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joined Jan 8, 2014

Smh...I had warning flags go off as I continued reading and then that ending...thats no twist thats the author crushing you to bits saying, "oh its just roleplay" then pulling back the curtain to reveal....*dun-dun-dunnn*
dashing hopes against the jagged rocks...
Oh well, on to the next yuri...

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

Do you mean that the step-mother/daughter role play was all of a sudden? Because the first thing she says is "step-mother" so I assume she already knew they were role playing? The face she makes seems kinda foreshadowing, but then again, that first phrase... Or maybe I'm reading your comment wrong. Sorry if its the latter.

Well it's just my opinion. My thinking is that even though they are already into the role play, that comment would still strike her. Especially since she was already focused on the role play being less than the reality. I also think the pause is a bit long otherwise, and that her face matches that idea. But even if I'm right, Amano-sensei surely didn't intend anyone to pick up on it.

Of course I glanced through it before deciding to work on it, so I already knew about the role play. But I missed the final twist until I actually focused on the last page to translate it. So I was just as surprised as most of us. At first I didn't believe my own translation.

joined Feb 14, 2014

Plot: step mother x daughter incest
Plot twist: It's just roleplay
Plot twist plot twist: Actual real real mother x daughter incest

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Plot: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Plot twist: ┬─┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
Twist twist: ┬─┬ ︵ /(.□. \)

Not that I'm particularly opposed to reading MxD incest, but I felt it fit.

Also, (if I never did before) I now feel like Amano is some kind of genius.

Two plot twists in 8 pages. Amazing

last edited at Nov 4, 2014 11:09PM

joined Oct 7, 2014

Well it's just my opinion. My thinking is that even though they are already into the role play, that comment would still strike her. Especially since she was already focused on the role play being less than the reality. I also think the pause is a bit long otherwise, and that her face matches that idea. But even if I'm right, Amano-sensei surely didn't intend anyone to pick up on it.

Of course I glanced through it before deciding to work on it, so I already knew about the role play. But I missed the final twist until I actually focused on the last page to translate it. So I was just as surprised as most of us. At first I didn't believe my own translation.

Oh okay. I see what you're saying. I can see why it would seem like it would be foreshadowing after a second read. Just wanted to clarify. Thanks.

joined May 10, 2014

That was weeeeiiird not bad just weird haha.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Serious mode for a moment...
I used to have an issue with parent-sibling incest since if the parent had a child with someone he or she fell in love with I dont agree with being infidel with another relationship, incestuous or no.

But then I thought...what if the child was born out of accident? Not accident as in "oops forgot protection" but accident as in it wasn't sex with someone you loved? Doesn't have to be something so severe or dark as rape...maybe you just got super drunk and had a fling with someone one night with a ninth month hangover.

In those sorts of cases, parent-sibling love I'd argue is therefore possible.

Un-serious mode now.

I was hella surprised by this. At first I thought the incest tag was just mistagged for the roleplay. I had to double check the last page to make sure I was right the first time lol

joined Oct 3, 2014

o////o wasn't expecting that..

joined Feb 18, 2013

While we're on the subject, that credits page is a masterpiece.

joined Nov 28, 2011

ROFLMAO! Oh my god. I'm dying. This plot twist! At first I thought they were dating and role playing as a result, but actually being mother & daughter. 10/10 plot twist.

joined Feb 14, 2014

Amano you've outdone yourself this time. Keep it up with these hilarious yuris

joined Aug 1, 2013

Oh man, that credit page.

joined Jan 31, 2013

First panel last page is too... i don' know...

joined Oct 10, 2014

That plot twister!

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

And here I thought fucking shuninta would be a tag by now.

joined Feb 18, 2014

Wut. Wot. Whaaat.

I was like oh ok, pseudo-incest, ok so not incest? And then yes, actual 100% incest. Damn XD

joined Mar 14, 2014

Mother and daughter doing a stepmother role play, there's nothing wrong with tha- wait, wut!?

joined Jul 22, 2014

Kind of wonder if there's any difference between mother and stepmother, its all in the term meaning right?
Still love the plot twist.

joined May 19, 2014

A double twist! Awesome! Not really into mother x daughter relationships but Amano Shuninta can sure make everything likeable.

joined Apr 7, 2013

Well, THAT was a fun read...
I'd kill to see some normal (well, as normal as mother/daughter incest can be) yuri between the two.

last edited at Nov 15, 2014 9:18PM

joined May 2, 2014

lol what? totally awesome story! also, i have nothing against incest.

first off i guess i will pick the obvious, what about the father/husband? do we think he is still around or what?

secondly, if it is yuri is it still an electra complex? maybe a reverse electra complex? or its probably closer to an oedipus complex? because i am beginning to think Amano has some type of mother-daughter complex lol ...not that thats bad XD

last edited at Nov 5, 2014 7:31AM

joined Aug 30, 2013

Bam bam 2 plot twist in a short doujin. That was fun.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I want to read it again right now, but I'm in class... :(

joined Jan 17, 2014

It's good to know that those two from Timas most recent doujin have finally put aside their differences

joined Jan 31, 2013

It's good to know that those two from Timas most recent doujin have finally put aside their differences

Are we talking about this one?

joined Jun 6, 2014

first off i guess i will pick the obvious, what about the father/husband? do we think he is still around or what?

I assume he is a nonexistent figure. Either banged and ditched the mom, or something else along those lines. The mother doesn't seem too much older than the daughter as well so it might've also been a crazy high school night.

secondly, if it is yuri is it still an electra complex? maybe a reverse electra complex? or its probably closer to an oedipus complex? because i am beginning to think Amano has some type of mother-daughter complex lol ...not that thats bad XD

I don't like calling things complexes since that has a connotative meaning that there is no real love going on, it is some other mental faculty mistaking a different feeling (affection, loss, etc.) for love. So I'd just not call it a complex at all.

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