I believe Korone will be shy if it's Okayu at the initiative
In a parrallel universe where it's not a secrett hey're dating.
The addition of the tongue makes this incredibly hot for me.
These two are always cute together.
That is the most ridiculous about-to-kiss face I've ever seen, but I kind of enjoy it
^ Well Baelz and Irys play the old bickering couple very well so.
It's always funny to see cute fanarts of this pairing given one of them is a psycopath (but also the best girl)
Time and Nature thirsty for some Civilization
as a tall person, this is also how you ought to talk to tall people
I really like how they look in those dresses on the right
Mission failed, we will get her next time!
This is so soft and cute. Blanket fort!
Again, Saria could easily brake free... if she wanted to. Also: nice touch to add binds on her tail, I mean, is still a very strong looking limb, it makes sense to bound that one as well.
So that's what that means oh well I missed my shot
This is cute but I find Rin's outfit a little odd. A necktie and shorts?
^Well I suppose I can keep a few in stock :P
Takes years to master the hidden art of the ninja kiss
Is the pocky even needed?
wow :)
Got that Grimdark Yuri
Having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction there miss
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