Daaaaaaw, no matter how good of a girlboss Miorine is, she still can't live without her silly tanuki wife ^_^
This was pure, AWWWWW! I hope we get to see more of this in the manga being released this summer.
she still can't live without her silly tanuki wife ^_^
Tanuki? Bwa haaa! Love it.
Who is going to tell them it's "drove," not "drived?"
True love starts with telling the person u love that u miss them and want to see them, and so u go them cuz u miss them.
What does your name translate to Binary-code-san?
Suletta's so needy/pos
They always miss each other so bad, it's canon ♥
Adorable. ^_^
cuuute! What does your name translate to Binary-code-san?
a combination of things i like!
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