Forum › Hibike! Euphonium *Spoilers* Discussion

joined Jan 30, 2013

Yuri Kuma was fun to watch but I don't know if you know what I mean? like I want like a plot where for once in their life the girls are dating!! I know what your going to say "but Sakura trick had that" yes it was cute it was fluffy BUT I wanted some actual couple stuff not just kissing it almost felt too childish. I mean a couple can have problems and if anything that's when everything starts!!. I wouldn't even mind if they started with them not going out maybe have it as some sort of flashback to when they met or maybe have a yuri anime where maybe the first half is about them realizing eachothers feeling and then the other about them being a couple and going through couple things and getting into fights getting use to each other agh I don't know maybe I don't know what i want!! maybe I'm just being picky for no reason!! ;.; The truth is something feels off with the yuri they are giving us nowadays. I mean I know yuri wasnt the theme in the Madoka anime and we didn't really get much of the visual yuri either but yet why was it Homura and Madoka felt so natural? of course the last movie made us even more happy!! but the ending felt good like "she said she loved her, and that love grew into an unhealthy love." Sometimes it doesnt have to even be yuri but I dont know.. something is wrong with me.. I see a lot of anime as well as normal shojo romance anime and i can tell you my fav Kare kano, Fruit Basket, Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kun, Aishiteruze baby, Ayashi No Ceres agh and the list is huge ;.; the point is that I want stuff like this? maybe I really dont know what i want lol

last edited at Jun 10, 2015 1:44AM

joined May 8, 2015

My wish is kinda the same but opposite of yours? I wish there is a seinen/josei non-romance story in which the MC is openly gay (bonus point if MC is female) but the story still continue as usual without dwelling on MC's sexual orientation. Basically something like murcielago but without the explicit sex part, because I can't help but felt that sometimes the character non-standard sexual orientation played for shock value and service. I prefer SOL story tho (imagine if MC in mushishi or O/A are gay, but the story didn't revolve around them so their sexual orientation is just part of the character)

TL;DR version: I wish there are anime/manga with prominent gay character to level the playing field, it doesn't have to be romance. My sentiment is exactly like how Shonda Rimes insist to create a show always with black woman MC.

last edited at Jun 10, 2015 2:09AM

joined Jan 30, 2013

^oh agree!!!!

joined Jul 16, 2013

So does that mean we should stop blaming KyoAni for not doing yuri, or blame them even more for making it so painfully shippable?

How can you blame any studio for not making yuri? It is not like they sit in their dark rooms and think of ways how to be mean to yuri fans ;)
KyoAni simply adopts a novel and obviously has some fans of romantic interactions of girls in their staff. But the romance plots are simply in the novel, it is hard to change that in an adaptation that ultimately is also a promotion for said novel.

joined Sep 10, 2014

Oh yeah if anybody here can read japanese there's blog for kyoani production staff where they comment about the episode they're working on.

One of the comment is the art director's musing on episode 8 that she wanted to watch that particular scene over and over again, because it was so beautiful. (and imo that's also the highest point of this whole series, the music score is so fucking on point in that scene)

Also it seems the staff also like kumiko and reina pairing and well aware of what they're doing in the anime. My guess is that they can't do anything about the original material and they have to follow it (remember shirobako, original author is the god)

EDIT: found the link for production staff's comment! I can't read shit in it though lol

I am with you on that point. I think Kyoani has to bow down to the author's will, whether they like it or not. But really, Kumiko and Suichi...I can't...I can't!

joined Apr 27, 2014

Yuri Kuma was fun to watch but I don't know if you know what I mean? like I want like a plot where for once in their life the girls are dating!! I know what your going to say "but Sakura trick had that" yes it was cute it was fluffy BUT I wanted some actual couple stuff not just kissing it almost felt too childish. I mean a couple can have problems and if anything that's when everything starts!!. I wouldn't even mind if they started with them not going out maybe have it as some sort of flashback to when they met or maybe have a yuri anime where maybe the first half is about them realizing eachothers feeling and then the other about them being a couple and going through couple things and getting into fights getting use to each other agh I don't know maybe I don't know what i want!! maybe I'm just being picky for no reason!! ;.; The truth is something feels off with the yuri they are giving us nowadays. I mean I know yuri wasnt the theme in the Madoka anime and we didn't really get much of the visual yuri either but yet why was it Homura and Madoka felt so natural? of course the last movie made us even more happy!! but the ending felt good like "she said she loved her, and that love grew into an unhealthy love." Sometimes it doesnt have to even be yuri but I dont know.. something is wrong with me.. I see a lot of anime as well as normal shojo romance anime and i can tell you my fav Kare kano, Fruit Basket, Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kun, Aishiteruze baby, Ayashi No Ceres agh and the list is huge ;.; the point is that I want stuff like this? maybe I really dont know what i want lol

I wasn't gonna mention Sakura trick the only ones dating there for real are Kotone and eh the cousin. I do understadn you now though...I wish we could get some of that yes, I agree with ya

joined Nov 29, 2014

Even if Reika and Kumiko just stay friends, I'm fine with that. They can just move in together, adopt a child and share a bed and some showers. Like all close female friends do.

joined May 7, 2014

So close... but yet, so far.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Even if Reika and Kumiko just stay friends, I'm fine with that. They can just move in together, adopt a child and share a bed and some showers. Like all close female friends do.


joined Nov 9, 2014

Even if Reika and Kumiko just stay friends, I'm fine with that. They can just move in together, adopt a child and share a bed and some showers. Like all close female friends do.


I could live with that. :)

joined Jun 6, 2014

Tumblr will definitely have melt down over this. I know people like to take their shipping seriously (me too!) but this ship sunking is now overshadowed the real MVP of this EP that is natsuki senpai. She is a gem.

Actually tho. A lot of frustrated feelings toward the anime because of where it has to go for now, but the episode was amazing in so many ways.

Even if Reika and Kumiko just stay friends, I'm fine with that. They can just move in together, adopt a child and share a bed and some showers. Like all close female friends do.

Dare I mention HAND-HOLDING?!?!?!

...nah probs 5lewd3jap

joined Jun 6, 2014

Hahaha, I'm not even going to watch this one ;_;

Gonna take this comment and pin it on a billboard for a moment.

If you're in this person's boat (meaning, you're deterred from watching because it feels like yuribaiting), it'd probably be best to hold off on the show for some time, at least until, like I said, we get a clear picture in a year or so where the novel/show will go.

Because if we think about it and the show has another season or two-cour in it, and it does commit to KumiRei, it'll likely go down as one of the best yuri shows we've ever had. Because sovereign of the romance, the show is amazing, and if KumiRei were to happen, it'd mean a super well-developed romantic relationship.

So pass it for now, but at least send your wishes to Godoka and Homucifer to bestow their yuri blessing on the series.

joined Jan 30, 2013

^+ lmao how did I not think of this lmao this is literally how to explain our storbornes lmao

joined Nov 9, 2014

^ I love that song and I laughed much harder than I should havd. I didn't think of that either! Kudos for the song.

joined Jan 30, 2013

^choosing the song as the anthem of every single one of us shippers that either don't get our wonderful ships canon or we are forever to hold them as simply as ships. This song represents the very core and soul of each and every one of us who also don't give up on our ships and take pride in them. As well as if it were to be that our ships were to sink, we would sink with them as proud shippers we are. I solute! And may goddoka be in all of our hearts.

last edited at Jun 12, 2015 6:02PM

joined Apr 27, 2014

^choosing the song as the anthem of every single one of us shippers that either don't get our wonderful ships canon or we are forever to hold them as simply as ships. This song represents the very core and soul of each and every one of us who also don't give up on our ships and take pride in them. As well as if it were to be that our ships were to sink, we would sink with them as proud shippers we are. I solute! And may goddoka be in all of our hearts.


Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I know I should probably give this a rest, but apparently the novels are also steeping in subtext. I also read somewhere that even in the novels Kumiko cares more about what Reina thinks even after they start dating, though I can't find the source for that one. So basically, I wouldn't be too surprised (but I would be very very happy) if Kumiko ends up with Reina at the end of the novels. Maybe the anime will go the short way and just have them end up together at the end of this season! Am I hoping too much?

joined Nov 29, 2014

Yeah, that's been known for quite some time now, I think. There is a bit of confusion surrounding the state of the novel, most people say it's finished, ColonalCat says it isn't. ColonalCat has like, major smarts, so I'll go with their interpretation of the whole thing but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.

joined Apr 12, 2014

Next ep:

That's just ridiculous. I hate Kyoani.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Next ep:

That's just ridiculous. I hate Kyoani.

The many episodes do they have left?! How the fack are they going to pull a Kumiko x Suichi (or whatever his name is) off??!!! The fack is up with all this baiting?! This is just now passed the abusive line!! They have gone low!! I swear if they don't do something that would aid our little hearts at the end.... This is it for me and any of their animations whether good or bad!! Agh god why put romance in the anime if you aren't going to go with it?! I rather watch something like K-on than something that looks like it possible and it ain't!! Like I guess if this show would had been just about the marching band and the drama and hard and hard work of the competitions and stuff I would had watched regardless!! So why do this to us with a pair that they are obviously not going to do?! Fuck all this time wasted on Reina and Kumiko how about the god damn boy she suppose to end up with?! I swear if I see her at the end "oh I love you too Suichi.. Blah blah blah " I will flip tables !!! Where the fuck in the anime have they ever shown any type of romantic connection between the two?! It will feel forced!!!
If they are being good trolls and who know maybe they will actually go to the Kumiko x Reina route and they are just trolling us. Making us think it won't happen and at the end they do it. Well I will be real surprise >.> and happy ...

last edited at Jun 15, 2015 12:25PM

joined May 8, 2015

Ahahahahahhaha. To be fair to kyoani, in the novel there's a lot of sexual tension between kumiko and reina, and so far they're doing a really really good job bringing that to anime. So as far as adapting a novel goes, kyoani is pretty great.
I'll still swallow whatever bait kyoani throw then be drown in my own tears afterwards.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Ahahahahahhaha. To be fair to kyoani, in the novel there's a lot of sexual tension between kumiko and reina, and so far they're doing a really really good job bringing that to anime. So as far as adapting a novel goes, kyoani is pretty great.
I'll still swallow whatever bait kyoani throw then be drown in my own tears afterwards.


On a brighter note, Mikagura Gakuen etc got very interesting and Eruna-chan is still gay as ever.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Ahahahahahhaha. To be fair to kyoani, in the novel there's a lot of sexual tension between kumiko and reina, and so far they're doing a really really good job bringing that to anime. So as far as adapting a novel goes, kyoani is pretty great.
I'll still swallow whatever bait kyoani throw then be drown in my own tears afterwards.


On a brighter note, Mikagura Gakuen etc got very interesting and Eruna-chan is still gay as ever.

Yeah. If you all are desperately in the mood for someone who's hella lesbian with someone else then go to Mikagura.

Or I highly recommend Re-Kan!. Amazing story, fun and lighthearted half the time, and heartwarmingly tearful the other half. And the MC and this other girl are totally in love and everyone knows it.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Yeah, that's been known for quite some time now, I think. There is a bit of confusion surrounding the state of the novel, most people say it's finished, ColonalCat says it isn't. ColonalCat has like, major smarts, so I'll go with their interpretation of the whole thing but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.

Thanks for the compliment...I'm a bit bashful to respond to this now but alas...

I've heard mixed things too. But most of the "IT'S DONE SHUUICHIxKUMIKO CANON" is coming from the people who either 1) detest yuri for whatever the fucking reason or 2) are about as headstrong about that unhealthy relationship as we are about this. Most of the people saying it's continuing are people who are way more objective in that they have minimal attachment, and watch anime but are more laid back and happen to read the novels.

In my views, it is objectively smarter to continue the story and not have any sort of abrupt 4-volume length plot, so I'm giving the author the benefit of the doubt right now with regards to that.

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