Mar 8, 2016
Author: Asaka Takishima Chart Doujin: Pokémon Doujin: Noir Doujin: El Cazador de la Bruja Yuri Pairing: Ellis x Nadie Pairing: Elesa x Skyla Pairing: Cynthia x Dawn Doujin: Kaleido Star Doujin: Madlax Age gap Pairing: Kirika x Mireille Pairing: Madlax x Vanessa Princess carry Pairing: Layla x Sora

Darkfire213 Mar 8, 2016 8:06PM
I love this very much. I love charts in general, but this one is special b/c is has El Cazador on it.
elevown Mar 8, 2016 8:44PM
^The El Cazador one would look better if Nadie didn't have cat ears- makes it not look like her much.
kickap00 Mar 8, 2016 8:46PM
I remember the good ole days of gun slinger yuri
drpepperfan Mar 8, 2016 8:46PM
Artists's OTP's im guessing.
yuikumari Mar 8, 2016 8:52PM
kewl , ii lke this shows .. el cazador should've had nadie nd her hook'n up one niqhhtt
loudsea Mar 8, 2016 9:00PM
@elevown The cat ear is actually just part of Nadie's asymmetrical hairstyle
Humanalice Mar 8, 2016 9:14PM
On the Pokemon ships, why does it say pocket monsters?
Breakdanceanomicon Mar 8, 2016 9:21PM
That's what Pokemon is called in Japan. The word "pokemon" itself is an abbreviation of "POcKEt" and "MONster".
KizuRai Mar 8, 2016 9:21PM
@Humanalice Uh.. because that's what 'Pokemon' stands for? Poke = Pocket, Mon = monsters
EDIT: Dammit, Breakdanceanomicon ninja'd it before me xD
last edited at Mar 8, 2016 9:22PM
Breakdanceanomicon Mar 8, 2016 9:45PM
elevown Mar 8, 2016 10:17PM
@loudsea Lol - you are right that's what it's meant to be - been a while since I watched it - but I still think the tuft and hair in general are a bit off (not messy enough with, too few strands) and the face is a bit off for her and it combines to make her look like a cat girl - though I see it isn't deliberate now.
HopeFromYuri Mar 8, 2016 10:28PM
Oeh, gotta be the very gayest
PaleRider Mar 9, 2016 2:48AM
Sry, but to me Noir was kinda boring.
Nezchan Mar 9, 2016 9:42AM
deltahalo241 Mar 9, 2016 12:53PM
Awesome! It has the Bee-train Trifecta!
Homura E.N.D Mar 9, 2016 4:02PM
Cynthia x Dawn <333
I don't know why but I ship this two very much. ^^
But this pictures are all awesome!
Omega Deuse Mar 10, 2016 5:36AM
Noir! And Madlax! And El Cazador de la Bruja!
Don't see those often enough. Now I'm wondering if there's any R.O.D. around.
Mugino Mar 10, 2016 5:36PM
Hall this make me feel to old :(
Zuneko Mar 11, 2016 6:50AM
YES! Cynthia x Dawn was one of my first yuri ships! X3
Ushio Mar 11, 2016 12:43PM
OMG NOIR!!! (they used to be my OTP so bad back in the day!!) they have Madlax and el Cazador too!! this brings me back to the days D: oh gosh even Kaleido Star melts
whoever drew this.. yo I understand them. My OTPs all the way.
last edited at Mar 11, 2016 12:45PM
fullyswagwolf Mar 13, 2016 3:23PM
Finally a new pic with ma Poke babes
Chikaon Apr 14, 2016 2:31PM
Omg kaleido starrrr! Man all of these were a blast to the past. Ah my early yuri days. The madlax one still breaks my heart sob
OrangePekoe Jun 8, 2016 2:02PM
This is like half of my favourite pairings. By an awesome artist too.
Nakura Dec 15, 2016 11:09AM
Omg. i'm laughing so hard with the comments, I am from colombia and the way the people write "nadie" or "el cazador" x'D
Valanz Dec 30, 2016 3:19PM
We do need more kaleido Star here!! XD
@Nakura i get it cuz i also speak spanish :3
last edited at Dec 30, 2016 3:20PM
BakemonoJoker Jan 22, 2017 8:06PM
my life is complete ;')
AsyQuin Mar 6, 2017 4:07AM
Best 'girls with gun' shipping ever
yuri n wine Oct 24, 2018 5:03PM
Aw yeah Madlax and el Cazador, bad ass shows