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joined Dec 9, 2014

Seems like most women here are bi? I'm too lol. Is anyoone a lesbian? Just curious

joined Mar 2, 2016

Ah, I love real media stuff. There's something that sets it apart from pure digital.

Yes I agree that there is more of a fulfillment in traditional art ^ ^ It's just that it's x2 more of a pain because there's no ctrl z button . Sigh.. if only.. ._.

And this is why I write with a word processor and not my dad's old mechanical typewriter, as cool as it is.

Also the reason why traditional art is going down the drain.. if it hasn't already. :(
But digital art is also amazing in it's own right so I can see why.

I don't think traditional will ever really go away. There are advantages to doing a lot of things like pencilling on paper, and traditional instruments have a satisfying tactile sense about them. Even a lot of digital artists that I've spoken with recommend learning real media first, even if you end up going full digital later on.

Yeah its highly unlikely that its going to completely disappear (well who knows maybe it will a hundreds of years from now). But career wise, its a well known fact that its just much harder to find a job as a traditional artist nowadays.
And I completely agree with those artists youve spoken to. If you have the fundamentals of art down, you can easily transfer all of that skill over to digital media, where as you can't do the same the other way around. Nothing will beat using traditional tools to hone your drawing skills.

mvl thanks I appreciate it ^ ^
And aw sorry martian Im sorry Im not sure how else to show it :(

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 12:53PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Yeah its highly unlikely that its going to completely disappear (well who knows maybe it will a hundreds of years from now). But career wise, its a well known fact that its just much harder to find a job as a traditional artist nowadays.

Just put Mickey Mouse ears and a pack of cigarettes in and get some of that sweet Banksy swag. You'll be all set.

And I completely agree with those artists youve spoken to. If you have the fundamentals of art down, you can easily transfer all of that skill over to digital media, where as you can't do the same the other way around. Nothing will beat using traditional tools to hone your drawing skills.

I used to hang out in the forums a lot, and a bunch of pros hang out there. Plus my animation instructors of course.

joined Mar 2, 2016

MacySan I think for me its all just a matter of what the person is like, regardless of their gender. I never really thought about it so much before I joined the forums here, so I had idenified myself as straight because I had only fallen for guys before.. but now I feel it wasnt because they were men, but more just because I liked who they were as a person. Ive never met a girl who Ive had romantic feelings for, but if I ever do, I wouldnt have a problem dating her. I also do find that I prefer stories/mangas/whatever with two women,rather than one with a man. So I guess that does make me bi? I have no idea. Im just going to leave it to fate to let me meet the Sumin of my dreams.. whether they be male or female. ^ ^

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 1:14PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

MacySan I think for me its all just a matter of what the person is like, regardless of their gender. I never really thought about it so much before I joined the forums here, so I had idenified myself as straight because I had only fallen for guys before.. but now I feel it wasnt because they were men, but more just because I liked who they were as a person. Ive never met a girl who Ive had romantic feelings for, but if I ever do, I wouldnt have a problem dating her . I do find that I prefer stories/mangas/whatever with two women, than one with a man. So I guess that does make me bi? I have no idea. Im just going to leave it to fate to let me meet the Sumin of my dreams.. whether they be male or female. ^ ^

Yeah, Sumin is the best, isn't she? ♥_♥

joined Dec 9, 2014

Newp It also depends if you are sexually attracted to someone. If you are not attracted to women this way, I'd say you are probably on the straight side. Although of course I can't talk about you personally and I could be wrong ^^'
I wish I was like that. To me, I just can't help but consider the person's gender too xD

joined Mar 2, 2016

MacySan I think for me its all just a matter of what the person is like, regardless of their gender. I never really thought about it so much before I joined the forums here, so I had idenified myself as straight because I had only fallen for guys before.. but now I feel it wasnt because they were men, but more just because I liked who they were as a person. Ive never met a girl who Ive had romantic feelings for, but if I ever do, I wouldnt have a problem dating her . I do find that I prefer stories/mangas/whatever with two women, than one with a man. So I guess that does make me bi? I have no idea. Im just going to leave it to fate to let me meet the Sumin of my dreams.. whether they be male or female. ^ ^

Yeah, Sumin is the best, isn't she? ♥_♥

Yes <3 its not just Sumin though, I always tend to fall in love with other badass female characters. I dont think Ive ever read a manga or watched a movie where I thought 'damn I want him' but Ive had plenty of 'damn shes hot/I want her.'('s). It really intrigues me on how I never really thought there might be more to those feelings than a just simple girl crush.

MacySan Hm.. Like I mentioned before I dont think Ive ever met a girl in person who Ive had feelings for .. but when it comes to characters/people (celebreties for example) I do feel sexually attracted to them. As in yes, Id sleep with them if I could :P but yeah.. I will just keep my sexuality under the [unknown] side for now xD

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 1:35PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

To me, I just can't help but consider the person's gender too xD

Same. ^^;

joined Mar 8, 2014

Newp It also depends if you are sexually attracted to someone. If you are not attracted to women this way, I'd say you are probably on the straight side. Although of course I can't talk about you personally and I could be wrong ^^'
I wish I was like that. To me, I just can't help but consider the person's gender too xD

yeaaah, I'm the same! I like both but I like them differently, I'm not so indifferent towards their gender.
I'm definitely more attracted to women. I'm attracted to more guys but I never got a crush on one, well at least not a very big crush...? I have had small crushes in girls more often but I only had one big crush on one girl. I'm not super interested in guys to be honest, I can't help but feel attracted to some but I don't think I'd want to be in a relationship with one... I mean I think I'd most likely fall in love with a girl rather than a guy. What I do thin though is that if I broke up with this girl I could end up being more interested in guys afterwards ahaha, but I'm not sure :P, for now I'm like this.

joined Mar 8, 2014

MacySan I think for me its all just a matter of what the person is like, regardless of their gender. I never really thought about it so much before I joined the forums here, so I had idenified myself as straight because I had only fallen for guys before.. but now I feel it wasnt because they were men, but more just because I liked who they were as a person. Ive never met a girl who Ive had romantic feelings for, but if I ever do, I wouldnt have a problem dating her . I do find that I prefer stories/mangas/whatever with two women, than one with a man. So I guess that does make me bi? I have no idea. Im just going to leave it to fate to let me meet the Sumin of my dreams.. whether they be male or female. ^ ^

Yeah, Sumin is the best, isn't she? ♥_♥

Yes <3 its not just Sumin though, I always tend to fall in love with other badass female characters. I dont think Ive ever read a manga or watched a movie where I thought 'damn I want him' but Ive had plenty of 'damn shes hot/I want her.'('s). It really intrigues me on how I never really thought there might be more those feelings than a just simple girl crush.

MacySan Hm.. Like I mentioned before I dont think Ive ever met a girl in person who Ive had feelings for .. but when it comes to characters/people (celebreties for example) I do feel sexually attracted to them. As in yes, Id sleep with them if I could :P but yeah.. I will just keep my sexuality under the [unknown] side for now xD

I was the same before I had this big crush on this one girl! Honestly if it wasn't for that I would have never realized those small crushes were crushes at all! There was a cashier girl in the supermarket and I kept going there to buy ice tea because I wanted to see her! ahaha, and I felt so confused because this felt really weird... because I didn't know her, why on earth would I want to "be friends" with her so badly? and I was posting on yahoo answers asking if I was a lesbian or sth ahaha, omg, I was so funny ^///^'''

joined Mar 8, 2014

To me, I just can't help but consider the person's gender too xD

Same. ^^;

Can I know the reason? > < I know that theres a belief that guys act a certain way and girls act a certain way, but that cant be true to everyone out theree. Unless you mean you consider their gender because you want kids in the future for example? Im just curious.

For me it's not exactly like that. I think it's mostly for superficial reasons, like appearance and stuff. Women tend to be more emotional which kind of draws me in though. Like for example I like girls who are kind of tomboyish, more in mannerisms rather than the way they dress and I find that really attractive but with a guy... it's more of a neutral thing. Manly guys are not that uncommon (I mean normal-manly, not the super macho manly ok? ^-^'') but girls with a "masculine attitude" are not so common so that attracts me. There is a nice blend of femininity and masculinity that I like ^-^ and since I don't like guys with feminine mannerisms I don't really like when there's a blend of that in a guy.
I don't know if this makes sense at all! but yeah! ahaha ^-^'''

joined Jul 27, 2015

There was a cashier girl in the supermarket and I kept going there to buy ice tea because I wanted to see her!

D'aw, that's just adorable. XD ... And it just reminded me of how hungry I am. :/
Man, I should've bought more snacks the other day.

But srsly, you asked yahoo answers about your sexuality? ...Okay, I know I said I found it a bit annoying that people call you that, but it really is true. You are a cinnamon roll. O.M.G. X'D

I still hate cinnamon rolls tho. Like, who eats that stuff without being forced to? DX

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 1:41PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

yeaaah, I'm the same! I like both but I like them differently, I'm not so indifferent towards their gender.
I'm definitely more attracted to women. I'm attracted to more guys but I never got a crush on one, well at least not a very big crush...? I have had small crushes in girls more often but I only had one big crush on one girl. I'm not super interested in guys to be honest, I can't help but feel attracted to some but I don't think I'd want to be in a relationship with one... I mean I think I'd most likely fall in love with a girl rather than a guy. What I do thin though is that if I broke up with this girl I could end up being more interested in guys afterwards ahaha, but I'm not sure :P, for now I'm like this.

It's funny because this is how I feel too. I also considered myself straight until highschool and I got some small crushes in guys. But then I went to college and i fell in love with a grl that ended up very very bad.

Can I know the reason? > < I know that theres a belief that guys act a certain way and girls act a certain way, but that cant be true to everyone out theree. Unless you mean you consider their gender because you want kids in the future for example? Im just curious

Not just about kids. Like Faylicia said too, liking a guy and a girl feels different. For example, with a guy I feel like I am being protected, while with the girl I feel another type of connection, a little more intense, but also sometimes this is bad, because it can end up worse.
And truth to be told, I donb't know how society subconsciously influenced us regarding who we like, but I think it plays a role whether we realise it or not.

joined Mar 2, 2016

I was the same before I had this big crush on this one girl! Honestly if it wasn't for that I would have never realized those small crushes were crushes at all! There was a cashier girl in the supermarket and I kept going there to buy ice tea because I wanted to see her! ahaha, and I felt so confused because this felt really weird... because I didn't know her, why on earth would I want to "be friends" with her so badly? and I was posting on yahoo answers asking if I was a lesbian or sth ahaha, omg, I was so funny ^///^'''

Omg hahaha yahoo answers thats hilarious XDD cause I use that to read other peoples answers to certain questions hahaha.
That actually reminds me of ONE girl who I actually worked with for a year up until recently. She was 12 years older than me, and at first she seemed scary and kind of cold.. but as I got to know her I saw a different side to her and I eventually just loved seeing her and working with her. Honestly now that I think back I probably did have some sort of feelings for her but I knew it wouldnt go anywhere because she was going back to Korea. I probably just kept it so deep inside that I didnt even realize until I thought about it just now :( now Im sad.
Eve n though she was 12 years older than me, and way more mature as a person, sometimes she did or said things that made me want to protect her.. But again, never thought too deeply about it so now Im taking the time to reminsce. :(

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 1:50PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

yeaaah, I'm the same! I like both but I like them differently, I'm not so indifferent towards their gender.
I'm definitely more attracted to women. I'm attracted to more guys but I never got a crush on one, well at least not a very big crush...? I have had small crushes in girls more often but I only had one big crush on one girl. I'm not super interested in guys to be honest, I can't help but feel attracted to some but I don't think I'd want to be in a relationship with one... I mean I think I'd most likely fall in love with a girl rather than a guy. What I do thin though is that if I broke up with this girl I could end up being more interested in guys afterwards ahaha, but I'm not sure :P, for now I'm like this.

It's funny because this is how I feel too. I also considered myself straight until highschool and I got some small crushes in guys. But then I went to college and i fell in love with a grl that ended up very very bad.

Can I know the reason? > < I know that theres a belief that guys act a certain way and girls act a certain way, but that cant be true to everyone out theree. Unless you mean you consider their gender because you want kids in the future for example? Im just curious

Not just about kids. Like Faylicia said too, liking a guy and a girl feels different. For example, with a guy I feel like I am being protected, while with the girl I feel another type of connection, a little more intense, but also sometimes this is bad, because it can end up worse.
And truth to be told, I donb't know how society subconsciously influenced us regarding who we like, but I think it plays a role whether we realise it or not.

yeah I think so too! ;_; that's really sad, I hope it ends well next time though :)
my high school crush ended bad too, the whole school found out and the girl just ignored me even though she said she wanted to talk to me! at least she shouldn't have said that! she was asking this friend of mine a bunch of questions and acting super curious... the irony -> now she lives in a city right next to mine -.- this girl from my high school (she was in the same class as my crush) tried to comment on that (during summer before I moved to England) to get a reaction out of me! She was like, oh you're moving to X oh you know [crush's name] also lives in there? you know that tall girl who was in my class, you know her right? I was a bit taken aback for a moment... like does she really not know I know her? But then I remembered that she's a jerk -.- and I was like, "yeah, yeah, I know who she is" and I left it at that =.=
P.S I feel more protected with girls, guys make me feel like I need to keep my guard on and I feel like they see me as a prey most of time time, not that I feel like a prey though, I feel like I can use that to get my way sometimes >.> though I don't really try it too often but I have noticed it works even if I don't try :P which I like, it makes me feel in control and like I can manipulate them while they think that they've got me, I'd never go anything mean though ^-^
By the way, today is my name day :D I'm not a Christian so I don't exactly celebrate but my family is (not surprising I bet! :P). MacySan guess what my name is ^.-

joined Jul 27, 2015

One thing I found very hard to distinguish at first was having a crush on a girl and simply admiring a girl. It's pretty easy to confuse "I want to be with" her and "I want to be like her." That's what gave me headaches back when I was a teen. There was this girl in my class, who was seriously beautiful and kind and funny, the whole package, really. I just felt drawn to her and kept thinking "she's so awesome, she's got this and that and she does all of those cool things." If you haven't ever really fallen hard for somebody, I found that this is difficult to recognize as simple admiration instead of an actual crush. At least that's how it was for me. 3 weeks after I had started feeling all these things for her, I fell in love with a boy, but my feelings for her didn't go away. You can imagine how confusing that was to sort out. >.<

joined Mar 8, 2014

I was the same before I had this big crush on this one girl! Honestly if it wasn't for that I would have never realized those small crushes were crushes at all! There was a cashier girl in the supermarket and I kept going there to buy ice tea because I wanted to see her! ahaha, and I felt so confused because this felt really weird... because I didn't know her, why on earth would I want to "be friends" with her so badly? and I was posting on yahoo answers asking if I was a lesbian or sth ahaha, omg, I was so funny ^///^'''

Omg hahaha yahoo answers thats hilarious XDD cause I use that to read other peoples answers to certain questions hahaha.
That actually reminds me of ONE girl who I actually worked with for a year up until recently. She was 12 years older than me, and at first she seemed scary and kind of cold.. but as I got to know her I saw a different side to her and I eventually just loved seeing her and working with her. Honestly now that I think back I probably did have some sort of feelings for her but I knew it wouldnt go anywhere because she was going back to Korea. I probably just kept it so deep inside that I didnt even realize until I thought about it just now :( now Im sad.
Eve n though she was 12 years older than me, and way more mature as a person, sometimes she did or said things that made me want to protect her.. But again, never thought too deeply about it so now Im taking the time to reminsce. :(

aw ;_; don't be sad!!! I like scary and kind of cold too! ahahaha, that's how the cashier was as well, she hardly ever smiled but she had this deep gaze... oh well! maybe I'm romanticizing it too much :P... I don't exactly remember her too much tbh, because after that I moved to Cyprus, I was only 15

joined Mar 2, 2016

One thing I found very hard to distinguish at first was having a crush on a girl and simply admiring a girl. It's pretty easy to confuse "I want to be with" her and "I want to be like her." That's what gave me headaches back when I was a teen. There was this girl in my class, who was seriously beautiful and kind and funny, the whole package, really. I just felt drawn to her and kept thinking "she's so awesome, she's got this and that and she does all of those cool things." If you haven't ever really fallen hard for somebody, I found that this is difficult to recognize as simple admiration instead of an actual crush. At least that's how it was for me. 3 weeks after I had started feeling all these things for her, I fell in love with a boy, but my feelings for her didn't go away. You can imagine how confusing that was to sort out. >.<

Its similar to the whole 'love vs infatuation' debate I guess. Man that brings back memories of discussions we had in family studies class. Not fun.

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 1:58PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Well this is why it is better to not talk about these stuff with people you don't 100% trust.
Not surprsied, 90% or Greeks/Cypriots are Christians.
Is your name Eutuxia ? :D

Its similar to the whole 'love vs infatuation' debate I guess. Man that brings back memories of discussions we had in family studies class. Not fun.

I think that even being infatuated with someone counts though

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:02PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

One thing I found very hard to distinguish at first was having a crush on a girl and simply admiring a girl. It's pretty easy to confuse "I want to be with" her and "I want to be like her." That's what gave me headaches back when I was a teen. There was this girl in my class, who was seriously beautiful and kind and funny, the whole package, really. I just felt drawn to her and kept thinking "she's so awesome, she's got this and that and she does all of those cool things." If you haven't ever really fallen hard for somebody, I found that this is difficult to recognize as simple admiration instead of an actual crush. At least that's how it was for me. 3 weeks after I had started feeling all these things for her, I fell in love with a boy, but my feelings for her didn't go away. You can imagine how confusing that was to sort out. >.<

wow, yeah sounds super confusing!! I did have a lot of admiration things for older women when I was a child but I'm not sure if any of them were crushes >.> I was a child after all so did they have that much of a difference!? >.< I don't know, I think it was a bit of both in most cases, but maybe mostly admiration... The cashier girl was my first actual crush :D and ummm... I was 15 so >.> I mean I was a bit naive back then, writing in the yahoo answers and stuff... >.> Aaaanyway it was a very small crush I had on the summer! When I moved to Cyprus the same year I got a real huge crush on this senior but I was more calm and I didn't mind so much whether it was a crush or not... but I felt kind of really curious about whether that guy was her boyfriend I felt really sad when I saw her hugging him so I was super confused! Then I saw her kissing him and it just hit me sooooo suddenly and I was thinking "oh, my gosh... I really do like her that way..." and then I never talked to her again and she never talked to me again and I tried to not think about it and I thought I was over it :D... but... I wasn't... it had been like 5 months or so even! omg! and I started getting dreams and stuff and I decided I had to talk to her again because I couldn't handle not talking to her anymore >.< plus she didn't seem to care about that bf of hers. She broke up with him afterwards, aaanyway, next year I was 16 and we went to this trip with all my schoolmates and we went to this bar (becaaaauuuse it was a village and no one asks for you id, don't worry I literally just had orange juice, ok? >.<). I'm gonna ramble but ok. I was already starting to change but that year I started becoming really girly and trying to be a bit moreeee... sexy ^-^''' so I got this expensive perfume and this dress and make up and eyeshadows, ahaha, everything! So we went to this bar ok and I saw my crush kissing this random guy -.- I was so heartbroken, seriously... I think it's kind of funny now, because I don't even know how I got a crush on this girl! I didn't even know her well! But yeah I just went out of the bar and I didn't really want to get back in so I ended up trying to get back to the hotel (yeah um, I was alone but it was a village ok?! I know it was dangerous but!) anyway, I got lost, I got some guys trying to hit on me on the way back... The next day I was 'better' and we went to that bar again err... and there was this guy who bought me juice and was trying to hit on me. It was the first guy that tried to hit on me like that. The irony -> I dressed up for this girl to notice me but I got a bunch of guys to hit on me instead. After that I became less innocent and that's how the feeling of control and manipulation when guys look at me as prey was born... or something like that... ^-^'' yeah, that feeling of achievement when a guy hits on me... I couldn't get that girls attention but at least I was popular with the guys-sort of feeling

joined Mar 8, 2014

aw ;_; don't be sad!!! I like scary and kind of cold too! ahahaha, that's how the cashier was as well, she hardly ever smiled but she had this deep gaze... oh well! maybe I'm romanticizing it too much :P... I don't exactly remember her too much tbh, because after that I moved to Cyprus, I was only 15

Yeah I think I get easily attracted to people who seem cold on the outside but are just a pile of gummy bears on the inside.

how fun it would be to dominate one.. heheh..

(Its weird I feel like naturally Im both a sluttyslutty bottom (as dofudofu likes to call it) and a hornyhorny top at the same time +__+ )

yeah I'm a bit the same I think >.> maybe a bit more mild than you though! ^-^
MacySan yes, that's one of my names ahaha, the first one to be precise. But I don't write it like that in English ;)
p.s I'm gonna go buy jelly, it's the first time in my life I crave jelly. Ah, also to the library to get that book about animation genre, I've got an essay to write, a character to rig and a film to dig... er.. no.. that's not... >.>

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:15PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Yeah I think I get easily attracted to people who seem cold on the outside but are just a pile of gummy bears on the inside.

how fun it would be to dominate one.. heheh..

(Its weird I feel like naturally Im both a sluttyslutty bottom (as dofudofu likes to call it) and a hornyhorny top at the same time +__+ )

Story of my life. Lol

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:17PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

I dressed up for this girl to notice me but I got a bunch of guys to hit on me instead. After that I became less innocent and that's how the feeling of control and manipulation when guys look at me as prey was born...

Omg poor you xD haha..
I work at a bar, so naturally I am surrounded by a lot of drunk men who say stupid shit all the time and try to hit on anyone or anyTHING that moves. So I think Im used to ignoring guys who try to hit on me. Thats also the reason why Ive dated mostly like those super nice and caring guys who seem trustworthy but then they end up getting whipped which is no fun btw
need some spice in your life yanno :(

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 2:36PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ugh. Done for the 4 hour shift today but still have to come back at work later for another 5 hour shift. Daaaaaamn

joined Sep 15, 2015

I dressed up for this girl to notice me but I got a bunch of guys to hit on me instead. After that I became less innocent and that's how the feeling of control and manipulation when guys look at me as prey was born...

Omg poor you xD haha..
I work at a bar, so naturally I am surrounded by a lot of drunk men who say stupid shit all the time and try to hit on anyone or anyTHING that moves. So I think Im used to ignoring guys who try to hit on you. Also the reason why Ive dated mostly like those super nice and caring guys who seem trustworthy but then end up getting whipped which is no fun

Uuuuh...whipped guys are no fun. Lol
Do you get to drink a lot while working in the bar tho ?? I wanna try working in a bar too but my parents won't allow since they're overprotective af. And also one more reason I can't work at a bar is that you need a certain certificate which I don't have

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