Forum › there's a yuri story with werewolves in a contest Young Gangan is doing

joined May 11, 2012

Nezchan posted:

Now who's the one with the over the top hyperbole?

Well I am a yuri fan too, so of course I need to be exaggerated and dramatic.

Hindsight is ....

koneko posted:

of course yuri fans are biased they are YURI FANS!

A true yuri fan is always a biased drama queen! So of course I'm the same, I just restrain myself.

....a bitch, isn't it?

I'm not used to the word hindsight, so what you're saying is...?

joined Jan 8, 2016

I'm not used to the word hindsight, so what you're saying is...?

...that I don't need YOU PATRONIZING the yuri fanbase about story opinions when you were GLAD a human died because she had the AUDACITY to change HER characters sexuality on a quick whim.

joined May 11, 2012

Ratte posted:

I'm not used to the word hindsight, so what you're saying is...?

...that I don't need YOU PATRONIZING the yuri fanbase about story opinions when you were GLAD a human died because she had the AUDACITY to change HER characters sexuality on a quick whim.

I'm not here to do what you need, about me being glad a human died, so what? I had a little overreaction and you're going to take it seriously? And even if I didn't overreacted I'm free to like or dislike the death of any human, as for said character, the entire story she always showed interest in girls and didn't like guys, only in the last chapter the guy who liked her proposed marriage so her family would stop trying to force marriage, it's not translated yet so I only know from raws, but her reaction and how she blushes heavily imply that they end up together, in the epilogue there's also a brief scene that they look coupleish, soon translation will get there and I'll have confirmation, but raws heavily imply lesbian ended with man.

last edited at Jan 9, 2016 1:53PM

joined Jan 8, 2016

Ratte posted:

I'm not used to the word hindsight, so what you're saying is...?

...that I don't need YOU PATRONIZING the yuri fanbase about story opinions when you were GLAD a human died because she had the AUDACITY to change HER characters sexuality on a quick whim.

I'm not here to do what you need, about me being glad a human died, so what? I had a little overreaction and you're going to take it seriously? And even if I didn't overreacted I'm free to like or dislike the death of any human, as for said character, the entire story she always showed interest in girls and didn't like guys, only in the last chapter the guy who liked her proposed marriage so her family would stop trying to force marriage, it's not translated yet so I only know from raws, but her reaction and how she blushes heavily imply that they end up together, in the epilogue there's also a brief scene that they act really coupleish, soon translation will get there and I'll have confirmation, but raws heavily imply lesbian ended with man.

Do you need a fucking billboard to see how many contradictions are in the things you are saying and spitting out because you act on your emotions?

First of all, if you are going off on a rant about the yuri fanbase (Which is presented in your eyes by the people that shout the loudest here, there are almost 20000 other people reading this shit and judging silently FYI) acting like immature drama queens while acting worse than an immature drama queen and spamming this forum with it that I am inclined to want to enjoy my time here, then yes, I am going to take it seriously.

Second: You even said it yourself that you didn't even read the entire story but then you spout shit like this, wth:

"... extremely biased opinions, you're all judging based on visuals, cause we don't have any idea how the story really is without translation, ..."

"... who whine when it had lesbian or bisexual character who could have ended with another girl even though yuri was never promised, "

Before Nez starts to instruct me about picking fights, I will draw the line here, start thinking before you write, ffs.

last edited at Jan 9, 2016 2:30PM

joined May 11, 2012

I think you're the one needing a billboard to see things, because the contradictions are on purpose, I even said in my reply to Koneko and Nezchan that I'm basically like them but more restrained, I try to not overreact and not be biased, but sometimes we can't help but be like that when the yuri is fucked up, we are yuri fans above all else after all, I just try to not be like those fans that people complain about.

Nezchan posted:

Now who's the one with the over the top hyperbole?

Well I am a yuri fan too, so of course I need to be exaggerated and dramatic.

koneko posted:

of course yuri fans are biased they are YURI FANS!

A true yuri fan is always a biased drama queen! So of course I'm the same, I just restrain myself.

So basically, I acted hypocrital on purpose, I admit that I overreacted in that old post but that doesn't mean I don't think before writing most posts I make, as for judging people, not only fanbase, any group is judged because of their vocal minorities who give them a bad name or ruin things for everyone, I can say lots of things that I don't even believe depending on my mood just to see how a discussion will go or how people will react, which ones are true you won't know, but I rarely act from emotion and write something I didn't want, you shouldn't take things at face value, especially in the internet, sorry that it made you unconfortable, but like I I said to OriginalGengar, I will say lots of things depending on my mood so don't take them personally.

last edited at Jan 9, 2016 2:54PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Guess I've gotta say this.

Thiaguinho-sama stop being That Guy. Learn the first rule of holes.

Ratte, thanks for walking away. More people need to learn that skill.

Everyone, can we move on now that we've had our little catharsis about how awful yuri fans who aren't us are?

joined May 11, 2012

Just to finish, what exactly you mean by That Guy? I found various different meanings so I'm not sure what you meant...

And I'll stay quiet in my hole so thanks in advance.

joined Mar 28, 2015

It means that Nez considers you on the losing side of the argument.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I think it was this one: Bradherley no Basha/Bradherley's Coach

Samura Hiroaki is a mangaka you want to avoid if you can't handle rape and gore.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I think it was this one: Bradherley no Basha/Bradherley's Coach

Samura Hiroaki is a mangaka you want to avoid if you can't handle rape and gore.

Has the best artwork of mangadom, tho.

joined Nov 29, 2014

I think it was this one: Bradherley no Basha/Bradherley's Coach

Samura Hiroaki is a mangaka you want to avoid if you can't handle rape and gore.

Has the best artwork of mangadom, tho.

Yusuke Murata though.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I think it was this one: Bradherley no Basha/Bradherley's Coach

Samura Hiroaki is a mangaka you want to avoid if you can't handle rape and gore.

Has the best artwork of mangadom, tho.

Yusuke Murata though.

Had to google who he was. And have to politely disagree. =x

joined Nov 29, 2014

Well, their artstyles are like, super different so it's gonna come down to taste. Hiroaki definitely knows how to draw but nothing ever made my jaw drop like this. Also non moving stuff for closer appreciation.

last edited at Jan 9, 2016 7:28PM

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