Forum › A Secret Just Between You and Me discussion

joined Feb 16, 2020

a year passed and yet, i'm still waiting for the update

I'm hesitating to read this now... but the art and story looks good :<

joined Feb 17, 2020

The manga stopped in 2018 D: ... does anyone know if the manga will continue...?

joined Apr 20, 2020

Umm can i ask when are you planning to add 6 chapter ^

joined Apr 23, 2019

Looks like the author has gone on Hiatus for this series. thats a serious shame

joined May 20, 2014

The whole magazine/website to which this series moved to stopped continuing any series that were running in Girls x Garden/Comic ExE, which is a shame. They usually just publish a new oneshot every two months or so, and also publish anthologies like Avalon/~bitter~/Alter/~Karma~ or Qualia-Envy/Jealousy-.
Maybe it wasn't profitable to work on the series anymore (a tankobon of the series was never published even though plans were there, I saw some tweets about it but they got deleted again), maybe they stopped having resources or a readerbase (they moved from Comic ExE after all, which definitely had more readers, even though it makes no sense to publish SFW Yuri in a NSFW het porn book, but it was an experiment), maybe the editor got fired or stopped having a say, who knows.
The new gxg website is: and of the series is:

So while I'm quite sad, it most likely received the axe. Our group will of course work on any possible updates and I personally am keeping an eye on the artist.

joined Oct 12, 2019


joined Oct 1, 2014

god, i miss this so fucking much

joined Dec 27, 2014

It's such a shame this got axed. Nekomura's art is just feast to the eyes and i liked the fluff setup of this story... But well as long as Nekomura keeps producing yuri I can keep on enduring life

last edited at Jun 22, 2020 10:37AM

joined Mar 24, 2020

I guess you can say it was.... FINGER LICKIN GOOD!okay im leaving

joined May 19, 2018

why does all the good shit get axed

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Such a shame, I really liked these two

joined Nov 19, 2020

More chapter plsss

joined Nov 19, 2020

I have been waiting i hope theres more chapter thankyou!!!!

joined Nov 19, 2020

Is this manga axed?

joined Dec 12, 2020

does anyone know any of nekomuras social media accs? perhaps twitter?

joined Nov 9, 2018

does anyone know any of nekomuras social media accs? perhaps twitter?

Their Twitter is you were still looking

joined Dec 23, 2019

2021 and we still don’t have new chapters ;-;

joined Jun 17, 2018

I want more :(

joined Apr 20, 2020

Sadly I've been waiting more than a year and there is still no chapters :'(

joined Sep 6, 2018

Oh, so the story won’t continue? Damn. Well, that makes it a perfect addition to the “fine, I’ll do it myself” list. These vibes are too powerful to die here.

joined Apr 20, 2020

Sksksk another year of waiting >~<

joined Nov 15, 2016

It says it's cancelled

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I love how even after all these years there are still comments that steadily come in from time to time, really shows what this could've been

joined Jan 22, 2022

That was amazing

joined Jan 17, 2021

I wish this series was not cancelled TT_TT

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