Forum › The Smell of Paint discussion

joined Jul 4, 2018

I wanted to see the painting... :(

joined Jan 6, 2015

I was kind of expecting her to be painting something completely unrelated, just keeping nice-eyes-girl there so she could admire her.

joined Jun 1, 2017

This was so sweet! and I loved the artstyle, I wish I could capture "uncute" expressions in such a way.

Btw, maybe it's because I'm an artist and I love it when people give me stuff, but giving small, cute gifts to people is also a way of showing them your love (?) the senior artist is gay as fuck, giving the girl you like tickets to go to art expos just like that is really gay tbh
Aoba's super short bangs look weird, but you're not an art/design student until you messily cut your own hair soo

joined Dec 5, 2014

I love the trash gifts. They're just small things that made her happy, and she wanted to share those small happinesses with Aoba :3

joined Mar 29, 2017

This was so sweet! and I loved the artstyle, I wish I could capture "uncute" expressions in such a way.

Btw, maybe it's because I'm an artist and I love it when people give me stuff, but giving small, cute gifts to people is also a way of showing them your love (?) the senior artist is gay as fuck, giving the girl you like tickets to go to art expos just like that is really gay tbh
Aoba's super short bangs look weird, but you're not an art/design student until you messily cut your own hair soo

So thats why my friend hands out soap to her models.

joined Nov 10, 2018

Man, this could be a great gag series tbh, especially with that art style and the way their mouths are drawn

joined Dec 7, 2018

I can totally relate to the artist character: Messy hair checked, weird random gifts checked. draw people I am interested in checked, ohhhh yeah I have stains of paint over my jeans, some sweaters, and you can tell what I was doing lattely if you look at my hands and elbows... and I actually act weird, or acward towards someone I want to aproach... 0.o

joined Dec 3, 2018

oh my god this makes me feel so many things

joined Jul 22, 2017

Hell yeah, I love used disposable cameras.

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019

I want someone like that in my life.

Rereading this for like the hundredth time and damn is it nice, gotta love this artist

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I don't really get it.

maybe because you use Sakurako as your profile picture

shut the hells up titty monster!

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