
I work at a bar, so naturally I am surrounded by a lot of drunk men who say stupid shit all the time and try to hit on anyone or anyTHING that moves. So I think Im used to ignoring guys who try to hit on you. Also the reason why Ive dated mostly like those super nice and caring guys who seem trustworthy but then end up getting whipped which is no fun

Uuuuh...whipped guys are no fun. Lol
Do you get to drink a lot while working in the bar tho ?? I wanna try working in a bar too but my parents won't allow since they're overprotective af. And also one more reason I can't work at a bar is that you need a certain certificate which I don't have

Yeah no fun at all.. Ive learned my lesson xD
And I would assume most places dont let you drink on the job.. but my boss lets us drink a shot or a glass of beer here and there especially on the less busier nights.
And hm yeah if you actually wanna make the drinks youll have to take a course for it (which is like $300-500 btw :() . I work at the front though as a waitress/bar helper so legally I dont need it, but I do have a smart serve certificate. And honestly its a fun job because of the atmosphere , and great tip (because everyones drunk to care about how much tip theyre giving you ;) ) ... but if money isnt a concern for you I wouldnt recommend it.

Well, not that money is a concern or anything. I just wanna try it really. Bc I personally think it's a fun job. Lol
I don't have that smart serve certificate and I'm too lazy to take a test or whatever just to get that. Soo yea, sad life. XD

Ohh and btw, I still can't manage to upload a fricking picture in this thread. It's making me crazy and cranky at same time so I gave the fuck up. XD

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:39PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

kitkat101 I used to think that too but eventually it gets tiring and cumbersome like every other job - or probably worse. The only difference is that youre making x 3 times the money. Youll be dealing with drunkards, loud yelling, people touching you inappropriately, cleaning up messes likepuke , etc etc. There are pros and cons to every job though I guess. Youll like it though if you like to socialize and dont mind the aforementioned examples ^ ^
And there are online courses for it! xD

Are you trying to embedd an image from imgur?

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:47PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

high five mvl

joined Apr 3, 2016

Man, looks like I've missed some interesting topics while I was away.
Also, it seems there are a few people here, who I haven't met yet. Hello there. :-) Feel free to ignore my account nickname and call me Lin. I'm used to it and it's much shorter. xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

kitkat101 I used to think that too but eventually it gets tiring and cumbersome like every other job - or probably worse. The only difference is that youre making x 3 times the money. Youll be dealing with drunkards, loud yelling, people touching you inappropriately, cleaning up messes likepuke , etc etc. There are pros and cons to every job though I guess. Youll like it though if you like to socialize and dont mind the aforementioned examples ^ ^
And there are online courses for it! xD

I'm kinda familiar with that experience coz I've been going to bars and nightclubs since I was 16. Lol. I can deal with pros and cons as long as I like the job. If I could, I wanna try every job that I find fun. I like doing a lot of different stuffs XD
Online courses, I found that too. But I'm just waaaay too lazy. Been thinking about getting that certificate for a year now and still nothing XD
See how lazy I am ?? Hahahaha

I tried ImageShack if it works but unfortunately it doesn't (T^T)

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:53PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

I finally got home and as soon as I closed the door, I started shrieking out of nowhere. The latest WDTFS is just waaaaaaaay too good. As I said, best chapter ever.
I still can't believe how Seju cried tho. She just. Omygod. Damn XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

kitkat101 I used to think that too but eventually it gets tiring and cumbersome like every other job - or probably worse. The only difference is that youre making x 3 times the money. Youll be dealing with drunkards, loud yelling, people touching you inappropriately, cleaning up messes likepuke , etc etc. There are pros and cons to every job though I guess. Youll like it though if you like to socialize and dont mind the aforementioned examples ^ ^
And there are online courses for it! xD

I'm kinda familiar with that experience coz I've been going to bars and nightclubs since I was 16. Lol. I can deal with pros and cons as long as I like the job. If I could, I wanna try every job that I find fun. I like doing a lot of different stuffs XD
Online courses, I found that too. But I'm just waaaay too lazy. Been thinking about getting that certificate for a year now and still nothing XD
See how lazy I am ?? Hahahaha

I tried ImageShack if it works but unfortunately it doesn't (T^T)

Since you were 16? O.O
Wouldnt they ask you for your ID?

And yeah! I recommend just going out there and trying all sorts of different jobs :) I think this is like my 7th/8th part time job lol. Its good to keep yourself busy and gain different experiences. It also helps keep stress away from my actual job.

And haha it actually took me a good year of convincing to get mine too ^ ^ lazy people will rule the world one day. Dont forget that <3

Why dont you just use imgur? It seems to work well. Im not too sure about others :(

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 3:10PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh, man, I made it home earlier today. I can't believe I missed the discussion about sexuality and working in bars though. / growling /

joined Mar 2, 2016

Welcome back Lin and Azai ^ ^

joined Sep 15, 2015

kitkat101 I used to think that too but eventually it gets tiring and cumbersome like every other job - or probably worse. The only difference is that youre making x 3 times the money. Youll be dealing with drunkards, loud yelling, people touching you inappropriately, cleaning up messes likepuke , etc etc. There are pros and cons to every job though I guess. Youll like it though if you like to socialize and dont mind the aforementioned examples ^ ^
And there are online courses for it! xD

I'm kinda familiar with that experience coz I've been going to bars and nightclubs since I was 16. Lol. I can deal with pros and cons as long as I like the job. If I could, I wanna try every job that I find fun. I like doing a lot of different stuffs XD
Online courses, I found that too. But I'm just waaaay too lazy. Been thinking about getting that certificate for a year now and still nothing XD
See how lazy I am ?? Hahahaha

I tried ImageShack if it works but unfortunately it doesn't (T^T)

Since you were 16? O.O
Wouldnt they ask you for your ID?

And yeah! I recommend just going out there and trying all sorts of different jobs :) I think this is like my 7th/8th part time job lol. Its good to keep yourself busy and gain different experiences. It also helps keep stress away from my actual job.

And haha it actually took me a good year of convincing to get mine too ^ ^ ** lazy people will rule the world one day. Dont forget that <3**

Why dont you just use imgur? It seems to work well. Im not too sure about others :(

Ohh. Back in Philippines, you can get into bars & nightclubs even if you're not in legal age yet. I mean, Philippines is not a country that always abide the laws. Lol
And not a lot of those places looks for an ID. They just let you in and there you go, you can party all you want, drink all you want, hook up with someone after, but they'll kick you out of the place of course when you're out of control.
I'll try using imgurs, maaaaaaybe. And yes, you're right, lazy people will dominate the world one day. I totally believe that XD

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 3:16PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

lazy people will rule the world one day. Dont forget that <3

How did the saying go again? Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy and wealthy and dead. Yup, I think that was it. ;D

joined Apr 3, 2016

Welcome back Lin and Azai ^ ^

^_^ Thanks.

joined Jan 4, 2016

Oh, man, I made it home earlier today. I can't believe I missed the discussion about sexuality and working in bars though. / growling /

DITTO... maybe ill get the app. feel like im always walking in after fun/intense convos happen #storyofmylife =(

joined Mar 2, 2016

Oh, man, I made it home earlier today. I can't believe I missed the discussion about sexuality and working in bars though. / growling /

DITTO... maybe ill get the app. feel like im always walking in after fun/intense convos happen #storyofmylife =(

What, theres an app for this? O__O

joined Jan 4, 2016

Ohh. Back in Philippines, you can get into bars & nightclubs even if you're not in legal age yet. I mean, Philippines is not a country that always abide the laws. Lol
And not a lot of those places looks for an ID. They just let you in and there you go, you can party all you want, drink all you want, hook up with someone after, but they'll kick you out of the place of course when you're out of control.

Im a part time Bartender/Barista its fun but can be emotionally taxing when dealing with people who are just to full of themselves. In america "the customer is always right" and some take this a little to far..

joined Mar 2, 2016

kitkat101 I used to think that too but eventually it gets tiring and cumbersome like every other job - or probably worse. The only difference is that youre making x 3 times the money. Youll be dealing with drunkards, loud yelling, people touching you inappropriately, cleaning up messes likepuke , etc etc. There are pros and cons to every job though I guess. Youll like it though if you like to socialize and dont mind the aforementioned examples ^ ^
And there are online courses for it! xD

I'm kinda familiar with that experience coz I've been going to bars and nightclubs since I was 16. Lol. I can deal with pros and cons as long as I like the job. If I could, I wanna try every job that I find fun. I like doing a lot of different stuffs XD
Online courses, I found that too. But I'm just waaaay too lazy. Been thinking about getting that certificate for a year now and still nothing XD
See how lazy I am ?? Hahahaha

I tried ImageShack if it works but unfortunately it doesn't (T^T)

Since you were 16? O.O
Wouldnt they ask you for your ID?

And yeah! I recommend just going out there and trying all sorts of different jobs :) I think this is like my 7th/8th part time job lol. Its good to keep yourself busy and gain different experiences. It also helps keep stress away from my actual job.

And haha it actually took me a good year of convincing to get mine too ^ ^ ** lazy people will rule the world one day. Dont forget that <3**

Why dont you just use imgur? It seems to work well. Im not too sure about others :(

Ohh. Back in Philippines, you can get into bars & nightclubs even if you're not in legal age yet. I mean, Philippines is not a country that always abide the laws. Lol
And not a lot of those places looks for an ID. They just let you in and there you go, you can party all you want, drink all you want, hook up with someone after, but they'll kick you out of the place of course when you're out of control.
I'll try using imgurs, maaaaaaybe. And yes, you're right, lazy people will dominate the world one day. I totally believe that XD

Oh wow.. that sounds totally awesome XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh, man, I made it home earlier today. I can't believe I missed the discussion about sexuality and working in bars though. / growling /

DITTO... maybe ill get the app. feel like im always walking in after fun/intense convos happen #storyofmylife =(

What, theres an app for this? O__O

I didn't know an app for this existed XD
But yea, I know how elthudercat and Azai feels when they miss all the fun. It's sad and even if you wanna join in and talk about that again, you just can't bc it's been 4 fucking pages away from the current page.

joined Jan 4, 2016

Oh, man, I made it home earlier today. I can't believe I missed the discussion about sexuality and working in bars though. / growling /

DITTO... maybe ill get the app. feel like im always walking in after fun/intense convos happen #storyofmylife =(

What, theres an app for this? O__O

LOL i actually dont know. There should be though

joined Mar 2, 2016

Ohh. Back in Philippines, you can get into bars & nightclubs even if you're not in legal age yet. I mean, Philippines is not a country that always abide the laws. Lol
And not a lot of those places looks for an ID. They just let you in and there you go, you can party all you want, drink all you want, hook up with someone after, but they'll kick you out of the place of course when you're out of control.

Im a part time Bartender/Barista its fun but can be emotionally taxing when dealing with people who are just to full of themselves. In america "the customer is always right" and some take this a little to far..

Omg I absolutely hate 'the customer is always right' bullshit. Like you can just do me a favour and go fuckyourselves into the never ending pile of assholes that should have never been born to begin with. huff puff

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 3:22PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh, man, I made it home earlier today. I can't believe I missed the discussion about sexuality and working in bars though. / growling /

DITTO... maybe ill get the app. feel like im always walking in after fun/intense convos happen #storyofmylife =(

What, theres an app for this? O__O

I didn't know an app for this existed XD
But yea, I know how elthudercat and Azai feels when they miss all the fun. It's sad and even if you wanna join in and talk about that again, you just can't bc it's been 4 fucking pages away from the current page.

Right? I mean, you may see the conversation going on, but you're in work and you can't really write anything, because it would take too much of your attention. But you like "waaaaait for me! Don't leave me behind!" And then 2 pages happens.

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 3:25PM

joined Sep 15, 2015


Oh wow.. that sounds totally awesome XD

It is awesome. There's a lot Koreans there too. I get to dance with one of the Korean guys but the guy I was dating back then just fricking pushed him away. So I'm like, wtf XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ohh. Back in Philippines, you can get into bars & nightclubs even if you're not in legal age yet. I mean, Philippines is not a country that always abide the laws. Lol
And not a lot of those places looks for an ID. They just let you in and there you go, you can party all you want, drink all you want, hook up with someone after, but they'll kick you out of the place of course when you're out of control.

Im a part time Bartender/Barista its fun but can be emotionally taxing when dealing with people who are just to full of themselves. In america "the customer is always right" and some take this a little to far..

Omg I absolutely hate 'the customer is always right' bullshit. Like you can just do me a favour and go fuckyourselves into the never ending pile of assholes that should have never been born to begin with. huff puff

I agree. Even here, that 'customer is always right' policy is just annoying and sometimes I just want those annoying & rude people to talk to my middle finger instead coz I'm definitely sure they can understand each other and maybe they'd get along really well XD

joined Mar 2, 2016


Oh wow.. that sounds totally awesome XD

It is awesome. There's a lot Koreans there too. I get to dance with one of the Korean guys but the guy I was dating back then just fricking pushed him away. So I'm like, wtf XD

Its okay, korean guys arent all that great anyway :P 85% of them are pushovers that get whipped by their girlfriends. The ' cool' guys you see in kdramas cease to exist. XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh, man, I made it home earlier today. I can't believe I missed the discussion about sexuality and working in bars though. / growling /

DITTO... maybe ill get the app. feel like im always walking in after fun/intense convos happen #storyofmylife =(

What, theres an app for this? O__O

I didn't know an app for this existed XD
But yea, I know how elthudercat and Azai feels when they miss all the fun. It's sad and even if you wanna join in and talk about that again, you just can't bc it's been 4 fucking pages away from the current page.

Right? I mean, you may see the conversation going on, but you're in work and you can't really write anything, because it would take too much of your attention. But you like "waaaaait for me! Don't leave me behind!" And then 2 pages happens.

Well, at least for you its just 2 pages. While I get to see 4 pages added after a 4 hour shift. So I already knew I missed that much fun already. Sigh. Life.

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