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Image Comments 22 Oct 23:36
joined Jul 26, 2016

^underWHAT now?

joined Jul 26, 2016

lmao @ Minato's recurring shock and alarm at this new considerate Shino

Arknights! 22 Oct 01:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh yeah and the boss battle theme is amazing.

Arknights! 22 Oct 01:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

-- Eunectes is a very easy pick. Nice timing, since we got her hot skin.

"Well, look what we have here! Your body's pretty well built!"
- Gavial way in Hell that doesn't count as a pick-up line among the Acahualla. ( ͡¬ ͜ʖ ͡¬)

Anyway, pretty interesting and very "Arknights" take on Shadow Over Innsmouth this sidestory. Finally explains some puzzling things about just what the heck Aegir actually is and some more aspects of this world's peculiar geography. Starting to sound more and more like the planet might be in a supercontinent phase tbh with the "known world" more or less "boxed in" - the frigid north and hot south too hostile for human(-like) life and the ocean to the west full of Chthulhu. The distant East is still a bit of a question mark tho. It could then be idly speculated that there's a similarly habitable zone in the southern hemisphere past the equatorial hotlands (assuming the landmass extends that far), but establishing any kind of contact is probably a no-go until both regions invent the equivalent of shortwave radio or somesuch...

Also Anita is totally mad gay for Skadi isn't she. And The First To Speak is pretty amiable for a bizarro eldritch sea-monster thing running on Blue And Orange Morality and some kinda low-order hivemind to boot by the sounds of it, while Lucid Specter is... actually kinda scarier than the usual crazy one.

last edited at Oct 22, 2021 1:34AM

Arknights! 21 Oct 16:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

~80 pulls, p2 Kal and still no Skalter. Also Giant Samurai Crab is now p4 but be strange if she wasn't, really.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don’t see the appeal in the MC

I think that's supposed to be the point. She isn't supposed to be super attractive, she's just supposed to be some random, average girl who all these ladies just can't help but fall in love with. Thats why she's so confused and has no dating experience.

Does she give off some special pheromones or something?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh this is good. Suffer and Baiser have always been the two with the worst "comunication" between them, but I feel like that's about to change.

Well, depends on how you define it. They rather seemed to enjoy going all out at each other...
If I were to guess where Baiser resonates with Azul's masochistic side with Sulfur it's the mutual thrill-seeking adrenaline rush of serious combat instead. Her reaction here kinda reads like "that's my Sulfur, defiant to the end *sniff*" too.

I'm getting the vibe she doesn't quite know what to do with Magenta tho. She's never really developed the same kind of intense relationship with and interest in her as with the other two - though Korisu seems to have started picking up the slack there lately (poor Mags...).

Arknights! 19 Oct 23:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

Well, we're due the anniversary event in like a day or so which comes with a ton of free shit so if you wanna give it a shot now's a good time.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I may have noted this before but Utena gets off a little too much on Kaoruko's persistent efforts to outright murder her... What a thrill~ combined with the usual teenager failure to grasp your own mortality I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I mean, it's magical girls giving their best. It's exactly what Utena lives for.

Magical Girls don't normally opt for lethal force as the default first-choice method for dealing with villains ya know... Utena seems to have something of a dangerous fascination with Kaoruko's convention-bucking straight-for-the-jugular Heroic Sociopath approach and definitely gets a huge rush out of putting her life on the line against her. (That Bitch In Sheep's Clothing aspect probably also resonates with her own duality issues.)

Probably part of why she's so stoked about managing to push her into a Super Saiyajin level upgrade as given the pretty rapid evolution Baiser's undegone lately Sulfur has definitely gotten rather powercrept - and it's just not the same without the thrill of real mortal danger, is it?

joined Jul 26, 2016

This is a modern setting?

And they're out in the city? I thought they said the girl never left her family estate?

You might have noticed pretty much every pair is different people in different contexts.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I may have noted this before but Utena gets off a little too much on Kaoruko's persistent efforts to outright murder her... What a thrill~ combined with the usual teenager failure to grasp your own mortality I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Image Comments 18 Oct 01:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

^10/10 Mindbreak H-doujin logic there .-.

last edited at Oct 18, 2021 1:29AM

Image Comments 17 Oct 16:27
joined Jul 26, 2016

Probably worth noting that Schwarz's bio gives her "Combat Experience" as 20 years and she specifically mentions having been a "child assassin"... so if she's a bit 'off' at times she's got a pretty solid Freudian Excuse.

joined Jul 26, 2016

as number one, whoever it was, has been deleted.

"Who is number one?"

joined Jul 26, 2016

Other Usual Suspects include low blood sugar (eat something) and lack of fresh air (open a window, assuming the air outside isn't cosplaying late 19th-century London). If the pain "migrates" from one temple to another, though, you're fucked cuz that's the distinguishing characteristic of migraine (hence the name) to which there AFAIK is no consistent fix or cure. (Modern medicine still doesn't know what even causes it.) Mom's had to put up with that shit all her life.

Image Comments 16 Oct 00:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

Lowkey sociopathic antics Crossing The Line Twice are a pretty major part of Chinatsu's character setting so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Arknights! 15 Oct 22:33
joined Jul 26, 2016

[looks up Kalt and Skalter's crunch]

...holy shit that's some disgustingly stronk stuff :o

Image Comments 15 Oct 22:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

...although even the description snarks about how poor fit she is for a villain role :v

imagine having Blemi in the first place oTL

Slow Start discussion 14 Oct 15:21
joined Jul 26, 2016

The character writing in this series is a blessing

Image Comments 14 Oct 15:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^tbf I'm not sure Ning is even physically capable of not looking smug...

Arknights! 14 Oct 13:03
joined Jul 26, 2016

Couldn't be arsed to do the EXes just for the OPs and medals .-.

That exchange between Kalt and the Blade was some interesting worldbuilding tho and goes a long way to explain why the habitation patterns of the world seem to parallel the ancient (Mediterranean) idea that in the far (polar) north and (equatorial) south ambient temperatures just keep dropping or rising until human life becomes impossible... except here it's HIC SVNT DRACONES in the form of some really nasty eldritch horrors that don't even have the decency to stay in the wastelands. (No wonder Magallan the arctic explorer is a 6* walking arsenal...)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Me, reading this chapter: Hmm yes, Sakuma is surely the more mature and tactful one h-WAIT NEVERMIND

The two of them are, indeed, pretty much like this :P

Image Comments 13 Oct 15:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

"This is how lesbians make babies"

joined Jul 26, 2016

^you guys sure get up to some kinky play in public .-.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well I must be declining very early, given that I'm still over a month away from turning 20.

Oh it'll only get worse after college. Ain't growing oldup grand? :S