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joined Sep 9, 2023

You know, an ending that gives zero answers or any sort of closure is rather apt for a manga like this.

joined Sep 9, 2023

So we've gone from The Ring to Weekend at Bernie's, huh.

joined Sep 9, 2023

^^Check Pixiv. Lots of yuri fanart there, and this pair is a pretty common one.

joined Sep 9, 2023

Really gonna miss Working Overtime to Destroy the World most of all. Lots of interesting characters, good storylines, multiple unambiguous relationships, and great humor, all set in a mythos that is relatively untapped for the genre.

Found an MTL site for it and Saintess Showdown while some others are on the Webcomics app. Does anyone have anything for For Her I'd Give It My All?

joined Sep 9, 2023

I thought about how reckless of a parent someone would have to be to levitate a toddler up a multi-story building, and realized that's exactly what a parent that took their kid into the past to live with someone they've never met before would do.

Also, spotted a possible story thread with the parents mentioned. Someone who has a kid that young likely doesn't have a healthy home life, and there's a couple ways this plot can turn out like.

joined Sep 9, 2023


From a manga called My Secret Affection and yes, it's completely serious.

joined Sep 9, 2023

The HiDive release is fully uncensored, if you can find it. Some anime streaming sites have it and it's great!

There's three versions, HiDive has the middle-ground AT-X version. The fully uncensored version is Blu-Ray exclusive and hasn't been released yet.

joined Sep 9, 2023

Apparently we don't even have the fully uncensored version, as that is being held back for the blu-ray releases. Like, what else there to show? Below-belt nudity? On-screen penetration? Just a shame the best places to discuss it are tearing itself apart over the content matter.

joined Sep 9, 2023

Never too old for a bit of warm milk.

joined Sep 9, 2023

^^A couple of reasons, at least for the Western audience. The anime is out during a stacked season, in particular fighting for attention against two high-quality dramedies that have the advantage of going full gay, meaning it doesn't get nearly as much as a visibility boost from it. The meat of the drama also doesn't seem to start until a good deal in, turning off both those that like it (who drop it early) and those who don't. This all compounds the traditional issues works in the genre already have with standing out. I believe a second season in a less crowded field would fare much better, letting it hit its strengths from the start without a divided audience.

joined Sep 9, 2023

Per the practice of holding class committee elections with Chinese characteristics, I'll appoint each committee member

Please tell me this was in the raws, because that's some expert shade throwing.

joined Sep 9, 2023

^^^^Didn't the director behind Blue Reflection say that they had a male protagonist for the mobile game because "it was always supposed to be like that"?

joined Sep 9, 2023

Are their eye colors that of the trans flag?

joined Sep 9, 2023

That'd take some pretty significant rewriting to make sense, such as how Nagisa was so paranoid she couldn't even trust Hifumi (which was what made the traitor's reveal so tragically ironic), but not impossible. Just doing one volume would also at least allow for enough airtime to actually do the character establishment necessary for non-players that is so often missing from gacha game adaptations.

Volume 2 would likely be the easiest to write sensei out of IMO. I don't think they had any real role that they were irreplaceable in, though it's the relatively weakest volume in terms of story.

joined Sep 9, 2023

Hope sensei won't appear in the anime and the story will be told from the girls' perspective, like Azur Lane

You'd definitely have to write off adapting the main story in that case, as the theme of the game's entire story revolves around the responsibilities adults have with their powers and sensei is a key plot driver. A slice of life without them appearing could work very well, as evidenced by the full-on OVAs on Youtube, but may not be as effective in marketing the game and doesn't demonstrate the quality of writing behind the main story. Personally, I'm hoping for either F!Sensei ala Girls Frontline or playing up inter-student relationships - assuming it's even possible for Volume 3 to be more subtextually homoerotic (seriously like half the ships stem from characters seen there alone).

joined Sep 9, 2023

^Hey, I've just seen what happens when people start calling artists immoral just for including specific problematic content, and don't like being called a bigot for trying to prevent it.

joined Sep 9, 2023

^^I hope that was sarcastic, because I'd assume an artist that has sometimes featured "problematic" elements in their work would know the difference between depicting content artistically and endorsing doing it IRL.

joined Sep 9, 2023

^Also, I'm not defending tagging their ship name or making art to piss people off, and explicitly called it homophobic to do so. I am talking about the general existence of the content matter itself.

joined Sep 9, 2023

^^^^The existence of homophobic comments about a work does not mean that the creator intended their work to be homophobic. If it worked like that, the conservative commentary about 1984 would make you think it was written by Ayn Rand herself. Also, you are still presuming the intentions of ALL creators based on how SOME act. Are you genuinely unable to think of why someone would make problematic content for reasons other than pure malice?

last edited at Sep 16, 2023 5:03PM

joined Sep 9, 2023

^Part of artistic freedom means that content you don't personally like is going to exist. If the creator doesn't make a fuss and they aren't trying to push a message, then just move on like the rest of us. Otherwise, you're nothing but one of those "stop liking things I don't" killjoys that ruin fan spaces.

joined Sep 9, 2023

^First item, not inherently absent context. Second and third, that is homophobic, but that's because of the details that are not applicable to Hinghoi, which is who I'm talking about specifically. In addition, I would wager that a good many (if not most) of hetero content is just because the creators/customers get off to it. I agree that some creators do so out of hatred, but you can't use that to make assumptions about ALL of them.

joined Sep 9, 2023

^^Looking through their Twitter, I genuinely can't see anything like that. Can you point me in the right direction?

And no, I don't consider it INHERENTLY homophobic, only the artist's prerogative and freedom of expression, just like any other works considered problematic by society. If they did stuff like adding homophobic commentary or spammed it in reply to works only of the couple, that would very much be homophobic.

last edited at Sep 16, 2023 2:40PM

joined Sep 9, 2023

^^^^^I actually saw the exact opposite. People were saying ANY straight art with them was homophobic no matter the context, and notably hated Hinghoi, calling them a bigoted exploiter that doesn't deserve to have their works featured in the community. Meanwhile, posts featuring canonically straight characters were accepted without hesitation, which honestly struck me as a double standard.

last edited at Sep 16, 2023 1:10PM

joined Sep 9, 2023

I usually don't ask for recommendations but i'm going to try it a couple time for now.
I just finished Model & Manager-san, Anyone got a yuri manga with this kind of dynamic? where one of the character is kinda being pampered by the other (or they mutually does it to each other). Like how Yuria likes being praised by Okabe when she does a good job and is a little clingy, and Okabe is kinda taking care of her.
I'm not mad about nsfw elements if they fit but preferably i'm looking for this kind of calm wholesome pace.

You definitely would like "Hogushite, Yui-san". Wholesome idiots-falling-in-love story of two black company office workers helping each other relax in a stressful work environment.

joined Sep 9, 2023

is there any yuri manga that is just super edgy and funny like 4chan humor

Going to assume you mean humor that is crass and constantly crossing in the line, rather than slurs and stereotypes. I would suggest:

Yuugai Shitei Doukyuusei

Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!

Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu

Namekawa-san Won't Be Mocked

Mononoke Sharing

Looking Up to Magical Girls

Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita

Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san

Ayame and Amane