Old, defunct, forgotten, irrelevant thread may be found here. Dynasty-Scans's Editor's Guide and many useful links here as well. Anyone interested in learning the basics in an at-your-own-pace, easygoing environment is welcome to dm me on Discord (Orange Pekoe#0863) at any time.
This thread is open for any group to seek out interested applicants, and vice-versa. If one has experience working with physical pages or is looking for applicants to work on physical pages; please make note of this if able! General scanlation discussion, tips, etc. is also welcome.
While most of these groups deal in some amount of yuri, it is the responsibility of the reader to learn about the group on their own before pursuing a work opportunity.
Anyone with moderator or uploader statuses is free to edit this post for updates. A current list of folks in need may be found below:
Scanlator Recruitment
Translator The usual translation path being from Japanese -> English.
Homusaki Shikibu
Sappho Scans
Sticky Scans
Yuri Project (Open-to-any image board)
Cleaner/Redrawer Remove foreign text from page.
Cuetie Scans
Homusaki Shikibu
Sappho Scans
Sexy Akiba Detectives
Some SoL Fan Translations
Typesetter Place gaijin text onto page.
Cutie Scans
Sappho Scans
Sexy Akiba Detectives
Editor (cleaner, redrawer and typesetter) The ultimate language juggler.
Cuetie Scans
knight heron
Sappho Scans
Sexy Akiba Detectives
Yuri Project (Open-to-any image board)
Quality Checker There's a dot in the fourth bubble next to the text you didn't remove.
Sappho Scans
Some SoL Fan Translations
Yuri Project (Open-to-any image board)
Projects in Need
Rather than recruit for a specific long term position, just get someone to help you do this one thing?
Raws Needed
Series is stalled for lack of raws
last edited at Mar 26, 2022 12:46AM