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joined Feb 4, 2015

Now I really wanna know which books EvilNemesis got...

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Skulduggeries protagonist is a girl, and I remember the romance not being all that important. Her evil side is prophesied to destroy the earth as well, so capable of evil.

*There was some mention of some yuri, but both are only ever seen jumping on dudes.

Never got to the really juicy stuff, but Tanith x Valkyrie OTP

joined Feb 4, 2015

Skulduggeries protagonist is a girl, and I remember the romance not being all that important. Her evil side is prophesied to destroy the earth as well, so capable of evil.

*There was some mention of some yuri, but both are only ever seen jumping on dudes.

Never got to the really juicy stuff, but Tanith x Valkyrie OTP

One million times yes.

I've been googling stuff, apparently Landy said Val is bi-curious. Tanith canon dated Aurora Jane. There's enough there that I'm sure it happened in the future.

happened future, hehehe, this wording amused me.

Pity the ending sounds retarded from what I've seen.

Still going to finish them when I get the chance.

last edited at Jun 4, 2017 8:12PM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

On The Road and His Dark Materials are really good, so is The Demon In The Freezer if you like non-fiction.

joined Mar 23, 2013

On The Road and His Dark Materials are really good, so is The Demon In The Freezer if you like non-fiction.

So I'm back and got Skuld, Eye of the World and Vol 3 to 5 of the Walking Dead Graphic novel series. If your book hasn't been picked up fear not, with The Witcher 3 coming soon I could not read too many bricks at once.

I did check for Nezchan's Ebooks titles but to no avail, as for the romance I did not feel like I wanted romance this time around.

I've already read His dark Materials a long time a good, great series although it soes lose a bit a of steam overtime.

Finally for my guilty pleasure I took "Prince of Thorns" which look like some revenge fantasy type stuff. From what I've seen from a comment on my library page it's "rapey" the first 10 pages in. Considering the start is "royal kid gets family mother and siblings gets murdered and loses everything" I can imagine what happens.

I'll see if it's any good. At the very least the next 2 titles of the trilogy sounds cool "The King of Thorns" and "The Emperor of Thorns". Got to love good ol' payback time.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Is Skuld Skulduggery? If you're reading that and Wheel of Time, you'll have plenty to get through...

Anyway, Moiraine and Siuane were pillow friends in cannon. The books can't tell me that they stopped being so.

last edited at May 4, 2015 6:24PM

joined Mar 23, 2013

Is Skuld Skulduggery? If you're reading that and Wheel of Time, you'll have plenty to get through...

I read EXTREMELY fast, I haven't met anyone who read as fast as I do. And I did mention it was only the first book, which is quite a brick, even so I'm not taclking to entire series just yet. It will depend on how much I like it.

Anyway, Moiraine and Siuane were pillow friends in cannon. The books can't tell me that they stopped being so.

Could you not comment on character's relationship before I even met them... >_> burn the heretic!

joined Feb 4, 2015

Is Skuld Skulduggery? If you're reading that and Wheel of Time, you'll have plenty to get through...

I read EXTREMELY fast, I haven't met anyone who read as fast as I do. And I did mention it was only the first book, which is quite a brick, even so I'm not taclking to entire series just yet. It will depend on how much I like it.

I feel the urge to challange you to a reading race, but I know I'd get distracted and do something else. The first book is very LOTR but it soon gets its own identity. Rand and Mat are both awesome characters too.

Anyway, Moiraine and Siuane were pillow friends in cannon. The books can't tell me that they stopped being so.

Could you not comment on character's relationship before I even met them... >_> burn the heretic!

What comment? I see no comment. Only black bars!

joined Sep 15, 2013

Damn can't believe i missed this thread i wanted some recommendations too :(
If you are still interested you can search for discourses on titus levy by machiavelli. Its a good read.

joined Feb 4, 2015

What I liked about Machiavelli was the whole 'The Prince' joke.

joined Sep 15, 2013

What I liked about Machiavelli was the whole 'The Prince' joke.

boo, really boo

Edit: I would rather not have an internet debate about the prince here, however i don't think the prince is a joke despite the borgia(spelling?) guy
P.S.: he still checks many of machiavelli's criteria so much so that its pretty understandable why nicoli has such a crush on him.

last edited at May 5, 2015 4:33PM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


What I wish I could find is some lesbian-oriented urban fantasy, especially stuff that draws a lot from folklore (of whatever sort). One thing I really like about Japanese stuff is there's such a huge amount of folklore that pretty much everyone is familiar with, like oni, tengu, 7 legends of whatever location, ghost stories, etc.

I will make it my life goal to write this Nezsama.

Well, I've got a couple of projects to get through first, but there's a serial idea I have in mind where the "fantasy" aspect is inspired by the Mi'Kmaq folklore of eastern Canada. I still need to finish the novel I'm working on now, plus a Miyazaki-inspired one before I get to that, so it'll probably be at least a year before I start.

Heh, I was thinking about hacking the Fate roleplaying system and doing a Mushi-shi inspired game set in the American West or even earlier than that when Spain had the west coast and Britain and France had chunks of central American and the US was but a few states. With all the trading posts and American Indian myths, legends, and cultures, it seems to be a perfect setting for giving it a try.

Even though I'm late to the party, here are my own recommendations not just to Evil but others as well ;)

Comics/Graphic Novels first!
Mouse Guard by David Petersen
Blacksad by Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido
Star Wars: Legacy by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema
Aliens vs Predator Omnibus: Vol.1 by Various writers and artists

For regular books... Hmm.. I have a number of suggestions

History Books: ... I read a lot of history books (Ancient/Medieval, Military, and a growing Contemporary collection... it's an addiction -_-)
The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages, 400-600 by Chris Wickham
Loot: The Battle over the Stolen Treasures of the Ancient World by Sharon Waxman
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West by Dee Brown
The Liberation Trilogy by Rick Atkinson
Sea of Faith: Islam and Christianity in the Medieval Mediterranean World by Stephen O' Shea
1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus by Charles C. Mann
Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy by Francis Fukuyama
Girlfriend recommended: Nelson Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

Perdido Street Station & The Scar by China Mieville
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

Science Fiction: Mostly Warhammer 40k and Star Wars lol!
Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium by Sandy Mitchell
Let the Galaxy Burn by ... It's an anthology
Gaunt's Ghosts: The Founding by Dan Abnett
Star Wars
Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn
Han Solo Trilogy: Paradise Snare by A. C. Crispin
X-Wing Series: Rogue Squadron by LOTS of writers lol
Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry

And that's that! XD

joined Feb 4, 2015

What I liked about Machiavelli was the whole 'The Prince' joke.

boo, really boo

Edit: I would rather not have an internet debate about the prince here, however i don't think the prince is a joke despite the borgia(spelling?) guy

But isn't it nice to think that people in history liked banter as much as we do?

Like the whole 'by God sir, I've lost my leg' thing at Waterloo.

joined Sep 15, 2013

so so many references posted by the dark helmet, by the way i absolutely loved the movie spaceballs, it was one of the first movies i saw with my brothers, so nice nice image

joined Sep 15, 2013

If you are interested in graphic novels you can read the hellblazer series, its pretty cool, ties in to sandman

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If you want something fun and adventurous that's also kid-friendly (in case you want to share it with a younger relative or something, then I highly recommend the Zita the Spacegirl trilogy of graphic novels. Equally fun for adults, very much rollicking space adventure. Cleopatra In Space is good too, i think the second volume is out by now.

Oh, and if you can find it, the reMIND graphic novel pair by Jason Brubaker is pretty great too.

joined Sep 15, 2013

I loved reading the hobbit as a kid, plus its a really fun and different experience if someone is reading it out loud for you, its one of the few books which i find to be better read out loud to me by someone than just reading it by myself

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


If you want something fun and adventurous that's also kid-friendly (in case you want to share it with a younger relative or something, then I highly recommend the Zita the Spacegirl trilogy of graphic novels. Equally fun for adults, very much rollicking space adventure.

Oh, and if you can find it, the reMIND graphic novel pair by Jason Brubaker is pretty great too.

Ooo... I'll keep an eye out for Zita, looks like a lot of fun. And will definitely check out reMIND. (It's apparently available online for free!!)

Ha! Hope you find something to your liking or that piques your interest. And yeah, Spaceballs is awesome, but Mel Brooks is awesome in general. Cannot find one movie I really dislike thus far.

last edited at May 5, 2015 5:34PM

joined Sep 15, 2013

Have any of you read the book called temple by matthew reilly? Because i found it to be a very fun read.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I feel the urge to challange you to a reading race, but I know I'd get distracted and do something else. The first book is very LOTR but it soon gets its own identity. Rand and Mat are both awesome characters too.

Alright I finished Eye of the World. I just want to tell you how I felt about it, please keep in my mind i myour reply that I only want to tslk about the first book, I don't even want you to say things like vague "oh but that character gets better, changes you'll see". I know I'm probably going to regret but oh well, I hope our shared forum history will make you behave yourself. Because I'm going to get book 2 pretty soo , either today or tommorow.

First I'll talk about the beginning and the world. You're right about it being LoTR-like at the start, the descriptive prose, the "we have to run", really reminds me.

I enjoyed how the villager aspect was handled, everyone they tslked to had their say in the legends and lore of the world, without even seeing anything they believed their version was right, their world is small. The gender dynamics of the village council vs the circle of women was interesting as well

As for characters, I like Rand, he knows he's just a farmboy and so he tends to be cautious and triple check most decisions he takes. He always tries to rationalize things under different perspective when dealing with others which gives him good insight on people. His whiteknighting of Egwene is also not too big, he knows she's prideful and will stop himself as to not be annoying or sexist/condescending.

Mat is an interesting character, he's a bit more mean than Rand because he's very scared. He really looks like this journey is really not his cup of Tea at all

Big guy P changed a lot over the course of the book and he's much less gentle than he was at the start, so I don't know much about our Feral friend yet

Egwene is annoying... She really wants to prove that girls are equal to men and it gets very annoying after awhile. I guess she suffers from the same "oh men..." that seem to be prevalent thinking in the countryside
She also thinks more with her passion and guts than with her brain, which makes sense with her personnality. I hope she acquires wisdom in her training at Tar Valon.

Wisdom grill is even more annoying, from superstisious womanto lovestruck imbecile, she's my least favourite as of now, pls stop existing

Thom, he's a cool old man and his previous relationship with the Queen and how he brushed her off and ber advisor wih such panache that they saw fit to have a "capture on sight" decree was pretty cool. He ain't no wimp man.

Moirane and Lan are cool and yet I wish to know more about them. Right now they're more archetype thEn characters to me. Right now they're just Knight-protector and Sage woman to me. I guess we know of Lan's past right now and why he's stoic but I need more

joined Feb 4, 2015

Alright I finished Eye of the World. I just want to tell you how I felt about it, please keep in my mind i myour reply that I only want to tslk about the first book, I don't even want you to say things like vague "oh but that character gets better, changes you'll see". I know I'm probably going to regret but oh well, I hope our shared forum history will make you behave yourself. Because I'm going to get book 2 pretty soo , either today or tommorow.

Me not behave myself? Absurd!

Yeah, the LOTR-ness hits hard in the first book. Really hard.

I love the world of the books, they're my favourite part. The gender dynamics on this level are interesting, as you said the balance of power in villages, also, the throne of Andor being a women held thing, Tar Valon being kind of lke the Rand-land Pope, but this not excluding men from ruling in other places. Balance between genders is a theme that RJ tried hard for.

Pity many of his prominent female characters are crap! Nynaeve and Egewene I wanted to strangle. I usually don't get worked up over fictional characters, but they're just infuriating. In book 1 though, Moiraine, Siuane, Min and Elayne (princess of Andor, not sure on name) were varying degrees of okay to good.

Most of the males in this book were good though. Rand is one of my favourite takes on the farm boy becomes hero character, Mat is great, Perrin is a bit dull, but still likable. Thom is surprisingly badass whe he takes on the Myrddraal, Lan is badass but for his falling for the probably-too-young Nynaeve on the way to the climax of the book, which is a plot line I think went against both characters. Unfortunately, guys like Fain irk me, especially since he basically became Gollum after the issue with Moridin.

Yeah Lan and Moiraine need a bit of fleshing ou, but they could be worse, and I think the first book left a good basis to develop them.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I don't think it's OOC for N(insert random letters) but it is for Lan. She always had the last word against men in her village and her ego is through the roof. Lan says little but it's always the right words, he also does not give her the attention she is used to in her village. It's not so surprising she develops feeling of admiration for the man. Lan on the other hand... He's made a lifelong commitment to Moraine and early in the book says it outloud that he will always think of her and their mission. Her confession and his response was just dumb. I did like it when she cried rejected, a glorious moment indeed. Egwene getting mad at him was so stupid. They're in the blight and they might all just die and fail the world and you get angry he rejects her? Plus he was real gentle about it.
Egwene sort of got rejected too because she made Rand promise to be her warder but I don't think the dragon reincarnated is going to be her warder. He's way too cool fo' dat now. No spoilers pls again

joined Feb 4, 2015

Grr, need... to... spoil...

Any plot with Nynaeve is a bad plot is what I meant. Seriously, least favourite character by far. And Egewene follows closely. I heard somewhere that RJ's wife approved all his female characters, which is depressing considering their awfulness.

Glad I didn't get too spoilery with my reply, I try not to be, but I'm a bit thick so I don't know if I've said something too much.

last edited at May 16, 2015 9:49AM

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