Awwww, I wanna take all of them home.
And, LOL Maki-chan! So, secret agents, huh?
Oh, and Eri's lunch was really something else... Actually, I expected something like this, when I saw that matryoshka lunch box... hehehe
That's actually kind of mean for Elichi... She goes with a big bento box, but then it's "nope, smaller !" over and over again. Hope it ended before she ended up with just a mouthfull of rice. ><
giving out a round of free insulin shots for all.... =3
You really shouldn't share needles even if it's chibi Love Live :p
Well, this was cute but still hard to enjoy because kindergarten is my personal hell with all those children screaming and running around.. xD
I'd rather see more doujins of adult Love Live members, shame there aren't more of those!