Forum › Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! discussion

joined Oct 15, 2014

im shipping a lot the two maids

Lol same. Still rooting for Misha and Kamoi

joined May 25, 2017

maid and muscles is what gave away exactly what manga this was.... even with a different name

cosmic witch
joined May 22, 2018

call me a prude but I don't think pedophilia is a good punchline

joined Jun 25, 2019

call me a prude but I don't think pedophilia is a good punchline

Yeah, i really prefer Wataten to this one. In Wataten,Miyako is only obsess with Hana and that's all. Here the simply fact she said prefer girls before her first period is straight gross and disturbing.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh shit, I had no idea this was on Dynasty!

I loved the anime and Kamoi is one of my favorite anime lesbians.

joined Nov 19, 2018

Is it dead?

last edited at Mar 13, 2020 2:28PM

joined Jun 25, 2021

Midorin is kind of adorable
too bad the TL on this is dead

joined Jun 30, 2017

Where is the continuatioooooooon??????

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