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joined May 27, 2015

Is this considered original? The brown haired girl is from NEET Girl Date Night, made by the same artist

last edited at Sep 20, 2024 9:22PM

Hear Me Now discussion 12 Sep 02:00
joined May 27, 2015

What the hell this is so cute! I've only played the original VN and had no idea there was an expansion full of yuri. I probably ignored this when it was first uploaded to Dynasty and only caught it now that someone put it up on e-hentai lol.

Now I gotta wishlist the Plus expansion...

joined May 27, 2015

Ok, I'm a late arrival but I had to comment.

I didn't really know of this manga's existence until Dynasty/MangaDex had already slapped it with the big fat Tragedy tag, and I usually shy away from those. But from a sudden recommendation from an internet buddy I tried it. Binged it in just over 2 hours. The epilogue as well.

Cried quite a lot. This is one of the greatest manga I have ever read. Re-read it from scratch. Cried some more. Re-read just the sad parts. Cried EVEN MORE. Just devastating. ABSOLUTELY GUT-WRENCHING.

I don't like getting hurt, but this story is still so beautiful I'm re-reading it over and over again; obviously I wanted them to be a couple for real too ;_;

It changed my life. I lost weight after reading this. Made me just nauseated from sadness for a few days. Going back to another manga I loved, Whispering You a Love Song, I got this dreadful feeling that it was a huge waste of time. I guess it's just because the arc it's in right now is boring but yeah.

last edited at Aug 28, 2024 8:42PM

joined May 27, 2015

For years I was all-in on the HajiMomo train, even after the Kyou death reveal, but just last week I read "The Summer You Were There" and I cried and cried and it's one of the greatest manga I've ever read and now I got traumatic PTSD and I'm not so sure if I want HajiMomo to just go out immediately. It doesn't feel so "right" anymore.

And when Miki was all like "I love Aya-senpai, but not romantically" I was like "I've heard this damn story before already with Himari -> Yori and Aki -> Shiho, they both fall in love for real, so just go out with Aya-senpai already, you'll get over your Nee-chan and fall in love with Aya-senpai for real before you know it"

No we need someone to play (whisper) a love song first. That's the name of the game and I'm wondering if we'll find some creative way of doing that here too. The first two were very different. I don't think Aya senpai plays music though so who knows, maybe Miki or Momo does something. Gotta keep music involved somehow.

Well, Miki's already in the Wind Instrument Club (insert blowing joke here), so she can at least make that love song. She might not be able to sing like Shiho/Yori but hey, Aki sung something, even though in-universe I think it wasn't as good, and she got the girl.

Momoka's part of Laureley with Hajime and Shiho, remember? lol I think she's the bassist. She could do the same.

I'm also wondering if Takeshima-sensei regrets writing Miki as having dated a boy. Surely she couldn't have just forgotten? I'm not going so far as to say the anime was an active retcon, but I dunno.

joined May 27, 2015

For years I was all-in on the HajiMomo train, even after the Kyou death reveal, but just last week I read "The Summer You Were There" and I cried and cried and it's one of the greatest manga I've ever read and now I got PTSD and I'm not so sure if I want HajiMomo to just go out immediately. It doesn't feel so "right" anymore.

And when Miki was all like "I love Aya-senpai, but not romantically" I was like "I've heard this damn story before already with Himari -> Yori and Aki -> Shiho, they both fall in love for real, so just go out with Aya-senpai already, you'll get over your Nee-chan and fall in love with Aya-senpai for real before you know it"

last edited at Aug 21, 2024 7:03PM

joined May 27, 2015

^yeah, buuut should've still had more flat cleavage, then.

joined May 27, 2015

Yuama I think promised a chapter with a lot of YoriHima kissing and she delivered

joined May 27, 2015

8/10 not enough cleavage

joined May 27, 2015

"You suck"

"But I gave it my all!"

"Thanks, but the mood was enough to satisfy me."

This cliche really does happen all the time.

But also, I can't be the only one who uses chopsticks for chips/crisps as well! Keeps the "cheeto dust" off my fingers.

joined May 27, 2015

We pseudo-incest now? smh either commit to the incest tag or don't lol

Or at least, I don't think Takeshima-sensei is going to pull out the "NOT BLOOD-RELATED" card... unless the tagger knows something I don't?

joined May 27, 2015

We can argue forever about this generation being better than that or whatever, but imo every generation has produced some absolute fuckin' waifus

Cynthia is the best Champion for sure. Not just hot, but her Pokemon team is just the nastiest.

DekomoRikka discussion 02 Jul 04:27
joined May 27, 2015

Why is this 10-year-old doujin of a series that hasn't had any new media in 6 years on the "Most Popular of Past 7 Days" list? It's not a BAD one, and Madokami knows I already read it within the week it came out, but still.

Site glitch? View botting? Or just one/a few really, really dedicated fans inflating the view count "au naturel"?

last edited at Jul 2, 2024 4:36AM

joined May 27, 2015

I've been caught up on the manga since before the anime was announced, but man, I'm finally watching the anime now that Blu-Rays (with the least possible censorship) are out and it is still so hilarious and hot at the same time that I almost regret not following the anime threads from other sites to see the reactions and throw a shitpost of my own here or there

last edited at Jul 1, 2024 8:34PM

joined May 27, 2015

Wait, is that Yuama-sensei from the manga The Summer You Were There?

Yes. She's a big fan of SasaKoi and seems like a good friend of Takeshima too. They've made multiple crossover artworks together between these two series.

last edited at Jun 26, 2024 4:28PM

joined May 27, 2015

Next chapter (raw) is out and looks like the incest route is real?!

last edited at Jun 17, 2024 6:13PM

joined May 27, 2015

Ayaka also showed up in chapter 38, before the vol. 8 extras came out. Bit of a Chekhov's gun, heh

joined May 27, 2015

This development is comedy gold (and I say this with love)

  • If Miki is in love with Shiho, what a tirefire that would be. Another car crash to Shiho's collection.

  • If Miki is in love with Aki, well, that's incest, but I don't really mind a bit of love between sisters, so I don't think that would be quite as crazy from a comedy/drama perspective.

  • The most boring and fairly unlikely outcome is that Miki is not in love with anyone at all, or is actually in love with Ayaka-senpai and is just mad Aki and the other girls kind of jumped the gun on that confession there. I'd also lump "Miki is genuinely straight or asexual" into this boring category as well.

  • The fourth option and true wildcard is that Miki is in love with another established character, and that could go any which way.

Ummm... I don't like where this is going to be honest. Like please be something else, please. At least the “incest” plot in Citrus they are half sisters that didn't grow up together or were raised by their parents, they were strangers, Mei and Yuzu's parents relationship is weird, not the point. Here, in sasakoi if they are going that pat is blood related incest, it's gonna ruin this story for me.

Adding I was expecting a messy story with HajimexMomoka and being in love with the girlfriend of your deceased sister.... please no incestplot.

Who knows? We might get a "they're not blood-related" plot twist here as well.

last edited at May 20, 2024 4:18PM

joined May 27, 2015

Anyways... YagaKimi may have been finely engineered/crafted, introspective, even subversive... but I don't think it really made my simple monkey brain as happy as YoriHima does.

If I think of these characters not as imaginary human beings with plausible psychologies in a more-or-less realistic storyworld but more like counters in a game of love/friendship/heartbreak and confess/accept/reject, it becomes a lot more fun.

Like, "Ooh! They just played the siscon/incest card! Let's go!"

I thought about this yesterday. They clearly aren't real or realistic people (I considered using the term "hyperreal" because I want to call them "better than real" but I don't think the definition of that properly fits this situation), they're basically cartoon characters, and not in the whole "anime ARE just cartoons anyway" sense, but more that they're ludicrously caricatured characters. More akin to building blocks (like Legos) of behaviors and tropes. If you've spent too much time on TVTropes like me, you'll know "Tropes Are Tools" and that you can kind of see tropes everywhere. But with a series like this, it's more opaque and obvious.

joined May 27, 2015 Chapter 49 raws




Then I was like "Uh-oh... aren't the other girls jumping the gun, bursting in before Miki gave her real reply?"

Then I was like "AAAAHHHHHH MORE DRAMA!!!"


Anyways... YagaKimi may have been finely engineered/crafted, introspective, even subversive... but I don't think it really made my simple monkey brain as happy as YoriHima does.

last edited at May 18, 2024 9:53PM

joined May 27, 2015

As episode 5/6 approach, which should cover volume 3, I want to mention the name of Yori's "love song", Sunny Spot.

At first blush, it reminded me of the OP of the yuri visual novel Hakuisei Aijou Izonshou (Nurse Love Addiction), Sunny Place. Would recommend, by the way.

Then my pun senses started to tingle. What's "sunny spot" in Japanese? Hidamari, like in Hidamari Sketch. You can probably see where this is going. While we never see Himari's name rendered in kanji (I don't have all the raws so I can't say for sure though), but the hi could be read as meaning "day, or sun, or sunshine".

Again, I don't have the raws, so I don't know if in the original manga Yori used the english "Sunny Spot" or the Japanese "Hidamari". "Sunny Spot" could maybe pass off as a sneaky Himari pun, but if Yori used "Hidamari", she might as well have been beating Himari over the head with a giant pink dildo from how obvious it is. EDIT: the anime used the english "Sunny Spot".

It goes without saying that they have to nail that song.

last edited at May 11, 2024 2:25PM

joined May 27, 2015

I can't remember if I said this when the chapter just came out, but after "Shiho-chan has disappeared..." in chapter 41 I was legitimately worried she had jumped off the roof or got hit by a truck (or threatened to). I felt Kyou dying kind of opened the gate for this manga to do that kind of thing, but at the same time it's not like I actively hated Shiho to the point of wishing for her to be killed like some others here.

last edited at May 7, 2024 8:59PM

joined May 27, 2015

I don't know why but the anime feels extremely rushed, also at this rate and considering shiho's early appearance we're gonna reach the battle of the band's arc rather quickly and that one reeeeally drags
Assuming it'll have 13 episodes it'll probably end rather abruptly and feel axed
Sadly I don't think there's really a fix to that, the only real breather is Himari s confession and adapting 15 chapters into a full season would definitely feel way too slow

As always shiho ruining everythin
Just kidding (not really)

They've been steadily adapting 2.5 chapters (or half a volume) per episode. So YoriHima should become a couple for real by episode 6, and I believe this season's getting 12 episodes, so they may cheat a little and get to chapter 31 (the big damn YoriHima fireworks kiss) to finish off the anime. There will be no time to actually finish (Shiho's) band battle arc (chapter 44) unless they rush to the point of the adaptation becoming a gigantic train wreck.

joined May 27, 2015

About EP2: It appears that since Vol.1 of the manga released, LINE added a feature to add friends via scanning a QR Code, the anime got changed to show this instead since supposedly the feature to "put the phones together" became obsolete? It's fun to see the anime change to keep up with what's happening IRL.

I also noticed in one of the recent chapters Aki had wireless earbuds when she was making that call to Shiho, which were already a big thing back when the manga first came out, but got even bigger since then.

joined May 27, 2015

Ok, watched the first episode 3 times, re-read the first 6 chapters (and a few key ones later on): I had forgotten how cute Yori is/was in the whole first arc. I loved that "gap moe" between the cool, lady-killer senpai and being vulnerable, clumsy, and downright useless at times. It's been almost 5 years since I started the manga so my memory was rusty. Also, looking back at the first few chapters there was a bit of an art shift/early installment weirdness because Yori looks almost unrecognizable compared to later on, and I think the anime skewed towards the "later on" style. I feel like the change really became obvious around the time Shiho properly appeared, and looking back, after that point Yori's face looked much more like Shiho's than at the beginning of the manga. (I know a lot of people's lasting impression of this manga is Shiho's resting bitch face, whether they like her or not)

I heard that Seto Asami (Yori's VA) is not the one who sings SSGIRLS' songs. If that's true, then why doesn't the studio just let Asami sing instead of hiring more people (or hire a VA who can both voice and sing, many VAs meet those two conditions).

They could double-dip and let Seto-san cover the song later and release that as a "character song" CD or something. Yori will have another song to sing later on that Seto-san can do, and depending on how far they adapt Aki will be singing something too.

Shiho wanting to thank Kyou with nice flowers got me :') this chapter is so sweet

I stupidly thought she meant getting flowers for Aki...

Remember Shiho comes in very early (chapter 15), so it would be harder (and odd pacing) not to have her and Aki's dynamics as part of a 12-episode season. Edit: and I think the first episode adapted about 3 chapters already. There's not much happening earlier in the manga. So it can easily breeze by a few chapters each episode.

I feel like it's a bit of a dilemma in that 12 episodes won't be enough to adapt all the way to the end of the Shiho drama (Chapter 44) without a lot of skipping, but stopping at the YoriHima relationship upgrade at Chapter 15 would be too slow.

last edited at Apr 22, 2024 4:28PM

joined May 27, 2015

Also, the first episode of the anime has just finished airing