NOOOOOO! Where's the next page!?
It ends there??!?!??!!? How cruel!
I want my drunk DiaxRiko kiss!!
Author-san, you are very cruel
No heartbreak is worse than pressing a page 10 times expecting a continuation
Came here to commiserate with my fellow poor souls who desperately pressed for the next page over and over, was not disappointed.
Talk about unreasonable...
Oh frick oh god oh damn my poor poor DiaRiko heart,,,,,
I love how as soon as Dia says Riko kind of looks like Ruby, Riko immediately takes a big drink of her beer. It's like she's thinking "Oh god, here we go."
Cliffhanger sqxinjscuxuihcijnce
i like to imagine dia is pronouncing it "wooby" here
How cruel leaving at that.
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