
ForumNews Official Reader Suggestions Topic

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

To be done:

  • Sorting options on several locations
  • Right click on image to save.
  • Forum cleanup
  • Linking to scanlator release posts
  • Searchable author aliases
  • Delayed release posts and redirections (both ends)
  • Linking authors upon a series selection (back end)
  • Multiple uploads at once (back end)
  • Password reset

Will be implemented Soon(tm):
- Remove some het series
- Tag standardization
- Mobile site navigation corrections
- Android app stability


  • Tag whitelisting/blacklisting as long as you're logged in.

Edit January 30, 22:11 GMT: All out suggestions welcome now that the new reader is accessible to all in the olden suggestions topic.

last edited at Jan 31, 2013 12:53AM

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

Here are some ideas I have come up with. Just quick thoughts that might never see the light of day, but some feedback is always nice.

Ability to comment on individual chapters, series, etc, which will show on the bottom of each respective pages.

Some kind of email notification system. So you can follow a series or maybe a group, and it will send out an email whenever a chapter is realized. This can be complicated technically, because once you start sending out a decent amount of email you have to worry about your stuff getting automatically denied bc of spam.

I am not really into social media, but would some people want more social integration? I would never put one of those obnoxious like buttons or anything like this, but maybe just a simple link to email or post to somewhere.

Logged in users be able to blacklist/white list tags. So for instance only chapters tagged with yuri show up on front page.

Improved search support. I definitely know this needs to be improved, but anything specifics of what you would like to see. Maybe give the search a dropdown of results as you type.

joined May 17, 2011

♠ First my opinion on what omnscient0 posted: I agree w/ most of what you just said. I'm not a big fan of social media but the blacklisting thing would be perfect! Specially because that way I would NOT have to contaminate my eyes w/ yaoi or het stuff (which btw thanks to the gods is very scarce ^^).

♠ Also, about the mass email thing: I believe if you were to use a CMS on the site like drupal, joomla or even phpnuke (if you want to go very old school) you can get it going quite easily. I think that setting up a weekly email would reduce the traffic a bit since there'd be no need to come to the site and check for updates every single day (not that it would work for people like me who has the reader as home page :P … but for normal people it might). Anyway! Now onto my suggestions:

♠ I think that in addition to having “Read” and “To Read” lists we could have a “Favorite mangas“ list or even a “Favorite authors” list. I cannot be the only one that have a manga series (or a few) and reads it every once in a while. This would be especially helpful since the number of series/one-shots/volumes that are hosted here keeps increasing and has no end in sight (let’s all pray now :p ).

♠ What about having the option to mark a chapter as “Read” without adding the complete manga to that list? This is quite troublesome with ongoing manga series.

joined Dec 1, 2010

I mentioned this in the "reader suggestion" area, but I'll repost it here since I'm not sure that thread is being checked for suggestions right now, of if it was read.
Personally, I would really like to see a 'booru-like system...
Tags with author/mangaka/whatever, subject/genre, and then tags about the content and/or copyright since there are doujin on the reader, would be really useful for those times when I can remember only a single page/scene of a manga and be like, "What was that manga with a confession in a class room?" Having character names would probably be nice, too, as well as 'pairing names', i.e. Mitsu or HomuMado, etc.
Something like the "safe/questionable/explicit" rating system since it's probably not good to even have a pantyshot if you're reading manga somewhere public (like, say, in your school's resource center/computer lab between classes... yeah, I'm bad, I know.)

Putting newly added manga to the front page rather than only newly released might be nice, too.

Letting registered users edit tags would be pretty cool, so it would cut down on Mr. E's(?) work... though maybe not immediately since we'd likely get some yahoos in there causing some chaos, but once it had settled down I think it would be a system with minimal need for intervention.

Granted, I am a huge fan of 'boorus, so I'm admittedly biased. Letting the fans/users/whatever do the majority of the maintenance in terms of tagging and defining tags, as well as the versatility of making the reader more searchable, I think are the points I really want to make with the "make it a 'booru!" suggestion.

Anyway, about Omni's thoughts...
Comments probably wouldn't be too useful. On occasion I find myself wanting them just as a kind of dialogue with other people who read the manga, other times I'm like, "Wow, if there were comments it would be full of "this is hot", thank whatever gods may be that isn't the case."
I think it's more, "Do you (Dynasty) want to moderate comments?"

Blacklist/sub to tags sounds nice, if series/groups could be added as well. I.e. Now that Yamanko is over, I'm completely disinterested in Pretty Anon's work, so I wouldn't want that taking up space when browsing.

Anyway, best of luck, Dynasty.

Edit: DERP, should have checked again. Seems you've already heard it and thought about it, so Dynasty, just disregard the above. Not going to erase it because, well, it will remain a testament to my derpy-ness. =/

last edited at Jan 12, 2013 11:04AM

joined Jan 19, 2012


  • Agreed with the tagging issues.
  • Would like to keep the current method of browsing the, Directory, Series, Authors, Volumes, & Group as opposed to the drop-down method. I found that on a 1280x1024 screen, the drop-down would often vanish on me when going to the second level.
  • Definitely would enjoy seeing scanlation groups seeing the reader as a tool worth spending time on
  • Not sure on the booru... Although it would help boost the community; on the other hand, than I'd imagine people might end up just copy-pasting images from the existing boorus. I guess my opinion is dependent on further information about its' goals & purpose.


  • I prefer the current suggestion over the alternate suggestion. I'm not a fan of those types of voting systems. Especially since actual suggestions can be required to have reasoning behind it as opposed to just numbers. I think reasons would provide better discourse than statistics. The third suggestion seems to be too reliant on people being at the top of their browsing. Of course I could be over thinking this, since I suppose most tags won't require thorough analysis & evaluation.
  • I think the 'Reader's Choice' idea would be nice to help keep the community involved. Nothing ostentatious, but something that helps give newcomers a good overview of the better examples within the reader & regulars something to dive-in when they have an urge or to compare them to their preferences. Perhaps the first couple could be bimonthly to judge the interest & variety with the timing being adjusted from there.
  • I believe the 'Reader's Choice' idea is more useful than a rating system. I don't think the community has much to gain with popularity contests. The best use I can think for it is to judge how a long-running series may or may not vary in quality or other issues.
  • The favorities system pairing could be a good method to help spread out 'Reader's Choice' issues & show others what good stories that were in the running.
  • The links to release posts should be a good way of increasing connections between the reader & scanlation groups.
  • I haven't used the search as of yet, so I can't really say, but I definitely appreciate the drop-down list when I search out of Google. Searching is definitely a complex issue, since companies have built themselves off of their algorithms....
  • newegg's guided/advanced/power searching method could be a style worth emulating. Well, advanced is probably too time-consuming, but power seems like a step-forward of combining tags & blacklisting tags by having everything be there & the power being left up to the user.

For omnscient0's post:

  • I think commenting might be a bit too far. Unless there's an active enough community, it'll just be depressingly empty or with only a couple comments. Especially for the majority of one-shots & doujinshi.
  • Yeah, e-mails is a can of worms. If it's not too complicated, perhaps a application instead? RSS is probably the most efficient way for those with an active interest.
  • Fourth-ed after cyhtny with not being a fan of the social media stuff.
  • I like the blacklist/white list tags idea.

Thank you to all the staff for keep this site alive! And on working to make it even better!

joined Oct 22, 2012

As for tags I don't know the "booru" system (yep :P) but if you think it's a good thing than I'm ok with changing the actual, sometimes not so accurate tags.

But one thing that should be changed/improved/put to debate: the search by pairing tag should search by both "members of the pairing" and not by the actual pairing name - chaotic, but e.g. clicking on "A_x_B" should show series tagged as "A_x_B" and "B_x_A" cause what's the difference? :P (but maybe the actual search result should filter it in two separate groups?) Or in case of pairings there should be only one pairing name tag (less confusion with tagging).

"Sorting things marked by a certain tag by release/upload date."
That would be a very good addition to the search. But how about an additional option to filter things by date/status/"read it"/etc so the results would be filtered with requested colors/markers/order? Or if you want to only tag by release/upload date then add a color/marker/whatever to series that user read/is planning to read/faved/ so to actual result would be more clear?

"Improve connections between the reader and the scanlation groups"
Good thing, don't have an idea how to suggest something interesting that could handle this cause adding additional graphics/buttons/links/etc won't drastically change the major behavior of users that only check the reader and not the group site but maybe you'll figure it out.

Readers choice/Best manga of month/etc could be a fun addition so user can "integrate" more without any social-lame-media?

For Rating systems I mostly find them inaccurate in terms of "this has 9.0" but for me it's like an 6.0 but my 9.0 is "the internet 6.0" so this could potentially lead to users avoiding certain, good series that were poorly scored because someone didn't like the ending so he issued a 1.0. Readers choice/etc is a better way, or displaying the number of favs/views so that users can see what is popular without an actual score.

As for the user having an impact on the tags - maybe adding some "Point System", hidden from everyone but the staff. Each user that suggests a tag that is correct would gain 1 point, the staff could check in some "Top Users" which user is accurate/etc and add him/her to a special "Automatic Approve tags group" so each time that user suggest tags their are added without additional review by staff. Vice versa if a user suggest bad/inaccurate tags or just like to be a troll he "gains" -1 point (or maybe even more for typical trolling) so that each time a "negative" user suggest a tag it is automatically rejected. And with that +/- system user that like to help others will add accurate tags, neutral will stay neutral and "pranks" will be mostly eliminated.

And now my own suggestions (didn't bother to check /u/ topic cause I'm lazy so sorry for eventual doubles):

X Maybe an option to change the default background color of the reader to other one than white?

X An indicator/notice that one of your "followed" series has been updated? (Or maybe this is implemented but I didn't see anything)

X Info on delayed releases - example if group releases something on 1.01 and it's 24h delayed then if you make it visible to the readers after 1 day then add to the name that this release was "delayed" or add it with the actual delayed date (so in this it would be 2.01)

X Maybe an option for the user to customizable their reader front page (like with the blacklist/whitelist/subs/follows, Readers Choice, etc)

Good luck on improving the reader! Cheers.

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

I think user interaction is a bad idea. Cluttering pages with vote and comment options is worthless and should be done separately, such as in a different place and not on the reader itself. I think it would be best to have comments and tag suggestions in somewhere else rather than the reader like the forums or a new forum/booru style board, or even a kareha sub directory for discussion rather. I think the only thing the reader needs is the tagging system to be redone with multi-tag search and more descriptive tags, perhaps remove the "add to your reading/read list" headers that take up the first half the page. As for a forum revamp kareha and Shiichan are good ways to do forums since they do not require registrations and do not have images save for capcodes. Shiichan is actually quite useful once you learn how it works properly and can use posticons and capcodes, where kareha works properly and actually functions.

joined May 13, 2011

GendoIkari wrote

I think user interaction is a bad idea. Cluttering pages with vote and comment options is worthless and should be done separately, such as in a different place and not on the reader itself. I think it would be best to have comments and tag suggestions in somewhere else rather than the reader like the forums or a new forum/booru style board, or even a kareha sub directory for discussion rather. I think the only thing the reader needs is the tagging system to be redone with multi-tag search and more descriptive tags. As for a forum revamp kareha and Shiichan are good ways to do forums since they do not require registrations and do not have images save for capcodes. Shiichan is actually quite useful once you learn how it works properly and can use posticons and capcodes, where kareha works properly and actually functions.

Well it's a great debate. I also think that user interacion isn't a great idea. The only thing I'd do as a reader is to give points or I can put a "like" to some manga that I really like. Tags are so interesting because you avoid reading something that really do not care.

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

Regarding user interaction.

My current plan is to just add a "Discuss the chapter" link to the chapter. Which when clicked will take you to a forum topic (or create one if no one has discussed it before). So that should help facilitate discussion.

Probably not going to go with voting either, but instead add a kind of "favorites" system. It will be similar in implementation to reading lists, and mostly just for personal user use (so they can easily find there most liked stories). There might be some places where it will show "most favorited" chapter or something, but it will be used very sparingly and for the most part it will be hidden except for your own favorites.

Users will also be able to suggest changes to tags (and other meta data), that will be submit to a moderator to approve before going into place. This will take some of the burden off of the few of us to tag everything, while not running into all the issue of letting everyone tag or a tag vote systems. One thing that this will need is a document somewhere to explain tag style we are using. But with the tag aliases I plan to implement, it isn't that big of a deal.

Overall I think these features are a good compromise that will improve upon various deficiencies of the reader, while still keeping the focus on reading and finding manga to read.

joined Jul 3, 2011

GendoIkari wrote

I think user interaction is a bad idea. Cluttering pages with vote and comment options is worthless and should be done separately, such as in a different place and not on the reader itself. I think it would be best to have comments and tag suggestions in somewhere else rather than the reader like the forums or a new forum/booru style board, or even a kareha sub directory for discussion rather. I think the only thing the reader needs is the tagging system to be redone with multi-tag search and more descriptive tags, perhaps remove the "add to your reading/read list" headers that take up the first half the page. As for a forum revamp kareha and Shiichan are good ways to do forums since they do not require registrations and do not have images save for capcodes. Shiichan is actually quite useful once you learn how it works properly and can use posticons and capcodes, where kareha works properly and actually functions.

I have to agree with Gendolkari on this. I don't believe a rating system is necessary because everyone has their preference in yuri scenarios. Comments and discussions are fine as is, being handled in the forum. As for a favorites system, that's what the reading list is for. If I like a story/series it goes on my reading list for when I want to read it again. A multi-tag search function would definitly be a plus. As far as tagging in general, making a suggestion to the Dynasty staff should suffice. You don't want to give too much control to non-staff members because every site has it's trolls/spammers.

joined Jul 3, 2011

omnscient0 wrote

Regarding user interaction.

My current plan is to just add a "Discuss the chapter" link to the chapter. Which when clicked will take you to a forum topic (or create one if no one has discussed it before). So that should help facilitate discussion.

Probably not going to go with voting either, but instead add a kind of "favorites" system. It will be similar in implementation to reading lists, and mostly just for personal user use (so they can easily find there most liked stories). There might be some places where it will show "most favorited" chapter or something, but it will be used very sparingly and for the most part it will be hidden except for your own favorites.

Users will also be able to suggest changes to tags (and other meta data), that will be submit to a moderator to approve before going into place. This will take some of the burden off of the few of us to tag everything, while not running into all the issue of letting everyone tag or a tag vote systems. One thing that this will need is a document somewhere to explain tag style we are using. But with the tag aliases I plan to implement, it isn't that big of a deal.

Overall I think these features are a good compromise that will improve upon various deficiencies of the reader, while still keeping the focus on reading and finding manga to read.

Just for the record I was thinking over and typing my post when this posted. It wasn't my intent to repeat almost everything omnscient0 just said.

last edited at Jan 15, 2013 5:23AM

joined Oct 22, 2012

Don't know is this was suggested earlier but adding something similar to:

omnscient0 wrote

Preview of the screen to suggest tags for a chapter, etc. http://i.imgur.com/AAQEM84.png

but with "Suggest adding a chapter/series/volumes", without the option that user can upload the zip/rar/whatever files (so idiots won't upload whatever they would like) but with fileds like Name/Description (optional, eg. "if you don't know what to write, add suggested tags")/Scanlators/URL (to the actual release). And then the staff could verify that suggestion to add it/drop it/contact scanlators/etc.

I don't think that this could be hard to code but could be used to add mostly one shots doujins eg from u/other forums/galleries or from user hdd when the scanlation group is no longer active or for whatever other reason.

As far from the "Screenshot Gallery" the new reader looks very nice so keep the good work and gl :)

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