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joined Nov 20, 2015

I don't think Rainy is a she wolf at all XD more like a shy girl staring at hot girls XD

i build my reputation here... as shy girl
but i am free out side my cage... xD

So i am correct. You are not shy at all. Cool.

If u are a shewolf, i'll act as shy girl. vice versa..
I'll act in contrast from how someone behave..

joined Mar 8, 2014

I'm still in the middle of it. Er... don't worry I don't get offended. The main reason I don't think badly of my mom is because she was never cruel to me... I mean she never told me anything mean or insulted me (I can tell the difference because my dad did this during a period were he was alcoholic... that's why I didn't see him for 3 years at all). Like, I mentioned before some time but she wouldn't be too angry when I got bad grades either because I already seemed like I felt really bad about it so she tried to cheer me up-even though the rest of time she would be like "why are you not studying yet?" "it's so late blah blah blah" but I have heard a lot worse stories (from a classmate of mine specifically) and I don't think what my mother did was super uncommon?
I don't know, like; I only mentioned the things that bothered me so I didn't say a lot of the good things my mom did but yeah. When I was around 11-12 I admit maybe she wasn't that great but at the same I understand why... I was really defensive all the time. And yeah after that she was naggy but it was never too bad. When she encouraged me with that girl it was also because I wanted it... I don't remember who started it but I think we both did... if I got that big scholarship I would be pretty well off right now and my mom doesn't have a lot of money to support me (my dad was unemployed) so that's why. She just told "come on, you have to try to be the top of the class" but she would always tell me it's okay when I didn't surpass this girl and when I told her I would stop thinking of it she was really understanding and generally she listens to my issues and stuff. I felt safe to tell her I though I might like girls when I did and I never felt like she expected me to be someone I wasn't but she had high expectations of me and I feel like she still does which makes me a bit uneasy...

joined Feb 13, 2016

Yep, Lin regained the Badass title.

Question! My time to be curious. (It's ok if you don't answer though, because you should focus on Fay right now).

With your knowledge on psychology, can you make random assumptions based on what you hear from people? Like, I guess the accuracy depends on the amount and quality of information you get, but, for example, based on what I say here in this thread, do you make assumptions of how I am/think/work?

joined Sep 15, 2015

do you stare that hard that you'd get slapped? XD I for one don't especially mind when people stare unless they do it too much and it makes me embarrassed XD

It would be too rude for that fine ass not to get stared at.

joined Feb 13, 2016

do you stare that hard that you'd get slapped? XD I for one don't especially mind when people stare unless they do it too much and it makes me embarrassed XD

It would be too rude for that fine ass not to get stared at.

Now that's the thought of one who would get slapped.

joined Mar 8, 2014

do you stare that hard that you'd get slapped? XD I for one don't especially mind when people stare unless they do it too much and it makes me embarrassed XD

It would be too rude for that fine ass not to get stared at.

tbh... I like faces a lot more... honestly! :)
Ah but yeah; that's not bad at all either ;)

joined Nov 20, 2015

I don't think Rainy is a she wolf at all XD more like a shy girl staring at hot girls XD

i build my reputation here... as shy girl
but i am free out side my cage... xD

So i am correct. You are not shy at all. Cool.

If u are a shewolf, i'll act as shy girl. vice versa..
I'll act in contrast from how someone behave..

Hehehe cool. You know how to play the game so well.

no, its not that i know how to play the game, but its my nature..
If u are angry, i dont..
If u are good, i'll be the bad one..
Oow.... whats this???? Stop it... i dont understand me anymore... /run away/

joined Feb 13, 2016

do you stare that hard that you'd get slapped? XD I for one don't especially mind when people stare unless they do it too much and it makes me embarrassed XD

It would be too rude for that fine ass not to get stared at.

tbh... I like faces a lot more... honestly! :)
Ah but yeah; that's not bad at all either ;)

Lol, because I finally agree with Faylicia over something like this. xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

do you stare that hard that you'd get slapped? XD I for one don't especially mind when people stare unless they do it too much and it makes me embarrassed XD

It would be too rude for that fine ass not to get stared at.

Now that's the thought of one who would get slapped.

Nope. Never been slapped xD
I only stare at someone's ass when I'm clubbing or like at work

joined Apr 3, 2016

Do what your self-appointed psycho-doc tells you and consider my words. Like I said, I can only base my assumptions on what you told me. If you want to get to the root of your issues, you need to work with yourself a little bit as well. If you don't want your mother's affection and her trying to hug you makes you cringe, she must've done something very severe to you. If it wasn't her being "a little strict", as you call it, what is the reason? Do you trust her? If so, how far does this trust go? If not, why? Judged by how often you've mentioned your mother and your family in general in here, this is anything but a small deal to you. I can only work with what you give me, and only if you want to accept my help in the first place. The rest is up to you.


based on what I say here in this thread, do you make assumptions of how I am/think/work?

As a general way of respecting people's privacy, no. :-) Fay is the only one in here, who has caught my attention like that, because the girl basically seems to be a walking contradiction, which intrigues me. I want to find out why. Unless she tells me to stop, obviously. xD

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 9:12PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

I don't think Rainy is a she wolf at all XD more like a shy girl staring at hot girls XD

i build my reputation here... as shy girl
but i am free out side my cage... xD

So i am correct. You are not shy at all. Cool.

If u are a shewolf, i'll act as shy girl. vice versa..
I'll act in contrast from how someone behave..

Hehehe cool. You know how to play the game so well.

no, its not that i know how to play the game, but its my nature..
If u are angry, i dont..
If u are good, i'll be the bad one..
Oow.... whats this???? Stop it... i dont understand me anymore... /run away/

Don't run away. I agree with your thinking 100%. Being opposite is interesting. You have more things to talk about, argue about, etc...

joined Nov 20, 2015


As a general way of respecting people's privacy, no. :-)

This part sounds scary... it means u can but u dont...


Don't run away. I agree with your thinking 100%. Being opposite is interesting. You have more things to talk about, argue about, etc...

B-but.. i dont even think...

joined Sep 15, 2015


As a general way of respecting people's privacy, no. :-)

This part sounds scary... it means u can but u dont...

Thought I was the only one who thought of that xD

joined Jan 13, 2016


As a general way of respecting people's privacy, no. :-)

This part sounds scary... it means u can but u dont...


Don't run away. I agree with your thinking 100%. Being opposite is interesting. You have more things to talk about, argue about, etc...

B-but.. i dont even think...

Hmmm ok then i agreed with how you would act toward your cute person. Hehehe.

joined Feb 13, 2016


As a general way of respecting people's privacy, no. :-) Fay is the only one in here, who has caught my attention like that, because the girl basically seems to be a walking contradiction, which intrigues me. I want to find out why. Unless she tells me to stop, obviously. xD

I see. I always wanted to ask this for someone who studied psychology. I have a habit of overthinking, making assumptions and drawing possibilities in my head, so I'm actually always trying to figure out things and people. It's like a puzzle I want to solve. I always had issues regarding being invasive, like, I don't ask people about personal things, I don't talk about it either, but I can't really stop my thoughts. Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 9:23PM

joined Jan 13, 2016


As a general way of respecting people's privacy, no. :-) Fay is the only one in here, who has caught my attention like that, because the girl basically seems to be a walking contradiction, which intrigues me. I want to find out why. Unless she tells me to stop, obviously. xD

I see. I always wanted to ask this for someone who studied psychology. I have a habit of overthinking, making assumptions and drawing possibilities in my head, so I'm actually always trying to figure out things and people. It's like a puzzle I want to solve. I always had issues regarding being invasive, but I can't really stop my thoughts. Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

Wow Azai. I'm the same as you. I always overthink too.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

I need the answer to this too

joined Apr 3, 2016

This part sounds scary... it means u can but u dont...

xD Honestly, a decent psychoanalysis needs more than a few posts in a forum as a base. Fay is just special in a way, that she tends to share a whole lot of personal stories about her past, which got me interested in her in the first place. She's also very elaborate in describing her thoughts and feelings, so I figured I might give it a shot. She shared a few bad experiences and keeps on using metaphors and examples, that have a pretty negative touch to them. This is what made me think the way she shares all this stuff might mean she's actually trying to reach out to somebody, as if she's looking for someone to just listen to her story. Just think about it. When you have to think about a scenario, that describes "loneliness", would "trapped in an abandoned underground station for years" be one of the first things to pop into your head? I doubt it. While she might be trying to cover it up or downplay, I'm fairly convinced she's been through a lot of pain and it's left some quite noticeable scars. But like I also said before: I once concluded from the way she searches for and listens to music, that she seems to have problems figuring herself out. So might not even be quite aware of it all.

Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

Professionals can. ^_^ And we do, too. It's actually quite simple. xD You just remember, that not everyone is hurt and broken and in need of help and then you move on.

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 9:31PM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

I need the answer to this too

I am waiting for the solution in the corner with my breakfast box..

joined Feb 13, 2016

This part sounds scary... it means u can but u dont...

xD Honestly, a decent psychoanalysis needs more than a few posts in a forum as a base. Fay is just special in a way, that she tends to share a whole lot of personal stories about her past, which got me interested in her in the first place. She's also very elaborate in describing her thoughts and feelings, so I figured I might give it a shot. She shared a few bad experiences and keeps on using metaphors and examples, that have a pretty negative touch to them. This is what made me think the way she shares all this stuff might mean she's actually trying to reach out to somebody, as if she's looking for someone to just listen to her story. Just think about it. When you have to think about a scenario, that describes "loneliness", would "trapped in an abandoned underground station for years" be one of the first things to pop into your head? I doubt it. While she might be trying to cover it up or downplay, I'm fairly convinced she's been through a lot of pain and it's left some quite noticeable scars. But like I also said before: I once concluded from the way she searches for and listens to music, that she seems to have problems figuring herself out. So might not even be quite aware of it all.

Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

Professionals can. ^_^ And we do, too.

Right, thanks! Like I said, I'm just curious at how other people think. xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

Professionals can. ^_^ And we do, too. It's actually quite simple. xD You just remember, that not everyone is hurt and broken and in need of help and then you move on.

Yeah, I have some problem regarding that. But overall, I'm just too curious.

joined Apr 3, 2016

But overall, I'm just too curious.

I think being interested in human behavior is natural. After I studied it for 8 long years, I think it's also natural, that my curiosity has died down a little bit. xD When you do it literally every day, you learn to relax and take it easy. In most cases, what walks and talks like a duck is usually a duck. :-) It's a lot less complex than what most people usually think. xD

I'll log off for now. Need to get some sleep. xD See ya'll later!

joined Nov 20, 2015

Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

I need the answer to this too

I am waiting for the solution in the corner with my breakfast box..

Come eat over here. Your food is safe.

i love being in the corner.. all alone.. being secluded... i eat my breakfast with my own shadow.. Lolz

joined Mar 8, 2014

do you stare that hard that you'd get slapped? XD I for one don't especially mind when people stare unless they do it too much and it makes me embarrassed XD

It would be too rude for that fine ass not to get stared at.

tbh... I like faces a lot more... honestly! :)
Ah but yeah; that's not bad at all either ;)

Lol, because I finally agree with Faylicia over something like this. xD

Yeah right?! like I never really stare at a girls butt... BUT listen this outrageous thing! when my crush found out I liked her she went like "so that's why she was always staring at my butt!" a friend overheard her so that's why I know, she didn't say it in front of me but yeah... that was mean I didn't actually, I just stared at her but sometimes I'd try not to stare at her face because I didn't want her to take notice. But I also stared when she had her back turned even though I couldn't see her face... The only times I did stare at her butt was when she was sliding her hands across it for some weird reason (probably to check if she had her phone in her back pocket? >.>)

joined Nov 20, 2015

Always made me wonder if psychologists could stop the process of analysis.

I need the answer to this too

I am waiting for the solution in the corner with my breakfast box..

Come eat over here. Your food is safe.

i love being in the corner.. all alone.. being secluded... i eat my breakfast with my own shadow.. Lolz

That is sad. Although you do remind me of myself when eating too haha. What do you have for breakfast?

Red dragon fruit and Hawaian papaya..

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