Hopefully Kurumi lives so that they'll both get a chance at this kind of future. They both deserve it
Wow, for once Kagami is on the recieving end
I need moar Akko x Diana in my life~
Akko x Diana
^You're not the only one who thought of that
I still don't know where Rise xNaoto came from in original game. But I like this.
The princess idol. And the prince detectives.
with the size of those boobs, it's more likely they'll be honking up all night. >>
Lesbians everywhere ! Love those two, always thought they'd make a great couple.
Great pic. Pity even the source one is too small or whould have made it my desktop wallpaper. ; ;
Now kiss the truth out of her lips. :3
@Chantelune its massive actually. try copy pasting the image into your url.
Ah, right, guess I did it wrong. Thanks, new desktop wp acquired !
@Fiwane WHAT!???
last edited at Mar 9, 2016 2:44AM
Sry, but to me Noir was kinda boring.
Magical Nipples Kiss? XD
so good to see this!
i dont get it... i dont get it... i dont get it..... i got it.
Ahahahaha ^=^ funny
last edited at Mar 9, 2016 5:00AM
Ha funny
Well that's one way to save us from makeup troubles. Thanks Kirishima-sensei!
I knew it was time for some NicoMaki LOVING again! >~<
Why would it hur...oh... OH!
try copy pasting the image into your url.
man, that was a great trick...why did I just know of this now..? Nice avatar btw, I was wondering what Otsu Hiyori manga is this again?
@yuzuyuri http://dynasty-scans.com/series/othello
correction: this comment section is alright!
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