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Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Haha! On my friends list I'm only 3rd place for song rank! I've only played the hard song once to get the completion bonus, too...

Here's my Pure team:

joined Jul 2, 2013

Maybe one day I'll attain the mythical creature that is a UR.

joined Mar 9, 2014

In order to have a UR one day I never use more than 1/2 gems in an event, and only when it help me get a rank below 4000... but I've got no luck, I think I will never get it x)

I can't even get the smile Rare Nico after three/four 50 gems honor scouting >.>

last edited at Dec 25, 2014 7:06PM

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

I will use this opportunity to brag about the best draw that I ever got:

Spiritual ya ne. The yuri goddesses favour me.

joined May 10, 2014

Wow lol. And that's a lot of Kotori I'm jelly of those URs. 2 URds!? dies

Shadow it's a 1%(I think is 4% on boosted time) chance don't feel bad.

Trafi I don't even have R pure maki yet lol.

last edited at Dec 25, 2014 7:13PM

joined Mar 9, 2014

That remind of someone I know. She just started this game, she don't know it's better to do the 50 gems scouting.
First 5 gems scouting => SR nico
Second 5 gems scouting => SR Nozomi

Your luck make me want to cry T_T

joined Jul 2, 2013

joined May 10, 2014

I did get half of my SR from single draws back when I didn't know any better I think it was SR pure Maki on my second draw....after that only christmas Maki and Honoka on dec 19 but that's just boost time 11 scout.

lol gintama.

joined May 17, 2014

I know this a little off topic but I felt like sharing even though it's something we've all seen/ nothing new I felt this was relevent. Also this, because its winter.

There Shimapanda gors again, making me wanna cry... I drew 11 in the Japanese version this week and got 1 SR Umi. I give up on scouting. Also both my pure teams are trash... there's always next event!!! Even tho I won't have as much time for it

last edited at Dec 25, 2014 7:34PM

joined May 17, 2014

Hey I just got a gift card for the play store (I try not to spend money on games) should I use it for love gems in the JP version or the EN?

joined Jul 2, 2013

Use it on whichever account you want to cry over. Do you prioritize one account over the other? Maybe that would help decide.

Maki is so dang precious.

joined May 17, 2014

I prefer the jp version since my teams are better but then theres tht Maki event coming up next in the en versiom and idk whether or not I even wanna scout again or save up..... desicions desicions desicions...


joined May 1, 2014

I'm just aiming for the top 1k for en and top 45k for jp. ( ̄▽ ̄)
Playing for top 200 in en and top 9k in jp is stressful. I barely made it on Maki's Medley Festival
Though, my playing style is somewhat like that of a turtle. XD
I learned my lesson from Maki's SID event. Playing like a rabbit does not suit me.
So until the event is finished, that's the only time I can decipher if I achieved it or not.

I think these can be one of the draws that I can battle out with Shima's two UR draw

Or this?

But I think, TWO URs in one draw still wins. (ノ_<)

Same as shadow. Choose which one you love more. Though if I were you, I think I'll go with my EN acct even if my JP got better members too since I'm just an illegal player in JP basically, since I'm not from Japan. ( ̄▽ ̄)
The SIF wiki is down at the moment, but if i remembered correctly, it's Nico's Score Match that is coming next on SIF EN

joined May 17, 2014

Really? Lol i, dlipped it. Dammit, I guess I'll draw when I hit 50 then buy some love gems next time we have a Maki event. Not tht I don't like Nico, I value my senpai.

last edited at Dec 26, 2014 11:26AM

joined May 1, 2014

I think we still got a couple more events on SiF En before having one that of Maki's. I can't remember how many though. I hope that SIF Wiki will get back up soon so there's a lot of time to save love gems if you don't want to pay for it. ( ̄▽ ̄)

Can't they give more available EX songs on En? DX

joined Jul 2, 2013

It's Nico -> Nozomi -> Rin -> Maki. Maki's event will be at the end of February.

joined Mar 9, 2014

There are more EX song on SiF jp ?

Great, the best characters one after another =D

joined May 1, 2014

Thanks for that! :)

Yup. Currently, here are what's for play on SIF Jap... The only ones not shown there are Nico's EX event song

joined May 17, 2014

@Akiko I feel you with the ex songs, it's almost as bad as the 1st Round Maki Score Match when we could only play Hard songs. Tht was painful. If it was my Maki I would have skipped it.

Edit: Lol i remember the first few hours when I always got 1st place because no one knew how to play :p

last edited at Dec 26, 2014 7:30PM

joined May 17, 2014

Okay, I love the Nico Ni Event song! I'll never talk shit about Nico again! But if she hurts Maki its on! Just read part of her backstory.

joined May 10, 2014

I feel better now...

last edited at Dec 26, 2014 11:03PM

joined May 1, 2014

Now you made me grieve more for not being able to understand Japanese.
Is that a part of Nico's diary???

Nonetheless, I think she's doing okay now... Together with...

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Today is a good day! Event EX, finally - although it's awfully easy... - and I finally S cleared BokuKimi after playing nothing but it for the past few days.

joined Jul 2, 2013

My gosh. 150 plays. The only song I managed to even get to 60 plays was Soldier Game and that's cause I love that song. I suppose the event songs too, but I was in pain for the two events I participated in.

joined May 10, 2014

@Shimapanda: Yeah I saw that O.o lol you'll probably sing that on your sleep. Easy as in less than 500+ notes yes easy as in free S and the fact that I suck at rhythm games doesn't help either ^_^;

Also can I say that Nozomi's quotes at the menus are the cutest thing ever? so relaxing and some give the "one-sama" vibe.
One more thing about the voices is there any particular reason why the girls use different honorifics like Maki adds -chan to someone other than Nico and others like Honoka calling Hanayo "Kayo-chan" it's something small but it's kinda distracting when I got so used to the anime.

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