Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Aug 18, 2015

okay those who r anti-Nam character and Seju's fans need not to get ahead so fast. The story has ended yet-it is only half way through. I still dont know why ya seem to dislike Nam character. The author hasnt talked much abt Nam's background. Yes, Nam seems like a player n she likes to annoy the hell out of Seju. So? u know there is an old saying dont judge the book by its cover.
I hope Seju also find true happiness in the end. Here is the thing, Seju needs to live a little-dont put her happiness in someone's hands (especially in the hands of Sumin). Imo life in gereral isnt fair so dont compare-just learn to manage it.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 9:23AM

joined Feb 11, 2016

This is not a matter of Sumin vs Seju again. It has been discussed before a lot of times, so no point of repeating the same over and over. Of course Seju was at fault for cheating, I'm not saying it was ok. And how she handled Sumin's depression was not the best either.
Sumin has already found Sungji, so this is not about Sumin and Seju getting back together again, nor trying to put a blame on one of them.
All I'm saying is how Seju might have felt during the whole situation. It's natural some people don't like her, so I don't think they have to see the things from her pov. I'm not trying to justify her actions nor to say it was Sumin's fault for them breaking up.
I just feel that her character has suffered a lot through the series, and even Sumin will get her happy ending, Seju's future seems not so good.

To me you were putting the blame on Sumin, and I have lost a parent and I know how it feels, sometimes you can't help but get depressed and not act in the best way death of a loved one is not easy to deal with. It's a normal human reaction, to become depressed and I wish people would stop blaming Sumin for it, for me it wasn't a Seju vs Sangji, it was in defense of Sumin. Also I'm sick of people saying just get over it when it comes to dealing with death of a loved one . Jeez people acted the same way with Shizuma from strawberry panic. Don't you guys have a heart.

joined Dec 9, 2014

To me you were putting the blame on Sumin, and I have lost a parent and I know how it feels, sometimes you can't help but get depressed and not act in the best way death of a loved one is not easy to deal with. It's a normal human reaction, to become depressed and I wish people would stop blaming Sumin for it, for me it wasn't a Seju vs Sangji, it was in defense of Sumin. Also I'm sick of people saying just get over it when it comes to dealing with death of a loved one . Jeez people acted the same way with Shizuma from strawberry panic. Don't you guys have a heart.

You mistook what I was trying to say. My opinion is, that it is only natural for someone to get depression after losing a parent. And Seju saying to Sumin that she should just get over it was not the right way to deal with her at all.
I didn't want to talk about that event specifically. It has been discussed a lot before. Really, who blames Sumin for getting depressed? Maybe some people are saying that Seju was trying to help, even if that was the wrong way.

All I'm saying is Seju screwed up, but that had a very bad effect on her too, not just Sumin.
I just wanted to put some things from Seju's POV, since we don't get to see her much of her lately. If someone doesn't like her it's ok. They can just ignore it and start a talk about Sumin/Sungji.

Seju needs to live a little-dont put her happiness in someone's hands

I agree with this, and this is why I think that if they push Nammi/Seju would be bad writting. Because there is the logic behind that, that someone can't be happy if they have noone who likes them this way. She needs to get her life in her own hands and then maybe find someone. But hey, we can't all like the same things and characters.

joined Jul 27, 2015

I think what some people seem to be forgetting is that Seju probably suffered from Sumin's depression almost just as much as Sumin herself did. At least that's how I interpreted it. Just think about it. Seju might have a big family and everything, but they all hate her and she hates them back. For pretty much her whole life, her relationship with Sumin was the only good thing, that ever happened to her. When Sumin suffered from her parents' loss, it's implied that she just shut everyone, including Seju, out of her life - which is understandable. For an entire month though, she seemed to not even have displayed the will to try and move on. I don't think Seju was expecting Sumin to have gotten over it after a month. Obviously, that would be too much to ask. I can relate to Sumin in this regard, because I lost both of my older brothers in a car accident 2 years ago, but after almost 3 weeks of just wanting to shut out the entire world and for everyone to just leave me the hell alone, my younger brother was the one, who helped me understand that I can't just stay in that dark place forever. One way or another, life just has to go on somehow. Even if you take baby steps, as long as those steps take you forward, you're getting there. That's what Sumin wasn't doing, even after a month had passed. So I can understand that Seju, who apparently has tried this entire month to get through to Sumin somehow, ended up being upset at her, because anger, in a lot of cases, is just another way of expressing fear.

What I think happened is that Seju just didn't know what she could do anymore. To her, it looked like she was completely losing Sumin, the only person who ever meant something to her, and she was just so freaking scared of that. So in her despair, she probably just went drinking somewhere and maybe ended up meeting a guy, who was willing to listen to her. Then more alcohol, the guy possibly taking advantage of Seju's weakness and that's how they ended up in bed together. Something around the lines of that is really the only way, how I can imagine it having happened. Seju isn't a bad person. She did a mistake, obviously. Mentioning them going to America, which is where Sumin's parents died, really wasn't the right approach in the first place and then cheating on her obviously wasn't the right decision either. But people sometimes can't keep their emotions in check, and then they do stupid things. That's what makes us different from machines. I'm not putting the blame on Sumin, because I can completely understand her side as well. If we're gonna talk about who's at fault for their nasty breakup and the messed up "relationship" that followed, I, too, would probably say, that Seju carries most of the blame. But I don't hate her for that and I don't think it makes her a bad person. I don't know, I guess what I'm saying is that I don't blame neither Seju nor Sumin for being human and that I honestly think both of them are great characters.

Personally, I hope that by the end of the story, Sumin and Seju will have established a healthy friendship, or at least are on the right way for that, with Sumin remembering and deciding to keep her promise of being Seju's family and with Seju just letting go of Sumin and accepting that it's over and that she needs to move on. And there will be hugs and tears and things like "I forgive you" being said and that's when my heart will be oh so happy ((TToTT)/) ...*ahem * Yeah...

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 10:27AM

joined Aug 29, 2013


But people sometimes can't keep their emotions in check, and then they do stupid things. That's what makes us different from machines. I'm not putting the blame on Sumin, because I can completely understand her side as well. If we're gonna talk about who's at fault for their nasty breakup and the messed up "relationship" that followed, I, too, would probably say, that Seju carries most of the blame. But I don't hate her for that and I don't think it makes her a bad person. I don't know, I guess what I'm saying is that I don't blame neither Seju nor Sumin for being human and that I honestly think both of them are great characters.

I agreed with everything you said. Very well written. Thank you.
People don't remember Seju and Sumin were both quite young when it happened. Mistakes happen. Maybe some readers haven't even gotten to the stage of life of regretting their earlier mistakes because they're still too young.

joined Feb 11, 2016

So if you're losing someone it's alright to cheat on them, instead of being patient with them. Just like how some men say if my wife had paid attention to me and did what I wanted I wouldn't have cheated. Seju cheated because she wanted to she's not a victim and when Seju and Sumin was young Seju wasn't even in love with Sumin she didn't even think their first time was special, it wasn't until she realized what her cheating as caused until she realized how important Sumin was to her. And as the saying goes you don’t know holw valuable something is until it's gone and she deserves what she got. Did she suffer yes but I don't feel any sympathy towards her when she caused her own mess, just because you're girlfriend doesn't want to go on a trip isn’t an excuse to cheat ,she's freakin selfish. She is no victim to me
She brought the suffering on herself when she cheated. Plus knownING when you're lover loss everyone close to her then seeing the person she loved betraying her she must of thought " Maybe you didn't love me after, since you dropped me at my worst and didn't even stick by my side. And cheated on me with some dude".
Seju is indeed suffered but she brought it all on herself and she got what she deserved karma is a bitch

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 11:33AM

joined Aug 18, 2015

Seju is indeed suffered but she brought it all on herself and she got what she deserved karma is a bitch

what karma has to do with this. Yeah Seju made a terrible mistake at the worst possible time. so yeah it happened. people make stupid mistakes. u can say Seju should do this that or watever. She has no experience how to deal with the situation. I agree that it doesnt excuse the cheating. here is the thing-I wouldnt have said it's a mistake if she seeked comfort fr an ex. Since Sumin cannot forgive Seju, they should have moved on. Seju hasnt moved on but I believe she will since this is a healing story. Just dont turn psycho. Sumin was a jerk for continuing sleeping with Seju while knowing Seju is still in love with her.

joined Feb 11, 2016

Seju is indeed suffered but she brought it all on herself and she got what she deserved karma is a bitch

what karma has to do with this. Yeah Seju made a terrible mistake at the worst possible time. so yeah it happened. people make stupid mistakes. u can say Seju should do this that or watever. She has no experience how to deal with the situation. I agree that it doesnt excuse the cheating. here is the thing-I wouldnt have said it's a mistake if she seeked comfort fr an ex. Since Sumin cannot forgive Seju, they should have moved on. Seju hasnt moved on but I believe she will since this is a healing story. Just dont turn psycho. Sumin was a jerk for continuing sleeping with Seju while knowing Seju is still in love with her.

Seju wanted to sleep with Sumin as well.
It takes two to tango.

joined Aug 24, 2015

I just read this series and thought "wow I bet there's gonna be lots of drama about this one on dynasty" and well, here we are...

joined Feb 5, 2015

Suzuma I agree with you, completely. Very well said.

Seju and Sumin was young Seju wasn't even in love with Sumin she didn't even think their first time was special, it wasn't until she realized what her cheating as caused until she realized how important Sumin was to her.

We're either reading the same manhwa with different translations or we're reading a different manhwa. There's nothing in the manhwa that ever showed that Seju did not think that their first time was special or not nor it showing that Seju doesn't love Sumin. She always know that Sumin is important to her. What that cheating caused her was her relationship with Sumin.

Seju wanted to sleep with Sumin as well.
It takes two to tango.

It makes sense that Seju still wants to sleep with Sumin when Sumin throws herself at her, because she still loves Sumin. What's not a good move is Sumin coming back to Seju every time her new relationship fails. For that, I agree with what jmv said, Sumin is a jerk.

joined Feb 11, 2016

Suzuma I agree with you, completely. Very well said.

Seju and Sumin was young Seju wasn't even in love with Sumin she didn't even think their first time was special, it wasn't until she realized what her cheating as caused until she realized how important Sumin was to her.

We're either reading the same manhwa with different translations or we're reading a different manhwa. There's nothing in the manhwa that ever showed that Seju did not think that their first time was special or not nor it showing that Seju doesn't love Sumin. She always know that Sumin is important to her. What that cheating caused her was her relationship with Sumin.

Seju wanted to sleep with Sumin as well.
It takes two to tango.

It makes sense that Seju still wants to sleep with Sumin when Sumin throws herself at her, because she still loves Sumin. What's not a good move is Sumin coming back to Seju every time her new relationship fails. For that, I agree with what jmv said, Sumin is a jerk.

Sumin just enjoys sex with Seju can't blame Sumin Seju is hot , plus Sumin likes her sex. I don't think she's a jerk she likes the sex they have and sex in general. She gotta get it from somewhere.
Some adults act like that, you hate the person's guts but you love banging them.
Plus the roles are reversed Seju use to treat Sumin like that ,when Sumin was younger.
Yall being hard on shortie
Anyone notice Sumin hadn't smoked in a while, like a few chapters. ?

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 2:51PM

joined Aug 29, 2013


I just read this series and thought "wow I bet there's gonna be lots of drama about this one on dynasty" and well, here we are...

lol the question is, which team are you on?

  1. Blonde team

  2. Pink team

  3. Black team - (if you're on both team Blonde and team Pink, OR you defend Black at all costs)

  4. Dont give a fuck... as long as theres good sex and good drama.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 3:14PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Sumin just enjoys sex with Seju can't blame Sumin Seju is hot , plus Sumin likes her sex. I don't think she's a jerk she likes the sex they have and sex in general. She gotta get it from somewhere.

Some adults act like that, you hate the person's guts but you love banging them.

This is wrong on so many levels

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 3:38PM

joined Aug 29, 2013


Sumin just enjoys sex with Seju can't blame Sumin Seju is hot , plus Sumin likes her sex. I don't think she's a jerk she likes the sex they have and sex in general. She gotta get it from somewhere.

Some adults act like that, you hate the person's guts but you love banging them.

This is wrong on so many levels

I agreed.
Seju did wrong, and she couldn't be justified. But people can justify any wrong thing Sumin did. Funny.

Both were in the wrong. Period. Life goes on.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 3:44PM

joined Feb 11, 2016


Sumin just enjoys sex with Seju can't blame Sumin Seju is hot , plus Sumin likes her sex. I don't think she's a jerk she likes the sex they have and sex in general. She gotta get it from somewhere.

Some adults act like that, you hate the person's guts but you love banging them.

This is wrong on so many levels

I agreed.
Seju did wrong, and she couldn't be justified. But people can justify any wrong thing Sumin did. Funny.

Both were in the wrong. Period. Life goes on.

I agree that they both wrong the friends with benefits part, but come on we all can tell they liked it from the first few chapters, but they sure weren’t happy though. I don't think Seju loves Sumin in a healthy way, more like a Sumin is mine and only I can have her no one else can sort of way .let
And I'm not justifying this I'm just pointing out that Sumin really likes sex as a fact , she’s having sex with someone she hates but is yet attracted to. Should she stop going back yes I agree, I didn’t like that she kept going back either. But it took too Sumin didn't make love to herself, and remember that time she said she couldn't because of her finger was in a bandaid, guess who " come on Sumin you can still do me with a bandaid up finger ,just use your other hand " if I'm not mistaken
I want to give Sumin a metal for not going back to Seju, and for quitting having sex with her. Because that shows she’s grown as a person not a lot but at least she's trying.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 4:10PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

Sumin just enjoys sex with Seju can't blame Sumin Seju is hot , plus Sumin likes her sex. I don't think she's a jerk she likes the sex they have and sex in general. She gotta get it from somewhere.
Some adults act like that, you hate the person's guts but you love banging them.

seriously!!! Sumin n Seju r not some horny teenagers. When u r a responsible adult, u think of the consequences of your action. Sumin n Seju r no longer lovers after the cheating but they can remain friends. In my dictionary, u don't "screw" your friend over. So Sumin found Sungji. Good for her...then what's abt Seju?

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 7:04PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

So if you're losing someone it's alright to cheat on them, instead of being patient with them. Just like how some men say if my wife had paid attention to me and did what I wanted I wouldn't have cheated. Seju cheated because she wanted to she's not a victim and when Seju and Sumin was young Seju wasn't even in love with Sumin she didn't even think their first time was special, it wasn't until she realized what her cheating as caused until she realized how important Sumin was to her. And as the saying goes you don’t know holw valuable something is until it's gone and she deserves what she got. Did she suffer yes but I don't feel any sympathy towards her when she caused her own mess, just because you're girlfriend doesn't want to go on a trip isn’t an excuse to cheat ,she's freakin selfish. She is no victim to me
She brought the suffering on herself when she cheated. Plus knownING when you're lover loss everyone close to her then seeing the person she loved betraying her she must of thought " Maybe you didn't love me after, since you dropped me at my worst and didn't even stick by my side. And cheated on me with some dude".
Seju is indeed suffered but she brought it all on herself and she got what she deserved karma is a bitch

Just because you love somebody doesn't mean that this love you have for them gives you infinite strength to deal with everything that comes your way perfectly and just like you should and without getting your own wounds. Seju suffered the entire time throughout her relationship with Sumin, because she was living with a terrible family, who hated her guts and forced her into positions she never wanted to be in. How did she create this mess on her own? Her family hated her for reasons she never had anything to do with at all. It hurts dealing with things like that and after a while, it just robs you off of your energy. Sumin has always been Seju's escape and just because Seju has always had a rather unique and vague way to express her love for Sumin (which is probably simply because the treatment her family gave her had left some noticeable traces on Seju), the simple fact that they had been together for so many years and that Sumin never doubted Seju's feelings for her can only mean that there wasn't a time in their relationship, in which Seju didn't love Sumin. The fact, that it seemed like their first time sex together wasn't special to Seju can, in my opinion, either mean, that by that time, because of what her family continued doing to her, she was emotionally already F'd up enough to really not care that much, or she was acting. Sumin was obviously nervous and maybe Seju was just acting like it's all no big deal to not freak Sumin out even more.

Anyway, the point I was getting at is that love doesn't give a human an infinite amount of patience and strength. That's why breakups happen in the first place. Even while Sumin was depressed, Seju still had her own sh*t to deal with. Now Sumin was suffering, which probably hurt Seju as well, and Seju still had the patience to try for a whole month to carefully get Sumin back on the right track - to no avail. So there she was, with a pathetic excuse for a family making her life a living hell, facing a future she never wanted and having to deal with the hurt of knowing that her beloved was suffering and with the fear of probably losing Sumin for good. Humans can break, you know. At some point, they just reach that point, when the weight they're carrying just all gets too much and it crushes them. Worst part is that it doesn't happen one by one so that you could at least try to keep it together, no. It happens all at once. Bam! Just like that. One second you feel like you can still bear this if you just keep your head above the water somehow, then a moment later the thoughts come flooding into your head, your heart starts racing like crazy and you basically just see your entire world crumbling and falling apart right in front of you. It's like a punch in the face that hits you out of nowhere and it leaves you distressed, disoriented, vulnerable and all in all extremely prone to doing something extremely stupid. Prime example everyone knows: Britney Spears.

Honestly, I really don't think Seju cheated on Sumin because she didn't care about Sumin anymore. Or maybe at that point, she actually really didn't care anymore about Sumin as well as about herself or the entire rest of the world. She was probably just like "F*ck it all!" and ended up doing what she did, because she was yearning to at least feel something good. That's my view on what happened. Seju reached her breaking point and did something extremely stupid, which she still regrets until this day. Everybody makes mistakes. And it's mostly when we're emotionally at our worst that we do the biggest, stupidest ones.

Like I said, I'm not blaming Sumin and I understand Sumin's view of it all as well. Really, I do. What I said about love not giving a person an infinite supply of patience and strength goes for Sumin as well. She was relying on Seju to be there and ended up getting disappointed in the worst imaginable way. I understand the rage she felt. After seeing Seju in bed with someone else, I guess Sumin felt the same things I think Seju felt when she thought there was no way she could help Sumin and that she'd lose her. Seju really isn't a position to ask anything of Sumin and just because she too did her share, that ultimately led to their catastrophical breakup, I don't think there's anything Sumin owes to Seju. I just really do hope that one day they'll manage to talk everything through and maybe turn their messed up relationship into a normal, healthy friendship. I'd love to see that happen. ^^

joined Feb 13, 2016

Damn, Suzuma. Someone finally wrote my thoughts about Seju! I just needed to compliment you for that. Really, thank you.

I'm not saying Seju isn't to blame. She made a mistake and paid the price of losing the person she loves. But come on, guys, she has suffered just as much as Sumin, if not more. Seju knows she hurt Sumin - the person she loved the most - and that Sumin is probably never coming back for her. Seju will carry this burden for all her life.

And Seju definitely treasured Sumin back then. There was this scene we see all the hatred Seju had to deal with in her house. She was surrounded by her family, while listening to their mean words all directed to her. But Seju was smiling. Amidst all that hatred, Seju still found a reason to smile for. And that was because Sumin was in her thoughts. In my opinion, that was one of the most meaningful moments of this story.

I'm not saying Sumin should forgive Seju and go back to her. I understand Sumin' side. But I like Seju's character the most so I support SejuxSumin, even though I know that is not happening. It's just that her background makes me feel for her. I wanted her to have a second chance with the person she loved. But life isn't like that. And she will need to move on eventually. I would like Seju to have at least one good ending - and that would be being able to forgive herself.

joined Aug 29, 2013


Just because you love somebody doesn't mean that this love you have for them gives you infinite strength to deal with everything that comes your way perfectly and just like you should and without getting your own wounds. Seju suffered the entire time throughout her relationship with Sumin, because she was living with a terrible family, who hated her guts and forced her into positions she never wanted to be in. How did she create this mess on her own? Her family hated her for reasons she never had anything to do with at all. It hurts dealing with things like that and after a while, it just robs you off of your energy. Sumin has always been Seju's escape and just because Seju has always had a rather unique and vague way to express her love for Sumin (which is probably simply because the treatment her family gave her had left some noticeable traces on Seju), the simple fact that they had been together for so many years and that Sumin never doubted Seju's feelings for her can only mean that there wasn't a time in their relationship, in which Seju didn't love Sumin. The fact, that it seemed like their first time sex together wasn't special to Seju can, in my opinion, either mean, that by that time, because of what her family continued doing to her, she was emotionally already F'd up enough to really not care that much, or she was acting. Sumin was obviously nervous and maybe Seju was just acting like it's all no big deal to not freak Sumin out even more.

Anyway, the point I was getting at is that love doesn't give a human an infinite amount of patience and strength. That's why breakups happen in the first place. Even while Sumin was depressed, Seju still had her own sh*t to deal with. Now Sumin was suffering, which probably hurt Seju as well, and Seju still had the patience to try for a whole month to carefully get Sumin back on the right track - to no avail. So there she was, with a pathetic excuse for a family making her life a living hell, facing a future she never wanted and having to deal with the hurt of knowing that her beloved was suffering and with the fear of probably losing Sumin for good. Humans can break, you know. At some point, they just reach that point, when the weight they're carrying just all gets too much and it crushes them. Worst part is that it doesn't happen one by one so that you could at least try to keep it together, no. It happens all at once. Bam! Just like that. One second you feel like you can still bear this if you just keep your head above the water somehow, then a moment later the thoughts come flooding into your head, your heart starts racing like crazy and you basically just see your entire world crumbling and falling apart right in front of you. It's like a punch in the face that hits you out of nowhere and it leaves you distressed, disoriented, vulnerable and all in all extremely prone to doing something extremely stupid. Prime example everyone knows: Britney Spears.

Honestly, I really don't think Seju cheated on Sumin because she didn't care about Sumin anymore. Or maybe at that point, she actually really didn't care anymore about Sumin as well as about herself or the entire rest of the world. She was probably just like "F*ck it all!" and ended up doing what she did, because she was yearning to at least feel something good. That's my view on what happened. Seju reached her breaking point and did something extremely stupid, which she still regrets until this day. Everybody makes mistakes. And it's mostly when we're emotionally at our worst that we do the biggest, stupidest ones.

Like I said, I'm not blaming Sumin and I understand Sumin's view of it all as well. Really, I do. What I said about love not giving a person an infinite supply of patience and strength goes for Sumin as well. She was relying on Seju to be there and ended up getting disappointed in the worst imaginable way. I understand the rage she felt. After seeing Seju in bed with someone else, I guess Sumin felt the same things I think Seju felt when she thought there was no way she could help Sumin and that she'd lose her. Seju really isn't a position to ask anything of Sumin and just because she too did her share, that ultimately led to their catastrophical breakup, I don't think there's anything Sumin owes to Seju. I just really do hope that one day they'll manage to talk everything through and maybe turn their messed up relationship into a normal, healthy friendship. I'd love to see that happen. ^^

Suzuma, bravo! Reading comments like yours is the reason why I love Dynasty. Thank you for speaking up the thoughts I never knew how to express on my own. Very well written.

joined May 11, 2012

I'm only reading the discussion since the thread started, didn't read WDTFS yet so correct me if I say anything wrong, something that I thought about Seju, okay she got drunk and slept with that random dude, but can we really call that cheating? I mean, okay from Sumin perspective that was cheating one way or another, but did Seju even had any idea of what she did that night? Doesn't she even say to the guy she only have interest in woman? Doesn't that imply that it was a surprise for her too that she slept with him? Or she remember the entire night and know very well what she did? Cause rather than real cheating I can't help but feel that it was more like a guy taking advantage of a really drunk woman, because the way some people talk about the cheating it seens like Seju got out specifically to sleep with the first person she found even if it was a man, but was that even the case? I can't help but feel that all this focus on the cheating is disproportionate and that some people hate Seju only because of that as if she did it on purpose.

Also, people who love to talk against Seju seens to forget that what she did was 10 years ago and an accident, while Sumin always came back to Seju during this time, keep sleeping with her, accept everything Seju gives to her, makes sure that Seju knows she's sleeping with other womans, but some act as if Sumin is a saint who never did anything wrong, but didn't she do all that on purpose to hurt Seju as revenge for the cheating?

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 10:52PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

yes, I agree, I kind of hate Seju but that's mainly because I really relate to Sungji and I really like Sumin so I don't want Seju to get in the way ^-^***, but I totally get her. Seju did really wrong but she was suffering and maybe things would have worked out better for her and Sumin if they had tried to understand each other and if Sumin had given her a second chance but she couldn't forgive her. AND that lead to her eventually finding Sungji, who is much more suitable for her than Seju I believe.
And yeah I hope Seju gets a happy-kind-of-ending... But this is not Seju's story so she doesn't even have to get an ending. As long as her "story" is pointing to a happy ending that would be fine I guess... and I don't know about Nam but like, maybe the reason she was introduced was for this. The story is too short to have them together but in the end maybe we will see Seju blushing at Nam or something, showing that something might develop between them... But that outcome is predictable... and apparently there's a shocking plot twist, which is what really bothers me!! >.<

joined Feb 11, 2016

Anyone else notice Sumin has not been smoking in a few chapters like not even one puff.
Plus Sangji doesn't like the smell of cigarettes

last edited at Feb 15, 2016 11:39AM

joined Dec 9, 2014

people who love to talk against Seju seens to forget that what she did was 10 years ago and an accident, while Sumin always came back to Seju during this time, keep sleeping with her, accept everything Seju gives to her, makes sure that Seju knows she's sleeping with other womans, but some act as if Sumin is a saint who never did anything wrong

It wasn't an accident.Maybe Seju was not 100% conscious of what she was doing but she still willingly did it. She wasn't raped or anything.
Sumin said that if the guy dragged her there by force Seju's guard would have seen it and prevent it. It was clearly cheating.
But I do agree that Sumin accepting all of her gifts and keep on going back at her is selfish

But this is not Seju's story so she doesn't even have to get an ending.

But it is Seju's story too. The cover has always been the three of them, not just Sumin and Sungji. Plus Seju's role is as important as Sungji's in the story. Her actions have shaped Sumin's character at some degree or another.

remember that time she said she couldn't because of her finger was in a bandaid, guess who " come on Sumin you can still do me with a bandaid up finger ,just use your other hand

No Seju didn't press Sumin to keep on having sex with her. She said goodnight

She was probably just like "F*ck it all!" and ended up doing what she did, because she was yearning to at least feel something good

I agree with everything you said except this part. I don't think Seju actually wanted to feel something good. She's gay, so it would make more sense if she slept with a woman instead of a guy to feel good.
My theory is that Seju was feeling responsible and guilty for Sumin's parents, and so she slept with the guy as a way to punish herself. I don't think it's a coinscidence Gaji chose the cheating to be with a guy instead of a woman.

last edited at Feb 15, 2016 3:45PM

joined May 11, 2012

Thanks MacySan, I didn't had much context of how it was, I agree that it can't be a coincidence that it was with a guy, maybe when the story focus more on Seju, or when Seju and Sumin finally talk about their problems, they'll talk about why it was with a guy? I mean, as far as we know Seju is gay, not bi, so she might have thought about why she slept with a guy or had something to tell to Sumin about it but never had a chance because of how she reacted.

joined Feb 11, 2016

Maybe killgrave from Jessica Jones ran into Seju and did some mind control and made Seju sleep with a man.

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