
Forum › Mermaids Lovers discussion

joined Feb 14, 2016

its basically shitpost,
tumblr/SJW-like indignation and triggering is what it seeks (or sometimes just a giggle from the absurdity). And as we can see, It sometimes does the job.

I guess we can't after all. Good God. Y'all coming up in here and trying to get me to care about your shitty sub group because you wanted to inject politics into this yuri. Fucking Christ.

last edited at Jul 17, 2017 3:10AM

Lazy_Lily_SHiN Uploader
Lazy Lily
joined Feb 28, 2015

Breath in...

...and let go.

joined Mar 15, 2016

Breath in...

...and let go.

gas chamber joke, subtle

Mistah Jaycee denton in da fresh

Lazy_Lily_SHiN Uploader
Lazy Lily
joined Feb 28, 2015

#SHiN Note

Breath in...

Yes, that's it...

...then let go.

Feels good, doesn't it?

Lazy_Lily_SHiN Uploader
Lazy Lily
joined Feb 28, 2015

Aw gosh I messed up...

Lazy_Lily_SHiN Uploader
Lazy Lily
joined Feb 28, 2015

Breath in...

...and let go.

gas chamber joke, subtle

No blue stains on the carpet yet.

joined Mar 15, 2016

Mistah Jaycee denton in da fresh

you may have chutzpah to reroute your love of shekels but i've got a nose of steel

You take another step forward, and here I am again, like your own reflection repeated in a hall of mirrors.

joined Mar 15, 2016

yuri is just yaoi but with girls

What a shame

Lazy_Lily_SHiN Uploader
Lazy Lily
joined Feb 28, 2015

yuri is just yaoi but with girls

So if a woman identifies herself as a man, and romances another man, it's yaoi, right? The yuri tag suggests this so it also applies to yaoi.

joined Mar 15, 2016

So if a woman identifies herself as a man, and romances another man, it's yaoi, right? The yuri tag suggests this so it also applies to yaoi.

if a man puts on a dress and pretends to be a mouse in secondlife then it's yuri you fucking bigoted asshole

Do you have a single fact to back that up you cishet ableist shitlord?

joined Sep 6, 2015

What the scanlators want shouldn't enter into the decision unless they're paying the bills. (And since I'm not either, I guess the same goes for me, but...)

Except Dynasty has always been keen on respecting the wishes of the scanlators, within reason, of course. It is, like, one of the main site policies.

Lazy_Lily_SHiN Uploader
Lazy Lily
joined Feb 28, 2015

So if a woman identifies herself as a man, and romances another man, it's yaoi, right? The yuri tag suggests this so it also applies to yaoi.

if a man puts on a dress and pretends to be a mouse in secondlife then it's yuri you fucking bigoted asshole

Hmmm, this sizzles the stir fry. This is sparking my synapses

joined Mar 15, 2016

Do you have a single fact to back that up you cishet ableist shitlord?

number one: that's violent speech
number two: that's terror

I never asked for this.

joined Apr 27, 2015

So because people don't like where something came from even though the end result is the same as if someone else translated we should just remove the whole thing because the source that bears no influence on the actual manga itself is a subject some people don't like. That sounds like a really dangerous slope to start with.

Also mobile doesn't have avatars but ain't viviangames a gg thing and gg mostly went to 8ch because of that whole mess.

But can't we actually just talk about the manga? I actually think the action/flow is a little bit off, or at least wasn't very smooth. Stuff like jumping onto the table and kicking just didn't quite feel... fluid i guess. Didn't even realize she had jumped onto the table because the frame was a bit small

But boy takano saku draws erotic stuff well, fingers under the stocking is somethin magical

last edited at Jul 17, 2017 5:13AM

joined Apr 1, 2013

Woman throws herself off roof...is immediately left alone on top of another roof. Good job hero!

HAHAHAHA OMG i noticed that too xD
i was like wtf shes just going to jump again anyway? what was the point? lol

I couldn't bother reading the whole thing, but for once, the hitler crying fest was funnier and more entertaining than the series itself. Please never stop finding things to feel offended at. And self-diagnosing yourself with depression every two posts on a Lesbian forum.

^ Agreed xD

last edited at Jul 17, 2017 7:20AM

joined Jul 16, 2017

So anyway, this has devolved into people fighting about es jay double u's and making transphobic jokes to prove they're Not For Kids 2Fast2Edgy™ The Squeakuel but that aside just gonna say
I think it's infinitely more important to create a safe web environment for people and to draw the line when dealing with people who refuse to work with staff and instead try to bully and threaten them than to not lose 13 translated works. way more than that gets removed because of copyright when a manga becomes licensed. Also the concept of "respecting scanlators" goes out the window, for me personally, when these people are "ironic" fascists but hey, radical concept I know.

joined Jul 16, 2017

So anyway, this has devolved into people fighting about es jay double u's and making transphobic jokes to prove they're Not For Kids 2Fast2Edgy™ The Squeakuel but that aside just gonna say
I think it's infinitely more important to create a safe web environment for people and to draw the line when dealing with people who refuse to work with staff and instead try to bully and threaten them than to not lose 13 translated works. way more than that gets removed because of copyright when a manga becomes licensed. Also the concept of "respecting scanlators" goes out the window, for me personally, when these people are "ironic" fascists but hey, radical concept I know.

oh and just to be safe since talking about a page that's part of the upload is somehow off topic, uh,, how about them? titities???,

last edited at Jul 17, 2017 7:27AM

joined Sep 6, 2015

Also the concept of "respecting scanlators" goes out the window, for me personally, when these people are "ironic" fascists but hey, radical concept I know.

At the end of the day, Casusby is the one who decides what can be hosted on this site, and what can not. Respecting the scanlators is not an absolute law, there were cases where scanlators' requests were denied, and in light of such previous instances, if the Administrator decided this is staying, then he obviously concluded this one sentence credit page is not a capital offence. If you have a problem with it, how about coming to IRC to protest, rather than cluttering this thread? Just be aware, this is not a democracy, Staff decisions are final and not open to interpretation. Also, lol at the whole "off topic" shrug from someone who only joined yesterday and his only posts are in an off-topic flame war.

last edited at Jul 17, 2017 8:39AM

joined Jul 17, 2017

Ignoring the posting about Nazi's, I specifically made an account to come and whine about how garbage this manga is.

It carries every trope in the book that you could possibly imagine and worse.
-Chicks with oversized big boobs
-HIGH SCHOOL chicks with oversized boobs
--Supernatural high school chicks with oversized boobs
---Chicks that have their butts or boobs exposed every chance the authors get.
----big boobed crime fighters that that use hand to hand fighting and a sword to beat up assassins with guns.

Bad writing and cringey material made this more of a comedic experience than anything else. The art is good, but much like the Nazi regime, it was used for horrible things.

joined Apr 1, 2013

Ignoring the posting about Nazi's, I specifically made an account to come and whine about how garbage this manga is.

It carries every trope in the book that you could possibly imagine and worse.
-Chicks with oversized big boobs
-HIGH SCHOOL chicks with oversized boobs
--Supernatural high school chicks with oversized boobs
---Chicks that have their butts or boobs exposed every chance the authors get.
----big boobed crime fighters that that use hand to hand fighting and a sword to beat up assassins with guns.

Bad writing and cringey material made this more of a comedic experience than anything else. The art is good, but much like the Nazi regime, it was used for horrible things.

You do realise this site is a yuri manga website right... so big boobs and booty are bound to be shown
also the tagg Ecchi didnt hint to you that it might have big boobs and booty shown? without the boobs and booty this manga wouldnt be classified as a yuri manga, cant have a good read without it. The artist drawings are beautiful it compliments with the story and the action involved. Since its only 1 chapter i think you should give it some time, wait until a few more chapters release before you make false judgement. If your so against boobs and ass why read/watch manga on a yuri website then? How is it poorly written? there's not a lot of plot due to it being the first introductory chapter basically this was a filler chapter. Also i feel like the highschool factor is merely a cover-up because they are secretly working as security guards.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Right, because yuri manga exist only for cheap fanservice and series like Amber Teahouse or Miss Sunflower and such are a lie.

Which is not to say that oversized boobs need to do bad things to a series. But I'd agree that this series so far is of dubious quality. We'll see where it goes, but I didn't find the first chapter 1 particularly convincing, and usually it rather goes downhill from there, than the opposite way, so I'm not too optimistic.

joined Jul 17, 2017

Ignoring the posting about Nazi's, I specifically made an account to come and whine about how garbage this manga is.

It carries every trope in the book that you could possibly imagine and worse.
-Chicks with oversized big boobs
-HIGH SCHOOL chicks with oversized boobs
--Supernatural high school chicks with oversized boobs
---Chicks that have their butts or boobs exposed every chance the authors get.
----big boobed crime fighters that that use hand to hand fighting and a sword to beat up assassins with guns.

Bad writing and cringey material made this more of a comedic experience than anything else. The art is good, but much like the Nazi regime, it was used for horrible things.

You do realise this site is a yuri manga website right... so big boobs and booty are bound to be shown
also the tagg Ecchi didnt hint to you that it might have big boobs and booty shown? without the boobs and booty this manga wouldnt be classified as a yuri manga, cant have a good read without it. The artist drawings are beautiful it compliments with the story and the action involved. Since its only 1 chapter i think you should give it some time, wait until a few more chapters release before you make false judgement. If your so against boobs and ass why read/watch manga on a yuri website then? How is it poorly written? there's not a lot of plot due to it being the first introductory chapter basically this was a filler chapter. Also i feel like the highschool factor is merely a cover-up because they are secretly working as security guards.

Meh. I say go all the way or knock it off with panels solely composed of some highschoolers panties trying to pass this off as some action series.

Also Yuri does not equal big boobs and fan service. I have no idea why you need panty shots to convince you that its a your manga.

joined Jan 8, 2016

So anyway, this has devolved into people fighting about es jay double u's and making transphobic jokes to prove they're Not For Kids 2Fast2Edgy™ The Squeakuel but that aside just gonna say
I think it's infinitely more important to create a safe web environment for people and to draw the line when dealing with people who refuse to work with staff and instead try to bully and threaten them than to not lose 13 translated works.

Yes, for people that need to be defended by people that just pull the old delete move when asked as to why it had to be removed several times with no reason at all, one time I even witnessed personally!
Because after over one year of allowing it with only one person showing a little bit of concern in the several releases, this other person comes up, throws accusations around like confetti and the scanlators are somehow the bad guys in this, what brilliant logic.

Edit, I still have no idea where this threaten and bully idea is coming from, after being accused of absolutly anything in the book, they considered just pulling the whole thing because of the negative feedback they got when they actually asked for a reason, so yeah, quite hypocritical..

last edited at Jul 17, 2017 10:11AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

So we really are just gonna get all chummy with the dudes who were too Nazi for fucking 4chan. Well then

joined Apr 1, 2013

Ignoring the posting about Nazi's, I specifically made an account to come and whine about how garbage this manga is.

It carries every trope in the book that you could possibly imagine and worse.
-Chicks with oversized big boobs
-HIGH SCHOOL chicks with oversized boobs
--Supernatural high school chicks with oversized boobs
---Chicks that have their butts or boobs exposed every chance the authors get.
----big boobed crime fighters that that use hand to hand fighting and a sword to beat up assassins with guns.

Bad writing and cringey material made this more of a comedic experience than anything else. The art is good, but much like the Nazi regime, it was used for horrible things.

You do realise this site is a yuri manga website right... so big boobs and booty are bound to be shown
also the tagg Ecchi didnt hint to you that it might have big boobs and booty shown? without the boobs and booty this manga wouldnt be classified as a yuri manga, cant have a good read without it. The artist drawings are beautiful it compliments with the story and the action involved. Since its only 1 chapter i think you should give it some time, wait until a few more chapters release before you make false judgement. If your so against boobs and ass why read/watch manga on a yuri website then? How is it poorly written? there's not a lot of plot due to it being the first introductory chapter basically this was a filler chapter. Also i feel like the highschool factor is merely a cover-up because they are secretly working as security guards.

Meh. I say go all the way or knock it off with panels solely composed of some highschoolers panties trying to pass this off as some action series.

Also Yuri does not equal big boobs and fan service. I have no idea why you need panty shots to convince you that its a your manga.

I understand your point of view,
for example Girlfriends manga has no fanservice but that's a completely different genre.
This manga is going for fanservice hence the ecchi tags.. I never implied that yuri cant come in different ways? i was just stating that without the ecchi in this particular manga it wouldnt be a good read. I have read plenty of manga which involves slice of life yuri manga with zero fanservice/panty shots and ended up being great. Also please bear in-mind, this author has another series which is a yuri slice of life vampire school life manga too and its great. It seems this author prefers to fanservice their audience, which i have no issues with aslong as the content isnt too overboard.
Iv seen lots of fansevice manga that can be extremely trashy or way too much. But its your own opinion on how you see the manga. I just wasn't sure as to why you hated this manga right off the bat when it has only 1 chapter so far. That's all.

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