Somehow was mistaken for thinking all lolicon should be banned or something and got trolled into rambling about the limits of freedom of speech. So yeah, I'm done in this thread.
Honestly? I do believe you're mistaken, lets be honest since we started this talk about freedom of speech, it's not only lolicon, but shotacon, toddlercon, rape, guro, incest, slavery, mind break, bestiality and some other types of hentai, first and the most important thing is that it's completely harmeless, you can't harm images, second, it's really rare for a hentai to have characters that look realistic, you can look at most lolicon hentai, or even non-loli hentai for that matter, and they don't look much like real people or act like them, their faces is the most obvious part as expected from mangas, but most loli/shota hentai they either have super perfect sexy proportions or look more like a chibi version of a teenager, it's few who have a more realistic art, and even so it's just a few that really look like real children or older person, they almost always look too perfect or as if there's something off.
With that said, the reason I think it shouldn't be banned is because the logic that it promotes child porn in my opinion is bullshit and logical fallacy, people have been doing that for years with anything that they don't like, violent video games are murder simulators and will turn you into a killer, rock will turn people into satanists, a movie/serie will make people drink or smoke, if there's a homosexual scene it'll turn people gay or it's "immoral", guns should be banned because they kill people, and a lot more of stupid irrational whining, the only logic you can really give to ban something that is literally not harming anyone is that it'll promote that thing and people will start doing it, the problem is that humans don't work like that at all, just like with murder in video game people know that pedophilia is wrong, they know that both the video game violence and hentai are not real, if someone who likes violent video games kills someone or if a loli/shota reader abuses a child, it's not because it was "promoted", but because that person was already unstable, had mental problems, already had those inclinations, or you know, they're just scum, the people who rape, kill and so on don't need something to give them that idea, most of them already had that inclination or thoughts, it's just a question of when they'll do it, shooting at schools are good examples of that, they always try blame music, video games and so on even though the person had problems that were the real reason for the shooting, like bullying.
Another reason people want to ban some things is basic "think of the chilren!" bullshit, problem is that most of those things are not even made for children or teenagers at all, the reason people want to ban those things is because it's easier to blame them instead of admitting that it's their fault that their children have access to them, don't know how to deal with them or don't know that something is wrong, and you can't really say that they promote anything since a lot of them have some warning saying that in real life that's a crime or wrong, I believe that porn, hentai manga and hentai ova all mention somewhere that rape, sex with children and so on are a crime and shouldn't be done in real life, at least I saw warnings in some porn and hentai, but I guess it's rare to see it translated in hentai since it's time they can use to translate something more important.
Now don't get me wrong, my problem is not with loli/shota itselt, I'm against any kind of censorship or law that prohibits you of doing something that is not harming someone else or getting in the way of their rights, when you start to ban something with the argument that it "promotes" something or will "influence" people to do it you open a precedent to ban a lot more using the same logic, you just need a group big enough and with enough power to force the banning of somethig they don't like and soon we'll have the thought police, in case of hentai, and actually porn too because a lot involve things like rape, girls that look really young and so on, especially if it's japanese, I don't really think they need to be promoted, if people want it they can search and find it for themselves, I actually think the same for things like alcohol, cigarettes, guns, and some other things, it's one thing to in a work of fiction glorify it or show as if it's not a big deal, but I'm completely against promoting them in real life as if there's no consequence, drinking and smoking are good examples of that as sometimes they're promoted as if they're the best things ever even though they can easily fuck you up, same with US laws about guns, I agree that people should be free to buy guns, but I don't like how it's easy for any idiot to buy guns, although I don't think it would decrease school shootings as much as some argue, there's always illegal ways for them to get guns, and without a gun they could easily read anywhere in the internet about how to make bombs and explode their school or something like that, when people really want to kill someone they will find a way.
Anyway, as for the main topic, I'm all in for more yuri loli age gap, or any loli yuri, or age gap yuri, well, I'm in for any yuri actually, there's never enough yuri, as for just loli in general, the more the better, lolis are the best after all~~, though I'm in for shota, trap, milf, well, anything really, I like pretty much all types of hentai, what can I say? 2D is love, 2D is life, 3D is overrated.
As for the thread going off topic, does it matter? Not like we really have much of a topic to talk about anyway, though if the thread was not dead yet, my post might have killed it now, I'm expect this reaction from most people.

last edited at May 20, 2016 2:25AM