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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I don't know that's kinda bringing up the whole "offensive chest" vs "not offensive chest" , not to mention its just a toy and not an actual human being, actually it reminds me of the south park episode where Kyle's little brother hooked up with his teacher No one thinks it's child abuse because it's a female adult with a male kid

To be fair, a lot of people, including me, do think so about your example. Certainly the majority of feminists I know do. But the dominant culture for a long time has pushed the line that it's okay and that sort of thing takes a lot of effort to shift.

joined Nov 29, 2014

For all you japanese speaking Vita owners, there is a new VN called White Coat Intimate Love Addiction. It's a yuri game, so obviously one of the endings features pregnancy. You might think "What the hell, I'm tired of all this rape NTR shit! Fuck you, Japan!" and, naturally, you have every right to do so. But you also might want to calm the fuck down cause it's actually the good kind of pregnancy. The sciency kind. I think.

The above text and image may contain spoilers but you probably know that by now.

Urashi C. Pin
joined Jun 17, 2014

For all you japanese speaking Vita owners, there is a new VN called White Coat Intimate Love Addiction. It's a yuri game, so obviously one of the endings features pregnancy. You might think "What the hell, I'm tired of all this rape NTR shit! Fuck you, Japan!" and, naturally, you have every right to do so. But you also might want to calm the fuck down cause it's actually the good kind of pregnancy. The sciency kind. I think.

The above text and image may contain spoilers but you probably know that by now.

fuck i wish i had a vita

joined May 11, 2012

For all you japanese speaking Vita owners, there is a new VN called White Coat Intimate Love Addiction. It's a yuri game, so obviously one of the endings features pregnancy. You might think "What the hell, I'm tired of all this rape NTR shit! Fuck you, Japan!" and, naturally, you have every right to do so. But you also might want to calm the fuck down cause it's actually the good kind of pregnancy. The sciency kind. I think.

The above text and image may contain spoilers but you probably know that by now.

Just Vita? No pc version? So we'll probably never see it in english...

last edited at May 13, 2015 10:55AM

joined Jan 17, 2014

What is so unscientific about rape children? or are they brought by the rape stork?

last edited at May 13, 2015 11:28AM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Lol the spoilers, you should've leave the link instead of showing the picture, the warning is useless now (not that I'll play it, I don't have a vita... and I don't play novels or alike).

last edited at May 13, 2015 11:35AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

What is so unscientific about rape children? or are they brought by the rape stork?

A duck would be much more fitting, instead of a stork.

Creepy animal sex fact: ducks rape a lot.

The More You Know

joined Oct 15, 2013

Anyways, thats really cute...
Wish it was on PC tho...

joined Mar 6, 2014

Creepy animal sex fact: ducks rape a lot.

So when Zeus became a swan to rape that one chick he actually was trying to be a duck?

joined Jan 12, 2014

PFFFTT hahah looks like he broke your record Asa-sempai.

I know it's waaay to late but sadly yeah ;_; Need a new round of smash to reclaim my crown as home run king xD

Aaaah so many new things, so much I wanted to comment to yet I couldn't because I thought "Skyrim can't be that addictive if ya playthrough it a fifth time"...sigh
Also White Coat Intimate Love Addiction seems pretty nice. Hope it has voice acting for all actors (including main character) I have no problem understanding japanese as long as it's spoken :/

joined Mar 6, 2014
Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Oh, I saw that last year. I wonder if they kept working on it.

joined May 10, 2014

By the gods! Science babies are available for my new baby?! I need to get back to my jap lessons! as soon as I start getting 8 hrs of sleep again I can't stop staring...so cute...

"Skyrim can't be that addictive if ya playthrough it a fifth time"...sigh

And here I am looking at my 1st playthrough...still incomplete haha I'll beat this game one day! I swear! Oh and welcome back.

...zzz I forgot how long the prologue takes in P4 or P3 for that matter...zzzz...speaking of long prologues I wonder if Kingdom hearts 3 will have an 8 hour intro :D



Series: Borderlands Pairing: Lilith x Maya Link: deviantart

joined Jan 12, 2014

By the gods! Science babies are available for my new baby?! I need to get back to my jap lessons! as soon as I start getting 8 hrs of sleep again I can't stop staring...so cute...

"Skyrim can't be that addictive if ya playthrough it a fifth time"...sigh

And here I am looking at my 1st playthrough...still incomplete haha I'll beat this game one day! I swear! Oh and welcome back.

...zzz I forgot how long the prologue takes in P4 or P3 for that matter...zzzz...speaking of long prologues I wonder if Kingdom hearts 3 will have an 8 hour intro :D



Series: Borderlands Pairing: Lilith x Maya Link: deviantart

Thanks Thanks xD
Instead of trying to get 8 hours of sleep force your body to get used to the minimum amount of sleep necessary (I'm at 4 hours currently ;) ) Shouldn't be as hard as getting your brain to adapt that First Person Puzzler....still great mechanic!
Also why Lillith x Maya and no Athena x Janey!?!
I bought all Kingdom Heart Games but the only one I really played was Dream Drop Distance :/ (mainly because I didn't have to turn my TV on) Somehow the Idea of having Disney Chars as Partners was never my Piece of Cake.
Seriously Borderlands and NO Athena x Janey?!

joined Feb 4, 2015

Instead of trying to get 8 hours of sleep force your body to get used to the minimum amount of sleep necessary (I'm at 4 hours currently ;) ) Shouldn't be as hard as getting your brain to adapt that First Person Puzzler....still great mechanic!


I need this magic time multiplying method, how so does it go?

joined Jan 12, 2014

Instead of trying to get 8 hours of sleep force your body to get used to the minimum amount of sleep necessary (I'm at 4 hours currently ;) ) Shouldn't be as hard as getting your brain to adapt that First Person Puzzler....still great mechanic!


I need this magic time multiplying method, how so does it go?

More or less miss out on sleep a lot, endure not sleeping longer than a set amount of time (for example using someone to wake you up or an alarm clock), no matter how tired you get until your body gets used to xD There are probably other techiques out there so...google it :P

joined Nov 29, 2014

I finally motivated myself to get the Seregios Charge Blade in MH4U. Had to fight him 5 times because he didn't drop enough Airblades. Obviously, he dropped 5 at once in my last fight against him.

It's pretty sexy though.

joined Mar 6, 2014


I hope they sell all their IPs to other companies and sell Fox Engine to Kojima Productions along with Zone of Enders so Kojima can finally make ZoE 3 in peace

joined Apr 20, 2013


I hope they sell all their IPs to other companies and sell Fox Engine to Kojima Productions along with Zone of Enders so Kojima can finally make ZoE 3 in peace

Hmmmm maybe with kickstarter... But it would take way too much, when Kojima finished dealing with Revengance I thought, "Yes! now is the time for ZOE!!" but no... I think they released the HD collection of ZOE just to test the grounds, to see if there are still (enough) fan waiting for it, I guess there wasn't so many.

joined May 10, 2014

Also why Lillith x Maya and no Athena x Janey!?!

Because I'm pretty new to the series(this is my first game, no LPs) and haven't played the pre-sequel or tales...also thanks for the spoilers. I did find some good stuff but you should post your favorite one next week to redeem my ignorance.

Instead of trying to get 8 hours of sleep force your body to get used to the minimum amount of sleep necessary (I'm at 4 hours currently

That...doesn't sound healthy at all...here let me drop this for you, I was super tired yesterday and only partially read the current page and saw the science baby but ANyway! you shouldn't force yourself to sleep less!

It's pretty sexy though.

Quite sexy indeed...


XD oh internet!

I hope they sell all their IPs to other companies and sell Fox Engine to Kojima Productions along with Zone of Enders so Kojima can finally make ZoE 3 in peace

What are you talking about!? MOBILE IS THE FUTURE! Don't you want to see the next angry birds/candycrush with silent hill characters?!

Series: Monster Hunter Kirin x Naruga Link: pixiv

joined Mar 6, 2014


I hope they sell all their IPs to other companies and sell Fox Engine to Kojima Productions along with Zone of Enders so Kojima can finally make ZoE 3 in peace

Hmmmm maybe with kickstarter... But it would take way too much, when Kojima finished dealing with Revengance I thought, "Yes! now is the time for ZOE!!" but no... I think they released the HD collection of ZOE just to test the grounds, to see if there are still (enough) fan waiting for it, I guess there wasn't so many.

There's not much of a mistery there, ZoE3 got straight up cancelled because HD collection didn't meet the sales expectations
Why didn't it sell much though? Because Konami fucked it up completely by making a incompetent studio handle the HD port, shit ran at sub 24FPS and had lots of graphic effects missing
It took another studio to do the job of fixing the hell out of it, so yeah now the collection for the PS3 is pretty damn good but the damage has already been done
Seems like the Xbox version is still fucked up though

last edited at May 14, 2015 11:52PM

joined May 10, 2014

ALMOST forgot... FE: if leaks! "Phoenix Mode, where fallen allies are resurrected on the next turn. As we learned earlier, Phoenix Mode sits alongside Casual and Classic Mode and, like those two modes, is independent of your difficulty choice." more info here and here ROFL wtf what is this let me hold your hand throughout the whole game mode? and while at it read me a bed time story please?. I'm not going to be one of those people will complain...I'll just make fun of it for a while, I mean why get angry it's an optional mode after all! not to mention Lunatic mode is still there along with classic and casual.

Anyway lots of customization and apparently a LOT of manaketes O_o. Oh right best change is probably the 9 save slots!

There's not much of a mistery there, ZoE3 got straight up cancelled because HD collection didn't meet the sales expectations
Why didn't it sell much though? Because Konami fucked it up completely by making a incompetent studio handle the HD port, shit ran at sub 24FPS and had lots of graphic effects missing
It took another studio to do the job of fixing the hell out of it, so yeah now the collection for the PS3 is pretty damn good but the damage has already been done
Seems like the Xbox version is still fucked up though

That is pretty sad but Halo also effd up their HD collection and it's still going...well Halo is Halo, I would love to see Kojima continue this series somehow.

last edited at May 15, 2015 12:35AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

where fallen allies are resurrected on the next turn.

What the fuck dude, was Awakening too hard for people or some shit? Not that i have much right to complain, i did play on casuHEY at least i started on Hard okay!? I-it's not like i'm a casual or anything, b-baka!

joined Jan 12, 2014

Because I'm pretty new to the series(this is my first game, no LPs) and haven't played the pre-sequel or tales...also thanks for the spoilers. I did find some good stuff but you should post your favorite one next week to redeem my ignorance.

I didn't really spoiler anything -3- never said WHY I wanted that coupling so you spoilered it for yourself °3°

That...doesn't sound healthy at all...here let me drop this for you, I was super tired yesterday and only partially read the current page and saw the science baby but ANyway! you shouldn't force yourself to sleep less!

Those studies are missing some important factors. For #1 exhaustion. The amount of daily work a human does affects how much sleep he needs. #2 Adaption. The human brain is famous for its ability to adapt to different problems by enhancing certain aspects. For example decreasing time it takes to switch into the Rem sleep state. Might add #3: The placebo effect to the list. Humans are famous to be highly effected by suggestion. If they believe that less sleep makes their cognitive abilities worse obviously a decline WILL happen. (the other way round is also possible) again don't underestimate humans!

What are you talking about!? MOBILE IS THE FUTURE! Don't you want to see the next angry birds/candycrush with silent hill characters?!

No. Just no. It might be the future but it's a dark future...

What the fuck dude, was Awakening too hard for people or some shit?

For some yes. My brother for example can't even beat a level 1 bot in Smash so obviously he permadies in pretty much every other game. If people like him are common obviously such a mode is necessary to appeal to a broader audience

last edited at May 15, 2015 3:15AM

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