Forum › Webcomic: Kill me now (Mature, smutty, dark comic)

joined Mar 22, 2013

Warning: dark, gory, toxic, pychological, serious themes, violence

Just wondering if anybody has read this masterpiece of a webcomic. Like holy..... the artwork is a-amazing. The perspectives are just soooo good... and in the mature scenes it is all drawn so lovely. Really sexy and still super stylish. So beautiful and... I already mentioned sexy... with out being over the top, unrealistic or giving of a perverted feel. (some of them, especially the first ones, include violence though, It is not fetishized imo though, it's just part of the drama). And the way the orgasm is shown feels so... real... like it really captures that moment so well. I have never seen anything like this.

The story is super dark, but also written so well... haaaa. :O I hope so much for some kind, whatever kind of happy ending for the girls, but I can already feel that it will totally destroy me... sigh.

Where I am reading it, there is no comment section and I really needed to vent my admiration for this... masterpiece... crys..... Maybe somebody around here also knows and appreciates this comic...

It is pretty dark, but in case anyone wants to see the sweet moments... This user posts on tictoc pretty sweet clips of the two girls <3333

Just posting the description below:
"Haegu, a proficient and merciless hitwoman, executes a man in front of his own daughter and takes the child under her wing. She decides to name her Mian, the word for "sorry" in Korean, and gives her one mission: "Kill me when you can." From that moment on, Mian decides that she will do this by choking Haegu with feigned love and emotionally manipulating her into submission. But as Mian grows into an adult, she's thrown into confusion as what was supposed to be pure revenge turns into lust... and possibly real love. Meanwhile, Haegu grapples with her own feelings for Mian while continuing to carry out life-threatening missions. Can Haegu and Mian ever learn to truly love each other, or are they doomed to drown in their toxic cycle of violence and revenge?"

It has its surprisingly sweet moments... and the art is sooo good... sigh.....

I'll update a list of trigger warnings for the gore and violence chapters later.

last edited at Feb 12, 2023 3:09AM

joined Nov 21, 2022

I tried reading it. I found the torture and murder elements too disturbing.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Yeah, it is really dark. The main plot is a lot about revenge. especially of abused women or children against their abusers. And that is done pretty drastically.

Sorry, if it made you feel disturbed. I just genuinely wanted to talk about it somewhere.
I think I'll post a list of the chapters with trigge warnings in case anyone is still interested. It just looks like it will be really woth it. It's getting so gooddddddd... :O

last edited at Feb 2, 2023 3:56AM

joined Jan 25, 2024

Why is no one discussing this webtoon??? It's so interesting and great.

joined Jan 25, 2024

Where I am reading it, there is no comment section and I really needed to vent my admiration for this... masterpiece... crys..... Maybe somebody around here also knows and appreciates this comic...

I recomend you to read it on Mangago, the website has a comment section, and you can find bunch of comments from other readers.

joined Feb 14, 2016

OK this one is pretty funny. I doubt that it's going to become one of my favorites but I'm having an OK time with it so far

joined Jul 15, 2016

OK this one is pretty funny. I doubt that it's going to become one of my favorites but I'm having an OK time with it so far

I wouldn't use the term "funny" for this story, but it sure is messed up something fierce.

last edited at Feb 14, 2024 11:44AM

joined Jan 25, 2024

OK this one is pretty funny. I doubt that it's going to become one of my favorites but I'm having an OK time with it so far

I wouldn't use the term "funny" for this story, but it sure is messed up something fierce.

There are a lot of funny moments too tbh, Mian and that one lady who always goes on a mission with Haegu, are quite funny.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Yeah there's some black comedy with Haegu's assassin coworkers, and more innocent comedy with Mian's flashbacks to her fumbling feelings towards her "mother" Haegu (who it should be mentioned was herself only a teenager when she "adopted" Mian, the age gap between them is only nine or ten years, and Mian never once saw Haegu as a mother or as family. In case anyone reading this was like "yeah I'm totally fine with the scenes of torturing rapists and child murderers to death and all that but implied incest with a huge age gap is way too far!")

joined Jan 25, 2024

Yeah there's some black comedy with Haegu's assassin coworkers, and more innocent comedy with Mian's flashbacks to her fumbling feelings towards her "mother" Haegu (who it should be mentioned was herself only a teenager when she "adopted" Mian, the age gap between them is only nine or ten years, and Mian never once saw Haegu as a mother or as family. In case anyone reading this was like "yeah I'm totally fine with the scenes of torturing rapists and child murderers to death and all that but implied incest with a huge age gap is way too far!")

I think the age gap between them is 11 years. as you said Mian never saw Haegu as a mother, neither Haegu considered herself as Mian's mother as she said it herself the whole Mom thing is just a facade in front of the public but when they're alone, they don't go with mother and daughter kind of relationship. Besides Haegu never groomed Mian in a predatory way just to date her when she's finally legal, it was the opposite, she made sure that Mian would hate her and kill her when she has the chance, but somehow Mian ended up falling in love with her instead. The only weird thing I would consider in their relationship is Haegu having bunch of thoughts about Mian when she was 15.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I am currently at chapter 60 or so, and I am wondering about the use of color in this comic: as far as I can tell, red represents Mian's psychosis, as it only ever pops up whenever Mian slips into her deranged avenger mode and starts alternating between injuring Haegu and demanding sex from her. Blue, meanwhile, represents blood and gore, but also some aspect of Haegu's character that I cannot quite put into words yet. Anyone has any ideas about that? I've also noticed that sometimes when Mian and Haegu get it on, the red and the blue mix into purple for a bit.

joined Jan 25, 2024

I am currently at chapter 60 or so, and I am wondering about the use of color in this comic: as far as I can tell, red represents Mian's psychosis, as it only ever pops up whenever Mian slips into her deranged avenger mode and starts alternating between injuring Haegu and demanding sex from her. Blue, meanwhile, represents blood and gore, but also some aspect of Haegu's character that I cannot quite put into words yet. Anyone has any ideas about that? I've also noticed that sometimes when Mian and Haegu get it on, the red and the blue mix into purple for a bit.

About the colors, it's as you said, red is for Mian whenever she sees things, like haegu or her dad playing with her mind, it also shows up when Mian gets deranged, or demanding, her eyes even turns red when she's in that state of mind. Meanwhile Haegu represents blue, her eyes will turn blue too in the upcoming chapters when she's in a deranged state of mind.

As for blue and purple for bloody, gore and bruises scenes, I think it's just to make the scenes look less disturbing, I think the scenes would look way too disturbing if they showed up blood and bruises in red.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I am currently at chapter 60 or so, and I am wondering about the use of color in this comic: as far as I can tell, red represents Mian's psychosis, as it only ever pops up whenever Mian slips into her deranged avenger mode and starts alternating between injuring Haegu and demanding sex from her. Blue, meanwhile, represents blood and gore, but also some aspect of Haegu's character that I cannot quite put into words yet. Anyone has any ideas about that? I've also noticed that sometimes when Mian and Haegu get it on, the red and the blue mix into purple for a bit.

About the colors, it's as you said, red is for Mian whenever she sees things, like haegu or her dad playing with her mind, it also shows up when Mian gets deranged, or demanding, her eyes even turns red when she's in that state of mind. Meanwhile Haegu represents blue, her eyes will turn blue too in the upcoming chapters when she's in a deranged state of mind.

As for blue and purple for bloody, gore and bruises scenes, I think it's just to make the scenes look less disturbing, I think the scenes would look way too disturbing if they showed up blood and bruises in red.

So I have caught up with the latest chapter and have more thoughts on colors: Blue seems to represent what I call "hitman psychosis" -- the extreme desensitization to violence and death that hit(wo)men in this series display (which may be linked with the stylistic choice to represent most blood as blue, as well). This is why Haegu is so often blue-coded -- she is most commonly in that killer mindset. Simultaneously, however, Mina Park, the prosecutor, is also often blue-coded even if she never harms anyone, so I guess blue can represent general adrenaline rush, since Mina is often in danger herself?

Red is clearly Mian's psychosis talking, except when has hallucinations of her dad, who is blue-coded, because he was a hitman. Interestingly, when Mian cuts herself, her blood is the only one in the entire series that is properly red. Presumably because her self-harm is an outcome of her psychosis.

Finally, purple (a mixture of red and blue) is obviously Haegu and Mian's respective psychoses canceling each other out when they are together, allowing them to behave like a normal couple as long as nobody tries to kill them. It's interesting that whenever their relationship manifests itself in kindness, there is always at least one purple item on the screen, like Mian's scarf, or those headphones, or even blood on Mian's face after Haegu took care of her.

Lastly, there is green, but there is so few of it, who the heck even knows what it meant.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Green is obviously the color of the magic fairies just off screen manipulating events to keep one or both of these women from dying as they should have a thousand times over given the events of the comic lol

joined Jul 15, 2016

OK, chapter 116 was seriously the most heartfelt dialogue scene I've read in a while. I was a bit concerned when Mian's red-coded psychosis flared up, but then the purple drowned it out in the final lines and made the chapter perfect.

I think the story is entering the final arc at this point, and I am pretty sure it will not have a happy ending, but this one chapter makes the pain later worth it.

joined Jan 25, 2024

I think the story is entering the final arc at this point, and I am pretty sure it will not have a happy ending, but this one chapter makes the pain later worth it.

Based on the raw chapters, Haegu and Mian relationship is doing just fine, it's healthy and Mian doesn't have those dreams anymore. Now she's trying to reach her Male friend (Forgot his name) so he won't kill Haegu.
The plot is more focused on Haegu and the moonlight organization now.

joined May 11, 2023

The notion that the guy – I can't recall his name either – is meant to pose a threat to Haegu seems rather absurd to me. However, the story has placed such emphasis on it that I'm concerned he might end up harming her in some way. Given the story's tragic tone, it wouldn't be surprising if that were to happen.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Yes! I am also super scared that the guy Banwoo will be the one to kill her. Because he has been given a lot of importance somehow, I am having a bad feeling about it. And he won't stop his intention of killing Haegu. He is dead set on it. So it will be either him or her. I am scared that it will end with Haegu dead, having received her proper "punisment". Because she is messed up badly. Will she really have a chance at a happy ending with all she did? Then again, Mian and her worked through so much. They are at such a good point atm. I'm at chapter 123, where they finally work together without any secrets. I am just scared of the "moral of the story".

The Comic has been awesome from start to finish so far, I love all the progress they made. There were some really cute and heartfelt moments... And holy hell. When Haegu's Backstory was explained. Her training... her hitman "family". That was an intense scene. It shows how she became such a monster.

About the color thingy I also thought red was violence and brutal anger, while blue was coldness, brutal emotionlessness. And purple was actually something positive, tenderness and understanding between the two. I think it only ever appeared when they were friendly toward each other?

But about the hitman/corporate/revenge plot I am super confused. I always forget the names and ppl. Who killed who and why and who paid who to do what...????

joined Apr 10, 2023

I don't think this author will let a man kill Haegu. Rereading it recently it struck me just how political this comic is, after learning about South Korean feminism and patriarchy thanks to the stupid witch hunts for crypto-feminists that were making news. While Haegu personally feels guilty I don't think the author blames her for anything at all, lol. The story with Banwoo to me feels more relevant to some sort of question about the possibility of a man doing the right thing, or if he's doomed to hurt women by his nature no matter how much Minju thought he was one of the good ones.
I could also see an outcome where the prosecutor saves the day somehow? I love her and her development and want to see her get closer and closer to Haegu, so that could be my bias speaking lol.

last edited at May 6, 2024 8:03PM

joined Jul 15, 2016

Rereading it recently it struck me just how political this comic is, after learning about South Korean feminism and patriarchy thanks to the stupid witch hunts for crypto-feminists that were making news.

Indeed. I am not sure if what Haegu does can count as activism, but she is very deliberate about minimizing harm to fellow women and is particularly vicious towards male abusers of all sorts. The fact that the society she operates in is a target-rich environment for her is a message in itself.

I could also see an outcome where the prosecutor saves the day somehow? I love her and her development and want to see her get closer and closer to Haegu, so that could be my bias speaking lol.

Mina Park is adorkable. From what I understood, she and Haegu were basically growing up like sisters and forgot all about it? From Mina's flashbacks, it looked like she had spent a lot of time with Haegu's parents and Haegu's mom in particular had inspired her to become a prosecutor. She doesn't recognize Haegu anymore at all, however, but keeps thinking about her mom whenever she sees her. I assume she believes that Haegu was assassinated along with her parents, since she dropped off the grid back then.

last edited at May 7, 2024 7:38AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Mina Park just doesn't recognize Haegu because she knew her as like a ten year old decades ago. Haegu doesn't remember much of anything specific of her childhood outside of trauma flashes, as is pretty common with traumatized kids.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Hehe, i love Mian's friend. At the beginning I thought she might be a threat to Haegu, but she's a cinnamon roll for Haegu, isn't she. A murderous one, but a cinnamon roll.

Also Haegu is in trouble now, isn't she? After drinking with Mina Park xDD

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