So let me get this straight:
-Drawing art of two lesbians getting impregnated by a man is not homophobic.
-Drawing art of a man between two lesbians and tagging "Bronseele" to the whole lesbian community to see is not homophobic.
-Retaliating by drawing even more art of two lesbians cheating on each other with a man is not homophobic.
Golly gee I wonder what is homophobic then! You gotta keep in mind that those straight ships involving Bronya and Seele didn't come from a "aww Caelus, Bronya and Seele look so cute together" place, if you honestly believe all those arts depicting a man "converting" two lesbians come from a wholesome and pure place and not a homophobic one, I don't know what to tell you. Delusion is a hell of a drug.