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Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

-feels bad for not being able to draw- I'm an all text character I think

In moment like this I really hate that my drawing skills still sucks.

Also thanks a tone none <3. Well my prefer language are english or polish, so I guess you got english one xD Can I create my character alone or is there any need to be in contact with GM? Also I'm not sure how accepting our characters will work. I'm used to GM needing to fit your character somehow into his story, so you just can't create whatever the background you want.

joined Aug 16, 2014

[...] I have to read up on the book and the clan guide as well sigh

While reading this is interesting, it may be better to do it slowly instead of trying to rush to start. I recommend reading the introductory, the 1st (setting), 3rd (character creation), 5th (rules) chapters, that's the bare minimum. While reading the 3rd one, you'll probably refer to chapter 2 (clans) and chapter 4 (disciplines) when something get your eye. The clanbooks are interesting, but not really necessary if you're just starting. I sent it 'cos Nevri wanted more flavor. Also, keep in mind that some parts of the rules book is more relevant to the GM than the players (again, don't let that keep you from reading everything if want, but I recommend starting slowly).

joined Mar 6, 2014

-feels bad for not being able to draw- I'm an all text character I think

In moment like this I really hate that my drawing skills still sucks.

Also thanks a tone none <3. Well my prefer language are english or polish, so I guess you got english one xD Can I create my character alone or is there any need to be in contact with GM? Also I'm not sure how accepting our characters will work. I'm used to GM needing to fit your character somehow into his story, so you just can't create whatever the background you want.

I'd wait for the GM, there may be some house ruling or any other direction, my usual GM back in the day always had us be camarillas and only up generation up to 3 dots

joined Aug 16, 2014

Well my prefer language are english or polish, so I guess you got english one

I ask'd 'cos I didn't have everything in english. I found these on the net, but they don't have everything (like clanbook Salubri).

Can I create my character alone or is there any need to be in contact with GM? Also I'm not sure how accepting our characters will work. I'm used to GM needing to fit your character somehow into his story, so you just can't create whatever the background you want.

I know what you mean. To speed things up a little bit, maybe we can have a simple concept of our characters and start filling some dots already. After talking to Chantelune we can finish tweaking 'em.

I'd wait for the GM, there may be some house ruling or any other direction, my usual GM back in the day always had us be camarillas and only up generation up to 3 dots

Agreed, but I think some things are doable: the concept, attributes, abilities...

last edited at Aug 25, 2015 2:47PM

joined Feb 11, 2014

Mmmh, pity we don't have private messaging there, would have helped ^^; Anyway, regarding character creation :

-Camarilla affiliated clans or independant are preferred. Typical Sabbat clans... well, let's just say that if you want to play a lassombra or tzimisce, I'm not entirelly against it, but those must be camarilla affiliated, which means they'll be considered "antitribu" (so you won't be able to count on your clan's network and resources and they'll want to destroy you pretty badly). I usually prefer if players don't play Assamite unless it can be done in an interesting way, which is kinda hard to pull, especially when I don't know the players. Same with the followers of Set. In any case, if you decide to play such clans, keep in mind that distrust might follow. Well, more than usual. :p

-Some bloodlines are ok, but not all. Mostly Bloodlines that can fit in easily enough with a group, such as the Daughters of Cacophony, Samedi and a few others. If you're interested in a Bloodline, feel free to ask.

-Standard creation rule apply for dot allocation with the usual 15 freebies point after you done. Won't use the flaws and merit system as I usually ask that those are justified and would be a bit too complicated without easy means to discuss them.

-Generation is limited to 3 dots, yeah. Reason is that too many players tries to max it otherwise and neglect other backgrounds.

-Status is limited to 2 dots. I prefer that my players climb the social ladder through the game rather than "buy it" with dots, freebies or xp.

Feel free to ask any question regarding character creation. ^^

joined Feb 11, 2014

Mmmh, made a room named Dynasty Vampire planning on, if any want to come and talk about creation for a bit. Might help.

joined Apr 27, 2014

-feels bad for not being able to draw- I'm an all text character I think

If you give me your character info I might be able to draw it for you :)
After I'm done with mine of course. But yeah I don't mind bringing your character to life visually :)

kuuuh!! alright, i'll take your good offer cos I think she'd be really cool !!!! just let me know

Hey if you want just give me the info now :) I decided to hold up on my character since I have to read up on the book and the clan guide as well sigh ;.;. Your character will be the first to be born!!
I'll try to sketch her her out today and Friday I can color her. Or I could finish her up by tomorrow lol. It all depend how my first day of school feels. Agh night classes suck ;.;

Hehehe how awesome,now I feel special,well let me see, Regina Holzbeine is..

she's about 5'6
has a very light tanned skin
red hair
wears black almost all the time
she's in shape
she looks evil somehow or at least suspicious

joined Apr 27, 2014

Mmmh, made a room named Dynasty Vampire planning on, if any want to come and talk about creation for a bit. Might help.

How do I enter that? Never used the site

NVM I am there methinks,it's empty though D:

didn't write whole name my bad xD i'm in

last edited at Aug 25, 2015 3:40PM

joined Feb 11, 2014

go to the site and type the name in the room to join along with your nick. you can leave the password field blank

joined Jan 30, 2013

-feels bad for not being able to draw- I'm an all text character I think

If you give me your character info I might be able to draw it for you :)
After I'm done with mine of course. But yeah I don't mind bringing your character to life visually :)

kuuuh!! alright, i'll take your good offer cos I think she'd be really cool !!!! just let me know

Hey if you want just give me the info now :) I decided to hold up on my character since I have to read up on the book and the clan guide as well sigh ;.;. Your character will be the first to be born!!
I'll try to sketch her her out today and Friday I can color her. Or I could finish her up by tomorrow lol. It all depend how my first day of school feels. Agh night classes suck ;.;

Hehehe how awesome,now I feel special,well let me see, Regina Holzbeine is..

she's about 5'6
has a very light tanned skin
red hair
wears black almost all the time
she's in shape
she looks evil somehow or at least suspicious

Hoho I like the way you described her already! Now let's see aside from the things you have described what should her eye color be and what type of hair style are you looking for her to have?
As well as do you prefer if she had long hair or short? Or wavy or straight ?
Send me like pics of let's say a hair style (can be any) something g you find online on google image to how you want her hair to be or at least be similar to. :D and I should be good to go
Also since she is in shape she sounds like the tough cold punk type of girl. Is this ok with you?

last edited at Aug 25, 2015 3:47PM

joined Apr 27, 2014

she's in shape
she looks evil somehow or at least suspicious

Hoho I like the way you described her already! Now let's see aside from the things you have described what should her eye color be and what type of hair style are you looking for her to have?
As well as do you prefer if she had long hair or short? Or wavy or straight ?
Send me like pics of let's say a hair style (can be any) something g you find online on google image to how you want her hair to be or at least be similar to. :D and I should be good to go
Also since she is in shape she sounds like the tough cold punk type of girl. Is this ok with you?

Hehehe,well ok I missed some stuff
Hazel/gray eyes
long and straight,but with an edgy rocker haircut ( looking for one)
and yes tough cold punk metal type would be AWESOME

ah you're the best

like this but sulfuring red,maybe some purple,blue,you know

last edited at Aug 25, 2015 4:07PM

joined Jan 30, 2013

she's in shape
she looks evil somehow or at least suspicious

Hoho I like the way you described her already! Now let's see aside from the things you have described what should her eye color be and what type of hair style are you looking for her to have?
As well as do you prefer if she had long hair or short? Or wavy or straight ?
Send me like pics of let's say a hair style (can be any) something g you find online on google image to how you want her hair to be or at least be similar to. :D and I should be good to go
Also since she is in shape she sounds like the tough cold punk type of girl. Is this ok with you?

Hehehe,well ok I missed some stuff
Hazel/gray eyes
long and straight,but with an edgy rocker haircut ( looking for one)
and yes tough cold punk metal type would be AWESOME

ah you're the best

like this but sulfuring red,maybe some purple,blue,you know

Is it bad to fall in love with her already? :0

joined Apr 27, 2014

she's in shape
she looks evil somehow or at least suspicious

Hoho I like the way you described her already! Now let's see aside from the things you have described what should her eye color be and what type of hair style are you looking for her to have?
As well as do you prefer if she had long hair or short? Or wavy or straight ?
Send me like pics of let's say a hair style (can be any) something g you find online on google image to how you want her hair to be or at least be similar to. :D and I should be good to go
Also since she is in shape she sounds like the tough cold punk type of girl. Is this ok with you?

Hehehe,well ok I missed some stuff
Hazel/gray eyes
long and straight,but with an edgy rocker haircut ( looking for one)
and yes tough cold punk metal type would be AWESOME

ah you're the best

like this but sulfuring red,maybe some purple,blue,you know

Is it bad to fall in love with her already? :0

I know, ;3 ! great huh?

joined Feb 11, 2014

For those looking for a character sheet, here's a link of the V20 one, courtesy of none ^^ :

joined Jan 30, 2013

she's in shape
she looks evil somehow or at least suspicious

Hoho I like the way you described her already! Now let's see aside from the things you have described what should her eye color be and what type of hair style are you looking for her to have?
As well as do you prefer if she had long hair or short? Or wavy or straight ?
Send me like pics of let's say a hair style (can be any) something g you find online on google image to how you want her hair to be or at least be similar to. :D and I should be good to go
Also since she is in shape she sounds like the tough cold punk type of girl. Is this ok with you?

Hehehe,well ok I missed some stuff
Hazel/gray eyes
long and straight,but with an edgy rocker haircut ( looking for one)
and yes tough cold punk metal type would be AWESOME

ah you're the best

like this but sulfuring red,maybe some purple,blue,you know

Is it bad to fall in love with her already? :0

I know, ;3 ! great huh?

I came from school about 3 hours ago and I've finished drawing her!! All I need is to color her :D
She is hot :0 I kind of want your permission for me to be able to ship her with my character D:
My character is like the complete opposite of her. Of course if your ok with it D:
Doesn't mean they are going to be anything but just so that I can fan girl over them! I will post your pic on my deviant account today or tomorrow and after that I will start working on mine. I'll give you the link for my deviant after I'm done with your character. I wish I was your friend in person so that I was able to give you the pic in person xD
Hopefully you got a printer or at least you can save it on your comp :3. And do as you like with it :)

joined Apr 27, 2014

I came from school about 3 hours ago and I've finished drawing her!! All I need is to color her :D
She is hot :0 I kind of want your permission for me to be able to ship her with my character D:
My character is like the complete opposite of her. Of course if your ok with it D:
Doesn't mean they are going to be anything but just so that I can fan girl over them! I will post your pic on my deviant account today or tomorrow and after that I will start working on mine. I'll give you the link for my deviant after I'm done with your character. I wish I was your friend in person so that I was able to give you the pic in person xD
Hopefully you got a printer or at least you can save it on your comp :3. And do as you like with it :)

Heya, oh my you are fast, yes of course you may, complete opposites are fun sometimes!! Man, i'd love to have that pic but be sure I'm gonna print it and frame it along with my original character sheet,also if it's not too much of a deal, would you like to swap some form of contact info? just so we won't flood it here and well you seem cool,again if that's ok, I'm not a creepy person xD
got skype,facebook and eh hum twitter,tumblr,gmail,ah that's it.

joined May 10, 2014

So I need to read the rules?..........I'll just join next time I guess...have fun!

joined Jan 30, 2013

I came from school about 3 hours ago and I've finished drawing her!! All I need is to color her :D
She is hot :0 I kind of want your permission for me to be able to ship her with my character D:
My character is like the complete opposite of her. Of course if your ok with it D:
Doesn't mean they are going to be anything but just so that I can fan girl over them! I will post your pic on my deviant account today or tomorrow and after that I will start working on mine. I'll give you the link for my deviant after I'm done with your character. I wish I was your friend in person so that I was able to give you the pic in person xD
Hopefully you got a printer or at least you can save it on your comp :3. And do as you like with it :)

Heya, oh my you are fast, yes of course you may, complete opposites are fun sometimes!! Man, i'd love to have that pic but be sure I'm gonna print it and frame it along with my original character sheet,also if it's not too much of a deal, would you like to swap some form of contact info? just so we won't flood it here and well you seem cool,again if that's ok, I'm not a creepy person xD
got skype,facebook and eh hum twitter,tumblr,gmail,ah that's it.

yawn finished here is the link for your character. Tell me if you want something changed or any type of small detailed I missed.
you can search me up on facebook I though dont get on it quite a lot lol. I can also give you my email :D. I dont have twitter or tumblr <:0 I dont know how those things work lol. Tried getting a twitter once and my younger sister just made fun of me lol

last edited at Aug 26, 2015 2:20AM

joined Feb 11, 2014

Will be in "Dynasty Vampire planning" room (minus the quotes) on for some time, if any of the players have questions or want help to make their chars.

joined Apr 27, 2014

yawn finished here is the link for your character. Tell me if you want something changed or any type of small detailed I missed.
you can search me up on facebook I though dont get on it quite a lot lol. I can also give you my email :D. I dont have twitter or tumblr <:0 I dont know how those things work lol. Tried getting a twitter once and my younger sister just made fun of me lol

Hahaha about your sister making fun of you,well i only opened up a Tumblr account to see fans rage over stuff like Hibiki and Citrus lol. I saw the drawing,it's superb,I left a message cos I have an account there,so I guess we can talk there too :P I don't use FB as much anymore either so.
It's really good!! you should like, draw tons of stuff :D
thank you thank you

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

That's pretty good, Ushio.

joined Jan 30, 2013

yawn finished here is the link for your character. Tell me if you want something changed or any type of small detailed I missed.
you can search me up on facebook I though dont get on it quite a lot lol. I can also give you my email :D. I dont have twitter or tumblr <:0 I dont know how those things work lol. Tried getting a twitter once and my younger sister just made fun of me lol

Hahaha about your sister making fun of you,well i only opened up a Tumblr account to see fans rage over stuff like Hibiki and Citrus lol. I saw the drawing,it's superb,I left a message cos I have an account there,so I guess we can talk there too :P I don't use FB as much anymore either so.
It's really good!! you should like, draw tons of stuff :D
thank you thank you

Don't be shy about telling if I missed anything/ left anything out. :)
I do draw a lot but I'm too lazy to transfer it to my computer :/. For example yesterday I would had been done faster if my damn printer would had worked its "automatic scan" damn thing only works when I treat it like crap >.>
But yeah I've had so many ideas of drawing that would look good for my account the problem is, well I'm too lazy to transfer and then color lol.
I'm glad you liked it, I was worried I was going to disappoint you x(.

last edited at Aug 26, 2015 10:36AM

joined Apr 27, 2014

So I need to read the rules?..........I'll just join next time I guess...have fun!

We haven't started yet! I don't know the official number of players so far...

joined Apr 27, 2014

Don't be shy about telling if I missed anything/ left anything out. :)
I do draw a lot but I'm too lazy to transfer it to my computer :/. For example yesterday I would had been done faster if my damn printer would had worked its "automatic scan" damn thing only works when I treat it like crap >.>
But yeah I've had so many ideas of drawing that would look good for my account the problem is, well I'm too lazy to transfer and then color lol.
I'm glad you liked it, I was worried I was going to desapoint you x(.

No,really,I am not shy about what i don't like,guess that's why i don't have many friends haha..oh so that's it ? hmmm, anyways I really liked it,I checked your other stuff too :D ,I "think" I sent you a message there,but I never use that feature so I don't know xD can you please check sometime? ;3

joined Feb 11, 2014

Counting Ushio, there are 7 players, so would rather not have any more player. Would get too complicated to manage.

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