☑ Have sex with KFC
☑ Meet Justin Beiber then commit a crime and blame him for it
☑ Beat Miley Cyrus with a wrecking ball
☑ Look at cutest phuckibg fanart ever
Banba-san is not normally an animal. In this fanart, she has animal ears and a tail! Wolves have tails too, and the guard dog of Satan is like a wolf! The guard dog of Satan has 3 heads, and illuminati had 3 points! Banba-san illuminati confirmed?
I dunno why, but reading all these comments amuse me. Not trying to be rude but it makes me smile. It's like a little siblings argument on our small family of yuri lovers.
I just love this artist too. Imma wait for that doujin, Kouhai-san. Good luck!
and because of that i know you are the one for Maki because you bring all of Maki side to make her more human and alive
People really do love NicoMaki to the point that it is an absolute rule to always have them stick together like magnets. I'm one of you guys but more open to other pairings :)