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joined Jul 26, 2022

@nintenplayer They want people to believe that it's okay to depict lesbians getting "converted" and that there's no malice behind it. And if gay people get angry at them and talk back, they say the gays are being mean and rude to them. Gay people should just watch their favorite queer characters get bastardized and never say a word about it.

"Oh, but they ship straight characters". No shit! Mainstream gay relationships are so rare that gay people end up shipping straight characters in gay ships. And it is not the same thing. @DY4Y perfectly explained the difference.

And the worst part is to see people defending that homophobic shit on a site like Dynasty, a place a lot of lesbians use. Hell, the author of this very comic IS A LESBIAN and she saw people defending lesbian conversion art in the comments of her post. Jfc.

joined Jul 26, 2022

^Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you have

joined Jul 26, 2022

^this dude is really trying to argue with an actual yuri artist, just stop my dude. Go defend your lesbian conversion art somewhere else.

joined Jul 26, 2022

^The great majority of those arts were made to piss off lesbians. Basically, a dude made art of Caelus between Bronya and Seele and tagged it Bronseele, so that lesbians could see it. People got angry and in retaliation lots of artists started making art of Caelus having threesomes with Bronya and Seele. It was purely out of spite and full of malice. It wasn't a cute art of a ship that was misinterpreted, it straight up depicted a dude converting two lesbians.

It blows my mind how someone can defend that shit, specially in a place like Dynasty.

last edited at Sep 16, 2023 5:02PM

joined Jul 26, 2022

And part of said "freedom" is calling out the problematic shit those artists make. It's not a matter of "ow they made art I don't like" my guy, it's bigger than that, it's literally homophobia. Go to any of those arts, specially the one from the artist you defend so much, go to the comments and tell me there's not any homophobia there.

Like I said those arts don't come from a positive place, they were made with the intent of pissing off lesbians and you defending homophobic arts and artists in a place that many consider a safe space for lgbt people is disgusting my dude.

joined Jul 26, 2022

People unironically defending lesbian "conversion" art IN a yuri site? It's more likely than you think!

joined Jul 26, 2022

So let me get this straight:

-Drawing art of two lesbians getting impregnated by a man is not homophobic.

-Drawing art of a man between two lesbians and tagging "Bronseele" to the whole lesbian community to see is not homophobic.

-Retaliating by drawing even more art of two lesbians cheating on each other with a man is not homophobic.

Golly gee I wonder what is homophobic then! You gotta keep in mind that those straight ships involving Bronya and Seele didn't come from a "aww Caelus, Bronya and Seele look so cute together" place, if you honestly believe all those arts depicting a man "converting" two lesbians come from a wholesome and pure place and not a homophobic one, I don't know what to tell you. Delusion is a hell of a drug.

joined Jul 26, 2022

^ Except Hinghoi IS an "anti SJW" kind of person, anyone who follows them is aware of that. Featuring the arts of a person who are not fond of queer people, in a queer community is not okay. The dude literally made art of Caelus impregnating Bronya and Seele (one of the most popular fictional queer couples) and you wonder why people don't want their art featured in lesbian spaces?

Also, you honestly believe drawing a straight ship of a canonically lesbian couple is not homophobic? You think artists like Kulo Jawa saw Bronya and Seele and said "awww, Caelus is so cute when he's having a threesome with Bronya and Seele"?

joined Jul 26, 2022

^^ Yeah, on one hand it's SUPER refreshing seeing a big yuri artist calling out the self insert homophobes. Like really, the silence that came from the yuri community while Bronya and Seele's relationship was being dragged through the mud was deafening.

But on the other hand it's kinda sad, cause we'll probably never see GRS draw any of the Honkai girls, because she fucking hates the community lol

joined Jul 26, 2022

Apparently this comic was some sort of middle finger to the people who made straight art of Bronya and Seele. GRS says she wanted to mock the homophobes who keep saying they're just "friends" and not lesbians.

But then she changed the characters from Bronya and Seele to OCs because, in her own words, she "doesn't want to go anywhere close to the Honkai fandom".

joined Jul 26, 2022

^ yeah, new lore says she's not human and is apparently even a bigger bottom than Talia

joined Jul 26, 2022

^ the poor creature has witnessed unspeakable acts

joined Jul 26, 2022

^^ yeah, Sharon (pink girl) is British. Talia is Korean. GRS needs to make a short story about them to clear some things up, because their lore is a bit convoluted right now:

-Talia is a delinquent and not a very good person

-Talia dates two girls (I think?)

-Talia's mom is apparently a demon or something? She says she's not human

joined Jul 26, 2022

^^ He straight up admitted tracing art when a bunch of artists called him out. He doesn't even hide anymore. He built a following by stealing other people's art (and this image here is probably traced as well)

joined Jul 26, 2022

Grs- is the gold standard for modern yuri. The girl never misses

joined Jul 26, 2022

As this author herself said it once: "If the Bible had more lesbian orgies, I'd be a devout christian girl". Amen.

joined Jul 26, 2022

This feels like a "like mother, like daughter" situation ngl

GRS- discussion 04 Mar 15:52
joined Jul 26, 2022

This author has such colorful short comics. And it's pretty cool watching a great yuri artist growing out of nowhere. She's amazing. A shame Dynasty stopped posting her comics

joined Jul 26, 2022

Nothing gay to see here. I don't even know why this was uploaded here to begin with

joined Jul 26, 2022

Aight, you do you. Also, I'm pretty sure the artist said that comics like this one here are not supposed to be seen as jokes and more as criticism to how overly judgmental people can be based on appearances. She has other comics like this one and they don't have "punchlines" but more of a "moral of the story: don't be a judgmental a-hole" climax

joined Jul 26, 2022

@Linterdiction Why do you keep coming back to a image you don't like?