I'm just aiming for the top 1k for en and top 45k for jp. ( ̄▽ ̄)
Playing for top 200 in en and top 9k in jp is stressful. I barely made it on Maki's Medley Festival
Though, my playing style is somewhat like that of a turtle. XD
I learned my lesson from Maki's SID event. Playing like a rabbit does not suit me.
So until the event is finished, that's the only time I can decipher if I achieved it or not.
I think these can be one of the draws that I can battle out with Shima's two UR draw
Or this?
But I think, TWO URs in one draw still wins. (ノ_<)
Same as shadow. Choose which one you love more. Though if I were you, I think I'll go with my EN acct even if my JP got better members too since I'm just an illegal player in JP basically, since I'm not from Japan. ( ̄▽ ̄)
The SIF wiki is down at the moment, but if i remembered correctly, it's Nico's Score Match that is coming next on SIF EN