Forum › Marshmallow Sumireko discussion

joined Dec 28, 2017

When I started reading this I knew I had read his other works too but I couldn't quite remember what they were. It wasn't until page 38 that i remembered "WAIT A SECOND THIS IS THE AUTHOR WHO ALWAYS HAS SOMEONE EATEN!"

joined Nov 25, 2016

One of the funniest Zounose's book but still somewhat depressing at the end...

joined May 28, 2011
joined Aug 15, 2016

That was some awesome black humor, should maybe have horror tag tho. Oh my, I need to let this one fade away a bit before I can see Sakuya in a different light again lol, this is of course the most fitting to her true character, but most probably don't fixate on that >_<

joined Nov 30, 2018

Poor Moko

joined Jan 26, 2021

Would Sumi even be immortal if she ate Mokou's liver?

joined Jun 23, 2020

Hmm..., I'm not sure about yukari letting her ex gf's grandma eaten by youkais.

joined Dec 18, 2021

Yukari coming in to save her future/past self's girfriend/bestfriend's grandmother. But now the question remains. Why is the human that was meant to be "distributed", alive? I thought Yukari takes suicide victims bodies? Does she also distribute the humans in the SDM's dungeons?

last edited at Dec 18, 2021 9:24AM

joined Jul 18, 2020

She could have just used her telekinesis on them and snapped their neck. I mean, they were trying to eat her, and they should have known better than messing with someone that can move this with her mind. You should have used your common sense in strategy.

last edited at Mar 6, 2025 4:08PM

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