^ And Kiara also friendzoned her. So, really Pekora only have Miko.
Morrigan has a different lesbian for dinner every night, and starts over once she's burned through everyone in Europe.
Don't let your dreams be dreams, Patchy! Turn them into crimes against humanity.
Love how the Santa outfits subtly mirror the Revue uniforms.
"It's not like i baked them for you, booby monster"
If it exists, then there must be a lesbian version of it.
And this is what usually happens when someone invite their lover to watch the new SNK episode jsjsjs
^^ I honestly completely forgot she exist, even tho I played every game at the very least twice.
The real boobs were the supports we made along the way.
So they're going to make some gifts huh huh....
That's new.
Massachusetts is already picking her gift
God rest ye merry immortals, may nothing you dismay~ Remember that eternity is license to be gay~
Plot twist: both Alice and Reimu are planning to do the same present.
Man, don't you love it when all you get for Christmas is spanking... wat?
Kiara.exe has stopped working.
Did these two ever talk to each other?
They’re older.
Oh my, Fate-chan is being very naughty.
Oh look it's the homies
I think this is Nearl, not Blemishine. Blemishine has a bow on her ponytail, Nearl doesn't.
Absolutely love the hairstyle.
Ouch, that kinda hurt
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