I recently was thinking about this question, or one similar. The Chrono Cross remaster came out recently, and it's a little half-assed, very much like most Squeenix remasters/remakes. So I tried thinking of what the game I'd want to be remaster/remade the most would be, even if it's just a low effort Squeenix one.
My answer was it'd have to be a game that's basically impossible to get access to these days, and also that will literally never be remade without some kind of divine intervention. A game where you're like "God I just want it to get a second chance". And I have a game that's just that

My offer is Panzer Dragoon Saga. It's a brilliant masterpiece that no one ever got a chance to play, because it came out in 1998 on the Sega Saturn lol. And you can't play it NOW, cause it's 1500 freaking dollars, and the Saturn is the boogeyman of emulators, it doesn't run well at all in emulators (though that's better these days, and will get better every day, it's still not perfect)
Sega would never ever remaster this freaking thing. They lost the source code years ago, so it'd need to be a 100% remake, and that'd be a LOT of effort for something only I would buy lmao. But I'd love it to happen