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Oddman 11 discussion 05 Jul 15:30
joined Jan 20, 2014

But she needed make the Itami sister cry to obtain the tear and "beat" what The collector asked her to do. Or maybe I missed that.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Wait, isn't this at least moderate amounts of sex?

joined Jan 20, 2014

What the hell does "gawdier" mean? I can't find it in Google.

Suito-to! discussion 17 Jun 20:57
joined Jan 20, 2014

I don't know if the rage for the spanish translation is still up but the last chapter was uploaded with the page number wrong so, that's it xD

Seems that is an error or the page or is was just fixed, but I saved it first xD

last edited at Jun 17, 2020 9:03PM

Suito-to! discussion 11 Jun 15:52
joined Jan 20, 2014

I have to say that the only spanish things I read are official ones, being in Manga Plus or physically, because mostly fanmade of them are just terrible translated or translated in argentinian

Hehehe, I'm not from Spain but, when I was a child, I learned to read with historietas by Ibáñez, Vázquez, Escobar and the other classics of Spanish comic... so I do have a healthy appreciation for pure Castilian Spanish.

I have nothing against argentinian, it's just it's a little weird for me hahaha.
I grow up with Ibáñez too ^^ uno de los mejores autores de cómic de todos los tiempos, sin dudar.

joined Jan 20, 2014

The axe was hard on this one hum, still cute ending <3

Suito-to! discussion 07 Jun 20:35
joined Jan 20, 2014

Thanks for all the feedback, both to you and to Jeanne! b( ̄▽ ̄*)d
As others have said before, this discussion on translation has been extremely interesting.

Since we're on the subject, I'll take the chance to remind everyone that there is a thread specifically created to talk about manga translated (partly or totally) in Spanish and not in English — like Suito-to, Koushin Koinu or Umineko:
(I'm bringing this up now cuz matters of translation, and differences between versions, are often commented and debated there...)

Ohh I didn't know about that :o
I have to say that the only spanish things I read are official ones, being in Manga Plus or physically, because mostly fanmade of them are just terrible translated or translated in argentinian (after I had read some Pikachi doujinshis and laughed everytime I read bombacha or "esto está rebárbaro" instead of getting off I just can't xDDD I preffer to read it in japanese before to read it in argentinian).

Suito-to! discussion 07 Jun 12:23
joined Jan 20, 2014

He he hey! I'm that Spain native that can bring some light into the Manga Plus translation.

For example, just in the first page of Chapter 1, the Spanish translation of "先輩、お冷どぞ," (Here's some cold water, Senpai.) was "Aqui tienes tu bol de arroz, Momose" (Here's your bowl of rice, Momose.)

I can't talk about what they say in the original because I don't know japanese, but at least in the rest it didn't seem wrong, even if this is an error.

Translating "ごめんけど、私にそういう気はないし…" (Sorry, I don't have those kinds of feelings/I don't swing that way) into "Lo siento, de verdad. No era esa mi intencion." (I'm very sorry, but that wasn't my intention.) is also incorrect, no matter how you spin it.

Okay, this is right in the translation because you need to check in the context and, if you read the whole page, it's more normal for a spanish speaker (at least if you are from Spain) what Momose is saying. She is saying sorry for the way she talked about that kiss. It would feel reeeeal weird if she had saying something about that she doesn't swing in that way, even if that's what she says in japanese. It just doesn't feel normal in spanish saying it, it's better the MP translation even if isn't exactly like that.

In fact, if I have to say something that doesn't feel right, it should be what Shimizu answers xD not what Momo is saying. That "creo que, si fuese así, sería muy feliz" = "I think that, if that would be like that, I'll be happy".

Suito-to! discussion 27 May 19:48
joined Jan 20, 2014

If someone know spanish you can support the author reading this legally in Manga Plus, here

joined Jan 20, 2014

As someone from the Philippines, I initially got confused why she's speaking in Spanish. But damn this is way too cute! Hope to see more stories like this. Actions speak louder than words.

Lmao, maybe you are too young, but your granny should know spanish, my english teacher was a woman from Philippines and she learned ensligh and spanish in that country when she was young.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Switch life! YEAH!

Sometimes you gotta wear the strap, sometimes you wanna get pounded by it!

Totally in in this. Switch FTW.

Wholesome discussion 18 May 19:42
joined Jan 20, 2014

Polioro posted:

Hohoho, were they banned or they removed their acount?


Ngl, I was expecting that time ago. I think some people (me included) had some arguments with other people, some, not one in each thread possible xD too toxic...

joined Jan 20, 2014

Maaaan I want a lesbian succubus girlfriend :(

Sorry, we're all out.

Would you settle for a normal girlfriend with a leather collar and semen-y breath?

Sorry but I can't. I would like for my girlfriend to wash their teeth :'(

Okay, I'm late but I was gonna say,
"She literally dies if she consumes semen"
Isn't that all lesbians?

I'm late too but I can't agree more with you. I laughed too much at that line hahaha

Wholesome discussion 18 May 19:27
joined Jan 20, 2014

BugDevil has decided to move on to greener pastures. We wish them the best at whatever other site they choose to call home.

Hohoho, were they banned or they removed their acount?

Also the image that GendoIkari uploaded with the Happy End joke made me laught irl x'D

Bruh, such a thing actually exists?

You're welcome!

joined Jan 20, 2014

"we've got a perceptive one over here too"
/*Keeps thinking she is doing all of that for a guy because can't think that two women are going out*

Let me say that I doubt about that perception...

joined Jan 20, 2014

"me fumo la clase de hoy" means "whatever, I can just skip it"

joined Jan 20, 2014

I love it how incest tag passed to be sisters love thanks to Mochi Au Lait to mother x daughter thanks to Taiyaki and people will bring their names in some new doujinshi like that hahaha. Incest paradise ♥

joined Jan 20, 2014

I bet Iroha and Izumi starts going out at some point and that's what makes the main pair think "oh, shit, we can be like that too".

Not a hard bet.

Betting in something lose is not my style, I preffer to go the safe route :P

Probably not? I mean, Nanaki is aware that girls can have romantic feelings for each other, because, you know, Izumi did confess to her and everything, and she made it pretty explicit that she meant love in that kind of way. So they don't need to break the "oh, two girls can date each other" barrier.

I didn't mean it by "two girls can date each other", I mean it by that seeing someone flirting can make you think "I want that too" lol. Nanaki said that she just wanted to be her bestfriend, not in the way Izumi sees Nanaki so I don't believe that after this the main pair would hook up right now.

last edited at May 13, 2020 1:34AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

I bet Iroha and Izumi starts going out at some point and that's what makes the main pair think "oh, shit, we can be like that too".

Oddman 11 discussion 09 May 21:47
joined Jan 20, 2014

Like I did before, I welcome you to the names chart! I added the sixth one name. I re-read the last chapters but couldn't find Seigi nickname.


Also photo of all Oddman (even it isn't their trully form)

joined Jan 20, 2014

I saw it coming and even with that I enjoy it to the fullest.

Image Comments 08 May 17:34
joined Jan 20, 2014

Teehpik is right, in fact, after the Momo's blood incident they were wondering which one of the sealed powers was broken (it was Lilith being capable of talking again and the end of the 300$ month for living). In fact Lilith had told in manga and in anime that they are indead succubus, but Lilith is sealed even if she now has a body her powers are still sealed and Shamiko is slowly learning we can have in consideration for this how she was capable of brainwashing Lico and the other one and the doubts that she had after that because it is a ver my strong power so maybe the author will show powers like that in the future after the seal break more.

Oddman 11 discussion 06 May 13:19
joined Jan 20, 2014

I re-read 5 times the theory part and still don't understand what they mean and why Setsu destroyed it.
It is because they falled apart in group and were reunited by Setsu?

joined Jan 20, 2014

I can't wait for the Haru and Midori version of this.

That was what I though all the chapter xDDDD

joined Jan 20, 2014

That was interesting as usual, see ya in july.