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joined Sep 6, 2018

aren’t romance manga essentially battle manga

Mm, indeed, indeed. Yes! It’s clear that Ejima Eri-sensei has a truly strong foundation! She has excellent insight into the way of things! What makes a good battle manga? Confrontations that are drawn with a strong sense of the fictional world’s rules, which are situated in a meaningful emotional context and drive the action of that emotion in exciting ways which develop things down the road. This is also true of romance manga, isn’t it?? Every time the leads connect, it must be with their background and current dynamic strongly in mind, and their engagement must be interesting and push their relationship into a new area. Indeed, I’ve said it for a long time—good battle manga and good yuri manga play by the same rules!!! To have an understanding that’s developed to this extent... isn’t this why the mangaka’s work is so good?

joined Oct 26, 2019

After half a decade of back-and-forth, i finally read all the chapters tonight.
And i must say, this read is still as sweet and sticky as condensed milk.
And rightly bitter as dark chocolate.
The true confrontation is between each of the characters, and their feelings.
Their emotional growth each time they fix their issues, makes reading the next chapter an even fonder feeling.

last edited at Feb 8, 2021 10:36AM

joined Mar 9, 2021


joined Jan 18, 2016

one helluva manga! i loved this.

Yuri Appreciator
joined Jul 18, 2021

I thank the good soul that recommended this manga to me

joined Nov 6, 2021

Chapters 1-19 was epic, after chapter 20 and so on it sort of fizzles out a lot, but yeah very epic, and 19 chapters is still a lot so thanks to the author and this site for hosting.

I didn't get the story of breaking them apart, it didn't seem consistent with anything in the first 19 chapters there wasn't really any set up for that plot twist, just that model girl making a vague threat. Chapters 20-33 had a total different vibe like the manga did a 180 and it never really came back imo. Oh well Mimika is excellent hero, love the artist reaction drawings of her, you can feel the emotion. Will definitely be reading it again but stop at chapter 19 to not have to slug through 13 chapters of awkward conflict that felt very out of place. I think a better plot twist would be Mimika giving into her desires more which could have created a rift between them, there was set ups for that and I would have loved a pay off.

last edited at Nov 18, 2021 10:31AM

Yozora Takayama
joined Jun 15, 2018

This one needs an anime adaptation

joined May 22, 2024

This one needs an anime adaptation

Sad that there's still no adaptation. Would have loved to watch the fluff animated (and see the more mainstream anime watchers' reaction)

last edited at Jun 7, 2024 10:11AM

joined Mar 10, 2024

Absolute peak. I wish they kissed

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