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Secret Society Blanket
joined Feb 3, 2019

"I might get a myocardial rupture".

Maybe it's just me, but this translation sounds weird. People would normally say "heart attack", our even "myocardial infarction". "Myocardial rupture" sounds like someone is going to stab you in the heart, in the literal sense.

Perhaps I can provide some context to this. Here is the panel in question (if I can imbed it correctly):

The term she uses is 心臓破裂, which is a medical term (according to jisho, I fully admit I did not know this term before). The author also provides furigana for part of the reading as well, while otherwise there is rarely any in the book. So, based on those things, I decided to keep it as myocardial rupture as I felt that best translated how she was talking.

joined Apr 21, 2017

This physically hurt me to read, in a good way... I no longer need sugar for the upcoming week

joined Aug 20, 2016

I was feeling a bit uneasy with the first part, but this one took care of that. I'm glad that they decided to not rush the sex things, or at least the implication is that they'll ease into it more gently. I think?

I love the fact that Misaki was fully aware of what her actions did to Kei from the start and was actually intentionally teasing her all this time. That's something you just couldn't get from Kei's perspective in the previous chapter.

I'm a bit confused. Wasn't Kei who was teasing Misaki with the "I love you"-s?

This wasn't supposed to tease her.
I think what's Bugdevil meant was this in the top panels.

last edited at Apr 29, 2019 4:04PM

joined Apr 25, 2019

This artist intimate scenes is better than most nsfw stuff I ever read, also Taniguchi is the MVP here.

joined Feb 28, 2019

this is so cute i love it

joined Apr 21, 2019

Cute, cute cute cute!

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm a bit confused. Wasn't Kei who was teasing Misaki with the "I love you"-s?

As was shown in this chapter Kei was never trying to tease Misaki. She tried to be honest about her feelings and overcompensated by being really direct. Misaki just couldn't handle that, because of the gap effect (as Kei is usually very tsundere about her feelings).

The page @Nyangomaru linked is exactly what I was refering to. This one panel shows that Misaki was always aware that her overt affection and cute antics made Kei embarrassed and react tsundere and she does it on purpose because she thinks Kei is cute that way.
In the first chapter she was kinda portrayed as a moeblob airhead who just naturally embarrassed Kei, but now we know better. And that does make it better.

last edited at Apr 30, 2019 1:56AM

joined Apr 6, 2019

These two...


joined Feb 9, 2019


joined Dec 17, 2020

Lmaoo I love Taniguchi jsjdushzh xD

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