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joined Aug 6, 2013

This has always been one of my favorites. The art's a little shaky, but it's mostly fine. I love the dry sense of humor. I love the dignity Sensei carries on with. I absolutely adore the confession, one of my favorites in yuri. I love how completely Hayaka is won over by Sensei's feelings. I love the ending. Everything about this one-shot is wonderful. I've always wished there was more from this author.

joined Aug 6, 2013

The art in this one is gorgeous. Unlike a lot of yuri where a character is said to be beautiful, but actually is rather generic-looking, both the characters really are stunning in their own ways.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Leaps right up into the pantheon of best yuri one-shots, for me. You really get a good sense of how heartbroken senpai was after her breakup. That, coupled with Mei's refusal to give up on it, really made this great.

Seasons discussion 04 Jan 05:32
joined Aug 6, 2013

I don't really understand what Taki was thinking letting Sakura sit for a few weeks. If she intended to visit her anyway, why say 'fine'? Sakura went through a lot of torment after that. Maybe she got tired of waiting for Sakura to make it up to her, but it just seems callous to me.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Damn, this is pretty well-written. Props to Nanzaki Iku.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Fujiwara just comes across as an oddball and a social misfit. She can't read people, she doesn't make friends easily, and she has some unusual hobbies (zombie flicks, dragonfly catching). She doesn't fit in in a girl's school.

Meanwhile, Miu is vain and kind of disillusioned. Her mother's advice has screwed her up good. She places great stock in her appearance and how others view her. Hopefully Kaede's request will force her to realize how unfair she's been to Fujiwara so far, and how kind Fujiwara has been despite that.

I hope we see Fujiwara get a little emotional in the next chapter. So far she's been perfectly content just getting a friend to hang out with, but even her new friend is just using her. Miu would fall for her completely if Fujiwara cried.

Lemonade discussion 25 Dec 23:11
joined Aug 6, 2013

Reading chapter three, it felt like Youko's obsession over how much of a jerk Keito is was just masking her attraction to him. But I guess that's not the case.

Or maybe, if we're lucky, Maki'll just be portrayed as someone who's blindly crushing on an insensitive jerk who treats her best friend badly. What would be nice for a change is that Youko just fails to win Maki over and just moves on to be in a relationship with some other girl. We don't seem to get enough stories like that and I really like them.

This would be awesome to see. Do you have other examples of that in yuri manga? Tears of Thorn is sort of similar.

Philosophia discussion 24 Dec 22:59
joined Aug 6, 2013

This is great, and I'm relieved to hear it's already done. Looking forward to the rest.
I can relate to Chi - "I don't like alcohol and I don't like people" - that strikes close.

Collectors discussion 29 Nov 02:13
joined Aug 6, 2013

God, this was so good. Equal parts clever, funny, romantic, dramatic. It's great to hear that so much more is on the way... assuming it gets scanlated. Awesome.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Not a fan of everyone's infatuation with Cloud, but I suppose that's to be expected. Aeris's lewdity is quite amusing, though.

Fleurir discussion 03 Nov 14:47
joined Aug 6, 2013

The first story is amazing. One of the best NSFW oneshots I've read.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Cute story.
Somehow I got reminded of Giraffes' Necks Are Too Long.

I was thinking that as well, with her expressions revealing what's on her mind.

joined Aug 6, 2013

What exactly qualifies this as 'moderate' amounts of sex? It seems pretty damn lewd to me.

Fragtime discussion 25 Sep 03:15
joined Aug 6, 2013

This is really good so far, and I want to believe it'll keep being good. It kind of makes me nervous, though, that there'll be more het in the future to slog through. Is this ongoing? Do we know if it has a yuri end?

Girl's Ride discussion 24 Sep 03:01
joined Aug 6, 2013

This series reminded me a lot of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, in a lot of ways. It's really very good, I love the atmosphere. I just wish they'd kissed. The ending is explicit enough in my mind, it's definitely yuri, but I crave that final kiss. Wish it'd happened in YKK too, for that matter.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Love this series, but I wish I'd never picked it up. 4 pages at a time at this pace is absolutely torturous.

joined Aug 6, 2013

I'd kill for another long story like Kimi Koi Limit... but this was nice too. The art is gorgeous.

Pieta discussion 13 Sep 00:10
joined Aug 6, 2013

I don't think I've ever been as satisfied by a character's downfall as with Shingeko. What an awful, awful person. Great character, though. I do love this story, great drama and characters, and the main relationship is actually really cute, happy Rio is adorable.

joined Aug 6, 2013

The beginning kinda had me worried that it would all continue in that vein, but then she woke up and it turned out just as great as I expect from Morishima. And it's a series! It's good to be alive.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Besides the satisfaction of seeing them living together, this is a pretty damn funny chapter. Definitely one of the nicest endings to a yuri manga I've read. The wait was worth it.

joined Aug 6, 2013

I'm sufficiently astonished at how well this ended. The last two chapters were pretty great.

joined Aug 6, 2013

Awesome work, Yuri Project!
This story...I dunno, it was alright. I liked the art. I don't get the ending though. Why was the black-haired girl still into blond chick after all that?

Because she loves her? She dated other girls, and came to the realization that she still loves Ririka. Hence the bold move at the end here. Frankly, though we're not shown anything definitive, this is a pretty optimistic ending, especially given the setup.