I been curious for awhile about this. But does anyone know why there is a strawberry in most of the K-on fan art?
Wow she's sweating a lot. Kinda what makes you wonder what she is doing to her. PwP) Who knew Ritsu was kinky.
Seeing Azusa in a different light. TT~TT) Why Azusa... just why?
Oh my!! O///O
Is that a guitar pic in her mouth?
Lol Prince-Anime your comment made my night xD
OMG This pic is so B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L~ Owo
Tanned Azusa is the cutest!
Awwwwwww OwO Getting my AzuYui recharge!
Such a unique style! Very lovely >w<
Ohohoho~~ OT3 solves all
Kyoko: It's okay, don't be afraid Sayaka, I'll be gentle Me: starts crying for no reason
What do you mean NSFW ? this is just how they activate...their abilities..... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
not muscular enough!
In case of mini Nanoha as the older child, which of them is her birth mother ?
I only read it because of these two also. Other chapter I skim through. And Hange is mostly like dead.
last edited at Feb 12, 2016 6:55AM
I thought I saw this pairing before.
sometimes did this ever turned you on !!?? im just asking though!! :3
Perhaps p'mew got a contact lens and donut grew taller than she use to be. あ
There are strawberries in most of the opening/ending if I remember well.
Edit : well, I don't remember well, I think the strawberry thing is mostly because of Listen but they are still recurring items
last edited at Feb 12, 2016 10:32AM
Or Donut is standing on a box.
Of course it's a box. It's always a box.
I really, really like Jun x Azusa. (I ship Nodoka x Yui). Unfortunately, Jun x Azusa stuff seems to be really rare. :(
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