^^ Laika is in canon fully capable of adjusting the size of her form, for example she once did so at the Devil Lord's castle, no need for mental solution, but I like your plausible reason for her to do so :)
With so much yuri tease in this series, yuri fanart would soon be flooding in.
(on that note, seriously though, why do series with such heavy yuri tease and never get anywhere nearly serious like this get the pass, while Hibike! Euphonium gets all the flaks for being "yuri bait" when KyoAni beautifully crafted such good yuri material de novo out of a weak het story? Is it because fans back then felt "betrayed" when they researched the source material and thus held the grudge? The prominence and persistence of such diss against H!E has always bugged me since. I don't see people having that much of a problem fantasizing canonically het characters in gay ships with other series :-??)
last edited at Apr 26, 2021 10:42PM