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Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I wonder if anyone is going to buy Cliffheart from the cert shop.

I’m not, mostly because I already have her.

Short comic about Magallan’s...*interesting* taste in foods. As you can imagine, the last text box says “Mayer died”.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can't believe Mayer is fucking dead

joined May 28, 2016

How old are Kroos, Vermeil, Popukar, Mousse, Gummy, Myrrh, Purestream, Shamare, and Shaw supposed to be? Most of them look even younger than Amiya.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Gummy was explicitly a middle schooler before the whole Chernobog mess, like most of the Council.

Vermeil's background makes establishing accurate age difficult even in-universe but she should be at least in her mid-teens or older in light of her personal history; given her materially deprived circumstances growing up it'd hardly be surprising if she's rather physically underdeveloped.

Popukar is kind of a question mark given the sparsity of background details, but given her file says 4 years of combat experience presumably same as above applies. Plus she apparently got Infected at a rather young age which may have fucked up her growth (besides giving her disproportionate strength).

Mousse was in vocational apprenticeship before her Infection and given her family background had most likely completed high school (or the equivalent) first so she ought to be around twenty or the equivalent.

Kroos is another "who the fuck knows because what is BG details" but given her previous military employment should be twenty-ish at least - though we know from Frostleaf's BG that Columbia has no issue with child soldiers so that's not really a given. Probably just babyfaced.

Myrrh is even more ??? than usual given she's actively secretive of her background in-universe but probably late teens to twentysomething like above.

Shaw's a professional and experienced firefighter so oughta be the equivalent of twentysomething. The rest is just a racial trait - compare the two HobbitsDurins.

Shamare is explicitly described as a child so yeah. Though her backstory also implies her uncontrolled Arts had been causing her home island to be shunned "for a long time" so it's not out of question Infection has been fucking with her growth, too.

Who knows about Purestream because her bio isn't translated yet and I cba to run it through Google-sensei ┐(゚~゚)┌

last edited at Oct 18, 2020 12:28AM

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

My roster has made some decent progress since I last posted it here. I maxed out Melantha SL6, Kroos SL5, Beagle SL5, Hibiscus SL7, Orchid SL6, and Lava SL7. My Fang is level 42 with SL7 too. Once I'm done with Fang I might go on to Perfumer, Plume, or Vanilla.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Bunch of stuff got announced for Arknights CN. From the subreddit:

1) Thanksgiving Festival Livestream

Oct 25 20:00

Link to Livestream

Stream will include Thanksgiving Festival events, new chapter, and new annihilation mechanics. We would like to welcome everyone to tune into the stream.

2) Thanksgiving Festival

Starts on Nov 1

Will include new chapter, new CC, new operators, new outfits, as well as events. Furthermore, a new limited Headhunting will begin.

Details will be revealed in the livestream.

3) Chapter 8

Starts on Nov 1

After completing [JT8-2], new skill, artwork and voice lines will be unlocked for Amiya. Details will be revealed in the livestream.

[JT8-2] requires E2 Amiya in order to enter. Level, skill levels, potential and trust level doesn't matter.

4) CC#3 Cinder

Starts mid-November

It will include new contracts and stages. Limited shop will include new outfits. Completing certain challenges will reward special medals.

5) CoB rerun

Starts early December

Mostima's banner will receive a rerun.

This rerun will inherit all previous stage/first-drop progress.

Certain event rewards that could not be obtained twice will be converted into [Intelligence Certificates]. To check the conversion ratio, please refer to [Intelligence Certificates Converting Rules] during the event.

[Intelligence Certificates] can be used to exchange for items in the Shop.

Demon Queen Amiya HYPE

Gonna take a while before this arrives in EN but I am very excited. Personally guessing Talulah for the new limited character

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Nice, Amiya buff! Definitely looking forward to that coming to global.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Personally guessing Talulah for the new limited character

inb4 it's Mephisto and people get him merely so they can get him horribly killed some more :v

joined May 28, 2016

@myrrhmidon why are you bolding certain phrases in your post and spoilering stuff that doesn't need spoilers? Talulah's name is not a spoiler same with Mephisto. If you said something that they did during the story then it might be a spoiler but merely mentioning their names doesn't seem to be spoilers in an of themselves.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Bolding the parts I am specifically excited for. As for the spoiler names, well, I'm assuming any enemy character becoming playable would count as a spoiler even as speculation.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Other speculation I've seen was Kalt'sit, presumably having been revised to not be more broken than God. Which would likely involve less wanton stretching of suspension of disbelief anyway, it's not like she shies away from... fieldwork as Crownslayer could attest.

joined May 28, 2016

I'm watching the Ancient Forge event via the tape rolls I bought during the last event. One question who's Honor Roll Student and Rich Girl in the event?

joined Jul 26, 2016

One question who's Honor Roll Student and Rich Girl in the event?

...they appear onscreen in the first act you know? That's Lin Yühsia (aka "Shitty Rat" as Swire amiably addresses her in ch 6) and Swire (duh) respectively. totally shippable

joined Apr 30, 2020

Btw Arknights JP stream later. Will probably announce Darknights and hopefully other stuff too.

last edited at Oct 22, 2020 12:55AM

joined Apr 30, 2020

No Darknights. Twilight of Wolumonde instead with Suzuran banner

Event pv

last edited at Oct 22, 2020 9:23AM

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

No Darknights. Twilight of Wolumonde instead with Suzuran banner

Event pv

Neat. A bit disappointed there's no Darknights though, I was looking forward to more backstory stuff.

Exusiai x Mostima kabedon

Blemishine x Platinum thing. Did Platinum even appear in that event, or is this a total crackship?

joined Apr 30, 2020

Blemishine x Platinum thing. Did Platinum even appear in that event, or is this a total crackship?

I saw a tweet that they bumped into each other and had their own thoughts on each other.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Well I think I might have a new ship Jessica x Op Reserve Team A1 (Fang, Beagle, Lava, Kroos, and Hibiscus). Can our cat keep everyone happy or will she die trying? Find out on the next exciting episode of Jessica's Harem Woes.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Well I think I might have a new ship Jessica x Op Reserve Team A1 (Fang, Beagle, Lava, Kroos, and Hibiscus). Can our cat keep everyone happy or will she die trying? Find out on the next exciting episode of Jessica's Harem Woes.

Jessica harem sounds absolutely hilarious; please tell me someone's actually drawn that.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Can our cat keep everyone happy or will she die crying?


Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

random posted:

Can our cat keep everyone happy or will she die crying?


No bulli Jessica!

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I only have 8 more tapes for viewing events. Between Operational Intelligence or Stories of Afternoon which one has more shipping material?

Well I think I might have a new ship Jessica x Op Reserve Team A1 (Fang, Beagle, Lava, Kroos, and Hibiscus). Can our cat keep everyone happy or will she die trying? Find out on the next exciting episode of Jessica's Harem Woes.

Jessica harem sounds absolutely hilarious; please tell me someone's actually drawn that.

Not a doujin but a fanfic called Black Steel and Darker Waters. Ships are Franka/Liskarm, Jessica/Op Reserve Team A1, and Vanilla/Deepcolor.

Lappland crying because Texas is ignoring her

Any idea of when Texas and/or Lappland will be in the cert shop again? I really want one of the two. :(

last edited at Oct 24, 2020 1:22AM

joined Jul 26, 2020

I'd say Stories of Afternoon has more shipping material since Operational Intelligence's main shipping material was for Hellagur x Patriot.

Also looks like Angelina is coming back to shop again! Finally I can do some meme teams with her.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Well I'm finally able to beat PR-B1 with the following team: Fang, Kroos, Lava, Hibiscus, Frostleaf, Orchid, Plume, and Adnachiel. With exception of Frostleaf and Adnachiel all of my operators are max level and most are max skilled too. :)

joined Apr 30, 2020

From CN stream:

"New" limited op: Rosmonthis. Guess she lives apparently

"New" permanent op: Actually a girl Mudrock. Her E2 art

Chapter 8 title

Guard Amiya

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