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joined Sep 15, 2015

But do you know exactly what you like in people ?? Like what you're interested in ?? Or you might wanna go around, hang out somewhere, be involved on something and then try to figure out what to do next.
Try doing something new at least every day.

joined Mar 8, 2014

But do you know exactly what you like in people ?? Like what you're interested in ?? Or you might wanna go around, hang out somewhere, be involved on something and then try to figure out what to do next.
Try doing something new at least every day.

Yes, I do know. There aren't many things to do here but I try to do when there is an opportunity but it's not always possible either because I'm busy or my friends are :/ I always try to do new things but I'll have to putt them off for the month because I'm supposed to be working... I need to do some work now too but I don't feel so ok, I feel a bit tired and malnourished and emotional and... >.> yes... I'm on my period... >.> I don't know if that has anything to do with it... maybe partly...

joined Nov 20, 2015


I awoke from my deep slumber! muahhahahah!

It's nice to have deep slumber..
I will need to drain my stamina to fall in deep slumber. Couldnt sleep well in last three days..

Oh gosh not the stamina thing again XD

  • a hand on forehead.. I mean gotta go to gym.. Lol

is that really what you meant? >.>

What? Dont believe me? xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

But do you know exactly what you like in people ?? Like what you're interested in ?? Or you might wanna go around, hang out somewhere, be involved on something and then try to figure out what to do next.
Try doing something new at least every day.

Yes, I do know. There aren't many things to do here but I try to do when there is an opportunity but it's not always possible either because I'm busy or my friends are :/ I always try to do new things but I'll have to putt them off for the month because I'm supposed to be working... I need to do some work now too but I don't feel so ok, I feel a bit tired and malnourished and emotional and... >.> yes... I'm on my period... >.> I don't know if that has anything to do with it... maybe partly...

Maybe partly yea.
Just do something or anything that even you alone can do. It's never too late to do something new even if it's simple. Meeting new people or having a random chat with people would be fine too.
As for dating, are you sure you're gay tho ?? If so, does any of your friend know ?? If not, at least let one of them know. They might hook you up with some amazing girl ;)
You're in college, sleeping with them & dating seriously has a big difference. Just enjoy life. Make the most of it. :>

joined Mar 8, 2014


I awoke from my deep slumber! muahhahahah!

It's nice to have deep slumber..
I will need to drain my stamina to fall in deep slumber. Couldnt sleep well in last three days..

Oh gosh not the stamina thing again XD

  • a hand on forehead.. I mean gotta go to gym.. Lol

is that really what you meant? >.>

What? Dont believe me? xD

I don't know >.> are you hyperactive?! like I have a friend who needs to go to the gym to release her emotions or sth! I think I get it both ways though so don't worry I won't ask questions!

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 1:33AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Definitely not a morning person. But my job requires me to be in at work at 8 in the morning soo I don't have any choice but to wake up 5 or 6 in the morning.

Not a morning person because you're a vampire at night,
or although you skipped yr vampire activities, you're still not a morning person?

joined Mar 8, 2014

But do you know exactly what you like in people ?? Like what you're interested in ?? Or you might wanna go around, hang out somewhere, be involved on something and then try to figure out what to do next.
Try doing something new at least every day.

Yes, I do know. There aren't many things to do here but I try to do when there is an opportunity but it's not always possible either because I'm busy or my friends are :/ I always try to do new things but I'll have to putt them off for the month because I'm supposed to be working... I need to do some work now too but I don't feel so ok, I feel a bit tired and malnourished and emotional and... >.> yes... I'm on my period... >.> I don't know if that has anything to do with it... maybe partly...

Maybe partly yea.
Just do something or anything that even you alone can do. It's never too late to do something new even if it's simple. Meeting new people or having a random chat with people would be fine too.
As for dating, are you sure you're gay tho ?? If so, does any of your friend know ?? If not, at least let one of them know. They might hook you up with some amazing girl ;)
You're in college, sleeping with them & dating seriously has a big difference. Just enjoy life. Make the most of it. :>

Yeah I know but it's too distracting when I have a lot of things to do >.> I guess I can do new things everyday for my projects... ha,ha,ha... >.>
I'm bi and yeah some do know... maybe some that are not my friends might have found out as well, but I'm not sure >.>
Hm? what do you mean by that? '-' I don't really wanna sleep with some random person I find attractive tbh... >.> it just seems kind of gross/scary... just personally...

joined Sep 15, 2015

Definitely not a morning person. But my job requires me to be in at work at 8 in the morning soo I don't have any choice but to wake up 5 or 6 in the morning.

Not a morning person because you're a vampire at night,
or although you skipped yr vampire activities, you're still not a morning person?

It's impossible for me to be a morning person. Unless I see some pancakes with choco syrup....(♡v♡)

joined Nov 20, 2015


I awoke from my deep slumber! muahhahahah!

It's nice to have deep slumber..
I will need to drain my stamina to fall in deep slumber. Couldnt sleep well in last three days..

Oh gosh not the stamina thing again XD

  • a hand on forehead.. I mean gotta go to gym.. Lol

is that really what you meant? >.>

What? Dont believe me? xD

.> I don't know >.< are you hyperactive?! like I have a friend who needs to go to the gym to release her emotions or sth! I think I get it both ways though so don't worry I won't ask questions!

Nah.. I'm not hyperactive...
I'm having headache now for lack of sleep. I'm sleepy but my brain keeps working..

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 1:36AM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Hm? what do you mean by that? '-' I don't really wanna sleep with some random person I find attractive tbh... >.> it just seems kind of gross/scary... just personally...

Lol. Of course it's always different for every person. That was just my personal opinion.

joined Mar 8, 2014

I think I'll go back to sleep until the supermarket opens to buy milk... I don't feel really well after all... I'll just break down if I try to work and I'll get overly sensitive about random stuff again... -.-

joined Mar 2, 2016

(ㅎㅅㅎ) had too much caffiene.. cant seem to sleep.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Imma go to bed too. Been awake for more than 12hrs now. I need to rest. Haha
Til tomorrow again~~

joined Nov 20, 2015

(ㅎㅅㅎ) had too much caffiene.. cant seem to sleep.

:) I drink coffee occasionally only.. Caffeine is not my stuff

Seriously, mvl89..
You have to show up..

joined Nov 20, 2015

Imma go to bed too. Been awake for more than 12hrs now. I need to rest. Haha
Til tomorrow again~~

Nice dream..

joined Jul 27, 2015

comes here at 1:30am complaining about how she can't fall asleep
falls asleep literally 10 minutes after making that post
My body is trolling me. -.-

joined Apr 3, 2016

I still say it's the new meds. Your sleeping patterns have been fucked up ever since you started taking them. You should really tell your doc about this.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Morning, guys. leave coffee ready for you
I won't backread any of this new pages. I failed at successfully adding you into my already messy life.

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 4:47AM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Honestly, I think I will. I thought at first that it's normal cause I always have problems with my sleep cycle in spring for some reason, but it's never been this bad. :/ I'm gonna make an appointment soon. I just wonder if it's okay to just stop taking them until then. I really don't wanna deal with this crap anymore. DX

How's Timmy doing?

joined Jul 27, 2015

Also, morning Azai. ^^ I haven't backread anything too. TL,DR. XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

Good morning.../night?
hmm... I woke up! I still feel bad though... I'm just going to stay at home today. Btw, I hate coffee, it's so bitter, I mean I like if it has lots of sugar but I'm not gonna drink it and overdose on sugar as a result >.>
Actually while I was sleeping I had some really weird dreams... about... a new Christian holidays in which you celebrate death but also the birth of people and weddings... >.> and the fact that everything had an end... ugh so morbid... and you also eat fish crackers with chocolate... ew... but they tasted good...? I was with my aunt in this holiday, I don't know how... because in my dream I woke up after hearing my alarm a lot of times and realized it was really late... Also in reality my alarm just stopped ringing because I was dreaming about it instead of waking up -.-
Also why does this show 12am... it's supposed to be 10am... >.> I'm confused... oh yeah right maybe that's the time in the forum...?

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 4:55AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Morning all...

This is really strange to say 'nice dream' and 'morning' in short time.. :D

Gotta get back from office now..

joined Apr 3, 2016

/drinks all the coffee, leaving nothing for anyone else/ One thing you should know about me: I'm a caffeine junkie. If there's coffee, it's mine. xD

I don't think that'd be a good idea. Your heart's used to being supported by now. You're on vacation anyway, so as long as you do sleep at all, it's ok isn't it? Deal with it a bit longer- And tell your doc it's urgent so you won't have to wait too long.

Timmy is being the bundle of joy he always is. ^_^ He's playing video games now, so I can relax a bit. He wore me out yesterday. xD He says hello, by the way.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Yay, now I don't have to drink it! ^-^

joined Jan 13, 2016

(ㅎㅅㅎ) had too much caffiene.. cant seem to sleep.

:) I drink coffee occasionally only.. Caffeine is not my stuff

Seriously, mvl89..
You have to show up..

I missed you too too much but i decided to go off and get married to 7 pink brides in the pink plant. I'll come back and make you my eighth bride. Adios my bride numero ocho. Don't cheat on me!

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