Forum › Twinstar Cyclone Runaway (novel ver.) discussion

kinseijoshi Uploader
Suimasen Scans
joined Feb 8, 2024

Huge thanks to girlswhokiss, who has been busting ass to translate this novel! I am still working out the fine details of uploading the translation as images, so please lmk if there are any issues with readability with the current formatting before I get around to uploading ch 1-4. Those should be forthcoming in the next few days. We will also have a "bonus" chapter to handle a setting glossary and TL notes.

Chapters here probably won't be updated much unless we uncover major translation errors - the most up to date versions will be found on the neocities page we've set up.

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have been!

joined Jan 25, 2016

Yessssss been loving this manga series and I've been curious about the novel. Excited to have this here! I wish I could help.

joined Oct 20, 2017

I'm surprised to see this so quickly after girlswhokiss floated the idea, but I am excited too.

For those like me who prefer to read on mobile, the neocities page hosts the HTML version.

joined Apr 5, 2023

Yessssss been loving this manga series and I've been curious about the novel. Excited to have this here! I wish I could help.

Any feedback, like pointing out if there's anything that's too confusing to understand or if the current formatting isn't easy to read, helps a lot.

I'm surprised to see this so quickly after girlswhokiss floated the idea, but I am excited too.

It's just this good! I have been working on it pretty much nonstop for the last 2 months and Kinsei's been helping me lots with the English (I'm not a native speaker) so it's been going well so far.

It's seriously a must read for anyone who's been enjoying the manga, there's a lot that's novel-only. It's a great adaptation but Terra's unawareness towards her own gaying out is way more visible in the novel, with how often the narrative points out Diode's attractiveness to her, and also Diode's own attraction to Terra and her casually looking at her chest lol. Many details regarding the world outside of FBB have yet to be brought up, especially the Dàxúnniǎo (大巡鳥), but some of those should be fine even if brought up later on.

Spoilers from chapter 8, it'll take a while for me to get to it, since I'm currently translating chapter 5, so read at your own risk:
If we were to compare the manga's chapter 13 (and possibly chapter 14) with its novel counterpart, chapter 8, it's greatly changed from how they actually have a chat regarding Terra not truly wanting to get married but being pressured into it due to social expectations, how she struggled growing up and often bumping into things, how boys hitting her butt and chest, even if accidentally, made her uncomfortable and she never really felt much towards men. After the chat, they get a lot more physically affectionate, with Diode comforting Terra by allowing her to rest on her lap, and like always her scent being calming — then Terra gets back to her senses after they part ways and wonders just what was it that she was doing and why it felt so good, first step towards becoming more aware of her gay feelings.

And no I'm not saying it's a bad adaptation because Tanaka Ahiru also places great attention into detail (Like Kinsei's pointed out to me, Diode's clothing progressively became more "fitted" as she became comfortable living with Terra and the huge contrast between Idaho as a whole being full of cracks and the Elder Council room being drawn crispy clean), so on its own it's really good and enjoyable.
Plus, I really like his besshu and outfit designs, expressions... Just the art as a whole that gives us great, cute and nice moments while exploring their dynamic without having to outright state what's happening between the two. Great storytelling imo.

Also, Terra's novel height is most likely around 190cm~200cm if we calculate it based on Diode's novel height (148cm 身長一四八センチ, 2/3 of Terra's height 身長が三分の二) and her being 20% bigger than her aunt (体はテラより二割小さい). I'm more inclined to her being 200cm tall, which would give her aunt a more average height around 160cm, and explain her habit of hitting into things and also being almost as tall as a door frame. So, quite taller than her manga height of 184cm.

With the introduction of Eda and Magiri in the manga, I wonder if we'll get some glimpses into the prologue's events (although not coming from Diode's mouth) or if he'll let them chat about what they know about the past and advance the story.
There's a lot more I'd love to comment about but I'll leave that for when I'm further into it and others are able to read it too! I'm just happy more people can enjoy this work too because it's seriously great.

(Sorry for the longpost, I really like Twinstar Cyclone Runaway.)

joined Dec 15, 2023

extremely excited for this, the manga adaptation definitely made me hungry for reading the novel as i enjoy the higher level of detail and downtime you tend to get with those. thanks very much for TLing, looking forward to the next release!

kinseijoshi Uploader
Suimasen Scans
joined Feb 8, 2024

The first chapter doesn't have a whole lot more than the manga, but the details of the pillar boat are absolutely wild. Flying around with a 360 degree view and multiwavelength video being beamed directly into your visual cortex has gotta be disorienting as hell.

kinseijoshi Uploader
Suimasen Scans
joined Feb 8, 2024

It's been a little busy here, but I am hoping to have chapters 3 and 4 up here in the next couple of days. Our output is getting a little more polished with practice, so not quite as many formatting bugs to track down and squash from here.

By the way, I think I've successfully gotten an RSS feed up and running on the dedicated website, so subscribe if you want an automatic update when we post a new chapter there! There will be a short delay before we post here just to make sure we've gotten any big mistakes ironed out.

joined Dec 15, 2023

can confirm the RSS feed on the website seems to be working! thanks for the update there - i enjoy all the little details like the 'apollo shape' and the "v-shaped hunting tool", which im assuming is a boomerang.

joined Apr 5, 2023

Volume 4's cover has been revealed!
I'm so excited!

joined Oct 20, 2017

I just finished chapter 2, and I regret putting it off until now. This is a remarkably different experience from the manga (more so than what I'd call typical between a light novel and its manga adaptation), and visualizing the quirkier elements like the clouds, fish schools and net shapes was a challenge, but it's getting easier.

The translation of certain terms being different from Suimasen's version took some getting used to; otherwise the quality is very impressive! Thank you so much for taking on this project!

Some random impressions up to this point:

  • Mora (Terra's aunt) groping Terra that one time is made a little less bizarre (though not less weird) by the fact that she is really drunk. Maybe that's also why she is less resistant to Diode's proposal than she is in the manga version?

  • Not having any visual reference point from the manga was especially challenging when reading the prologue. The ending where Magiri dives into the abyss based on the theory that the gloomfish are shaped like fish because of Eda's influence, caught me totally off-guard. It's a very different mood from the bulk of the story, almost like a dip into sci-fi horror akin to the video game Soma.

  • Terra is implied to be gay from the start in the manga version too, but it's more 'high definition' here, if that makes sense. It's not just the switch to prose which necessarily has her linger on Diode's appearance more, but things like the incandescent blushing ear to ear at Diode's proposal, and the yelp she lets out when Diode grabs her hand, seem to be exclusive to this version. I hope to see more of this.

last edited at Jan 18, 2025 3:51PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

The conversation in the W.E.B. in chapter 4 was so good! Here, Terra gets almost completely looped into Diode's misadventures before they met, so I wonder when that will happen in the manga version. Knowing more about what Diode has been through makes the argument and fishing duel with Xeon feel even more important.

And wow, Terra hugging Diode when she was crying, and later before their second trip noting that even climbing into the boat with Diode feels so much better than it has with anyone else? I suspect Diode fancies Terra too and is aware of it, but if only she knew how Terra sees her...

last edited at Jan 18, 2025 7:58PM

kinseijoshi Uploader
Suimasen Scans
joined Feb 8, 2024

The conversation in the W.E.B. in chapter 4 was so good! Here, Terra gets almost completely looped into Diode's misadventures before they met, so I wonder when that will happen in the manga version. Knowing more about what Diode has been through makes the argument and fishing duel with Xeon feel even more important.

And wow, Terra hugging Diode when she was crying, and later before their second trip noting that even climbing into the boat with Diode feels so much better than it has with anyone else? I suspect Diode fancies Terra too and is aware of it, but if only she knew how Terra sees her...

I think my favorite little thing with the hug in the W.E.B. scene was the little callback to Sivi and Magiri in the prologue section, where they sort of echo the "sorry about this" "it's okay" way of providing consolation. Terra's casually able to take the step that Sivi was never able to bring herself to take, and I think it gives Diode a little bit of confidence to lean into her strengths going forward. It's such a lovely, intimate moment.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Oh no, I went back to compare the scenes, and you're right! I guess Terra is the older of the two and Diode does not have a legendary ex-wife that Terra could feel a pressure to live up to, but on the other hand Sivi had years to work up her courage...

Terra is quite bold in this scene nonetheless, surprising even herself. Unlike the marriage candidates, the girl she's only known for a few days gave her a taste of success, made her feel proud of her own decompa skills, so she feels comfortable enough to let herself 'decompress' emotionally as well. It is lovely indeed.

joined Apr 5, 2023

This is a remarkably different experience from the manga (more so than what I'd call typical between a light novel and its manga adaptation)

Yeah it seriously is, it's got its own merits but there's this feeling that it's under some limit and that doesn't allow Tanaka Ahiru to be portraying just the full scale of it. Terra's attention to Diode's scent is completely lost between the two versions and due to the absence of certain events, volume 1's climax is likely going to play out a bit differently from the original work.
Diode's also a lot more polite in the manga.
and this

Terra is implied to be gay from the start in the manga version too, but it's more 'high definition' here, if that makes sense.

is honestly a good way of describing the changes. In the novel there's a lot more showing how their bond developed, and while those scenes in the manga are a very cute way of showing them slowly get closer and comfortable with the other, it doesn't show some of the instances where they support the other, or even argue with the other and then overcome those conflicts and learn to deal with traits that for others wouldn't be exactly easy to. They're a little more reserved in the manga.

Diode being rude (the term other characters have used to describe her, 毒舌, applies perfectly), cold, but also incredibly fragile was lost. Likewise, the way Terra's trapped by those rules she, up until meeting Diode, was too scared to "break" doesn't feel as... intense? As it does in the novel, they talk about those things and what they want out of it and the troubles they've gone through trying to escape from or obey the system. Also shows a lot more of her curiosity towards things like animals and similar, and also how far her creativity can go and just why others treat her as weird and not really fit to be a wife.

I think my favorite little thing with the hug in the W.E.B. scene was the little callback to Sivi and Magiri in the prologue section, where they sort of echo the "sorry about this" "it's okay" way of providing consolation. Terra's casually able to take the step that Sivi was never able to bring herself to take, and I think it gives Diode a little bit of confidence to lean into her strengths going forward. It's such a lovely, intimate moment.

and then finishing it up with a cup of coffee was just perfect. Really one of the things I love the most about this work is how much they depend on and trust the other, so any and all conflict between them hits a lot harder for me. They're really in this together until the end no matter what, they have their moments of insecurity but instead of running away they work through it together.

Chapter 7's rough version is done and I've already started chapter 8 (if you like the sweeter moments between the two, this one is going to be a treat), but I might be just a little slower than the usual because it's just a little longer than the previous ones, and I'm kind of still processing volume 4 so I can't concentrate much on other things, it gets wild!

joined Oct 20, 2017

Thank you so much for the chapter! I was a bit surprised that the winning catch was just summarized in a conversation. And that “what am I to you” line... Diode wants to be somebody for Terra so bad!

Also, I caught a few typos a while ago; I'll put them here if that's okay.


Not single mountain or tower jutted from that sea of clouds.

  • suggestion: "not a single mountain"

The real-time transmission from the 150mm refractor pointed downwards from the dome Insidious' lower decks incited the same reaction from the bridge crew.

  • suggestion: "from the dome of the Insidious' lower decks" or "from the dome to the Insidious' lower decks"

She went into more detail about very unusual composition, as well as the structural differences between fish on Earth and FBB.

  • suggestion: "about their very unusual composition"

Ch. 4

“Sort of, but how do you know that?!” Diode voice raised into a near-shriek and —Gah!—covered her face.

  • suggestion #1: "Diode's voice rose to a near-shriek and —Gah!—she covered her face"
  • suggestion #2: "Diode raised her voice to a near-shriek and —Gah!—covered her face"
kinseijoshi Uploader
Suimasen Scans
joined Feb 8, 2024

Thanks for catching those typos! I've updated the website to correct those. I think only the one in chapter 4 is present in the version posted on Dynasty, so I'll reupload that chapter once we get around to posting chapter 8.

kinseijoshi Uploader
Suimasen Scans
joined Feb 8, 2024

Super excited to get this chapter posted! I wish this part of the story had gotten more time in the manga, especially for as much characterization as Diode gets here. The scene where she talks to Terra about marriage is especially sweet, my brain felt a bit melty at how fast Terra's gay awakening seems to be moving in this.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Yeah, chapter 8 is massive! From Diode moving in and slowly getting more comfortable, to visiting Terra at the archive, then finally the kidnapping attempt.

Diode secretly doing ninja training was funny to imagine, but I'm not clear on how she was planning to hijack the ship. Was she trying to buy a digital hacking tool on the black market?

I did not expect that the lap pillow moment after the kidnapping attempt was actually the reversal of an earlier, even more tender lap pillow moment where Terra is the one being comforted. And she really is right on the cusp of seeing the full picture! Diode dropped the bombshell about Eda and Magiri soon after, so I wonder if getting some confirmation that Terra doesn't want to get married gave her the final push.

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