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joined Oct 30, 2018

Welp, took more Quartz than I care to admit but Skadi finally came home. The rest I'm saving for MHXX. And on the off chance BB wants to come to me I won't complain.

joined May 10, 2014

^ aaay welcome to the quick memes!

Note everyone has probably noticed this already, but you cannot choose a boost item when you use the repeat quest feature.

Does it even matter? It's just a rerun and I'll exchange them for QP anyway. I've been supporting Helena and Nero all the way. Team Nero keeps winning and team Helena has no chance ever. Round 3 was different and it sucked because I need claws, I have around 135 useless horns.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Not too much usually especially since the final round of part one of the race has ended. I think I heard that the repeat feature was added into JP after this event was done so they probably didn't bother tweaking the code to include the option.

PS I really like using your Archer Helena and Nevri's Ann Mary Archer especially while farming the gold nodes. I'm almost done with the gold currency and probably will work on the bronze ones tomorrow.

My MLB Shop CE is currently on my Rider Ishtar. Not sure who to put part 2's Dive to Blue CE on though.

joined May 10, 2014

^ yeah, I did mention Skadi came after summer rerun on jp. That's why we aren't getting LB2 items.

I cleaned the shop on day 2...I like using Squirtoria with Helena for arts memes. I wish I had her or Tamamo. I sometimes quick loop meme with Parvati/Atlante but it's not consistent against beefy bois.

Thanks for reminding me to equip dive to blue btw. I'll put it on wavyboy.

joined May 10, 2014

Guess that's where my Arknights luck went. Holy crap. Np2 Jeanne on a single roll, just like Skadi.
Most tickets were useless, Ibaraki was the 3rd 10roll, Ushi was the 5th 10roll. Jeanne showed up a bit later, I stopped counting due to increasing despair. I almost want to roll a bit more for that 5th copy of the Abby CE, but I think I'll do it for the rerun same with the Iba/Ushi np lvls.
I'm definitely not getting BB now, no way, so I think I'll wait for XX rate up and then save for Bradamante or next year.

Maybe my luck actually increases the worse I feel....that wouldn't explain my AK roll tho...

That intro was glorious, BB again showing off why she's best kouhai.

last edited at Aug 3, 2020 9:51AM

joined Oct 30, 2018

On one hand I want to try one 10roll for Ushi and Jeanne, but on the other hand I kinda wanna save all my quartz for MHXX and BB...

Also on a side note: Mordred in a suit. Dat's some good shit

joined May 10, 2014

Jeanne called her dinner with Marie a date lol
I see most people in my FL had good rolls. I hope that luck continues on the second banner.

Also on a side note: Mordred in a suit. Dat's some good shit

Yeah. Another skin we're never going to get.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Remember how long it took them to finally add Salter's Shinjuku outfit in the game when many people had given up hope on it ever being added? Mordred's outfit is probably (hopefully) similar. Penthesilea's CEO outfit was only added this year in JP despite initially appearing in 2017!

As for the grinding I'm right now working on getting all of the apple rewards from the free quests before deciding on which level to grind for points on.

joined May 10, 2014

Get the points first. Spread them out too, quests are point locked.

We are never getting that Mordred costume simply because she already got one in JP. That is unless we get a new Mordred, like Berserker or something. SurfMor is not going to get more clothes, she's not BB.

Btw, Bryn got buffed in JP again. The buffs is getting a bit silly, look at Kintoki! Why not buff him at least once? And why not buff some summer servants too while you're at it!

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Abby needs a costume too. Her traveling outfit and the maid one look particularly cute.

joined May 10, 2014

So...I did a lot more thinking...the next year's first half is going to have a lot of banners I want to roll for.
I can't roll for both BB and Bradamante if I also have to save for Prima Illya rerun(mainly for CE), Valentine, CCC rerun x2, Kama(mainly Parvati np lvls) AND El Melloi cases.

I think I'll drop 150 SQs at most for BB. Tickets for Halloween and Christmas.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I want MHXX even more now. Please come home.

Edit: Also leveled my Ishtar Rider's Accel Turn skill from 6 -> 10 today. It really helps when she crits plus it only has a four turn cooldown. Leveled Wu Zetian's Empress Charisma A from 5 -> 8 which is helping in the current event. Am waiting on some more QP not mats to get it to 10.

Edit: Am now done with the main story for the event. Have about 1Mil total power right now. Have put an (unleveled) Jeanne Berserker in my Berserker slot.

last edited at Aug 7, 2020 12:43AM

joined May 10, 2014

I have mats but my QP is at 5000...not a joke...Jeanne is expensive. The 4*s are expensive too.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I have about 90 Mil or so QP right now before the event I had about 130 Mil. Not counting quest rewards or trading in currency for QP, the event is said to provide about 50 Mil QP from the ladders alone. The next event is likely to be the Fate/Accel Zero should provide even more QP from the missions. Last years Halloween event will provide even more QP and tons of mats too.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I'm so excited right now. I just go MHXX in about 150 SQ. I put her up on my event support list.

joined May 10, 2014 a bit carried away and spent more than the 150 I had planned. My 150SQ rolls were complete garbage! All I got is another Astolfo and CEs.
I was like: fuck it, I have to get SOMETHING! I'll stop in a few...I'm sure XX will drop...BB showed in a rainbow. A few rolls later Medb said XX. I'm so happy yet so freaking sad rn. I really wanted her.
The other bad news is that my SQs ended up under 200 which is what I wanted to avoid. The other good news is that I'm getting the total logins bonus soon, that helps.

I need to finish part 1. I got lazy the last few days.

Caster Artoria look cool!
Edit 2: ok. She's not cool, she's broken as hell! Wtf. Also, Nero got a costume. And new summer servants. Bryn and Illya got a 4* variant now which is nice.

last edited at Aug 10, 2020 10:19AM

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I called it that Artoria would get a Caster variant and people on other sites didn't believe me either. Now Artoria has one of almost every class in the game except for Avenger, Shielder (we really need another Shielder besides Mash), and Moon Cancer.

As for today I did three single rolls. Two on the new banner and one on Jeanne's banner. The two single rolls didn't get me anything interesting. The third one on Jeanne's banner however... first a silver Archer card came up. Then it started to spark and change to gold followed by Jeanne popping out. I really got lucky tonight.

joined May 10, 2014

So...FGO waltz. Kinda trash tbh.
Graphics are fine. I like the fact that you can still be female.

Music: Idk I only did the tutorial and the 1st song.

Gameplay: the worst part. I have no idea how this mess got through playtest. It's like It's trying to be project diva or something but instead of...idk, putting the note inputs in sync with the song, they are just kinda there...not to mention the notes themselves come at you at the dumbest speed I've ever seen! They show up then immediately close at rocket speed making it difficult to get the timing right until mutliple tries thanks to the other problem above. You can get extra points by hitting the notes themselves but you can just tap anywhere.

Maybe this gets better on later stages but I don't have time to bother with this rn when I'm so far behind on the actual FGO event.

As for today I did three single rolls. Two on the new banner and one on Jeanne's banner. The two single rolls didn't get me anything interesting. The third one on Jeanne's banner however... first a silver Archer card came up. Then it started to spark and change to gold followed by Jeanne popping out. I really got lucky tonight.


They buffed Herc's guts on JP LMAO

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I heard it lets you have Gudako dance with Mash so that's a plus in my book.

How are you doing with getting Doujin points? I've gotten 650K Imagination, 800K Technique, and 670K Imagination right now. I'm almost done farming fluffy bills. Just need one mat and one of the skill gems. So about 1000 More or so. Probably going to farm Gil Bills after that.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I haven't played FGO in a while, but I'm guessing this video is a joke about how ridiculously strong Caster Artoria is?

joined May 10, 2014

How are you doing with getting Doujin points? I've gotten 650K Imagination, 800K Technique, and 670K Imagination right now. I'm almost done farming fluffy bills. Just need one mat and one of the skill gems. So about 1000 More or so. Probably going to farm Gil Bills after that.

Uuuuuuhhhhhh....lets just say I'm not done and leave it at that. I'll need a full day of farming lol
I'm actually not doing too bad on shop tho, thanks to the early farm with gacha CE.

I haven't played FGO in a while, but I'm guessing this video is a joke about how ridiculously strong Caster Artoria is?

nerd voice It's also a bit wrong. Castoria is a arts Skadi that also makes Jeanne irrelevant.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I just hit one million technique and finished getting the fluffy bills. MLB'd the technique points CE and put in on Wu Zetian level 80 4/2/10. Did a few rolls on the gacha today and Medb (Saber) came home. Guess she wanted to see her girlfriend Skadi. Ps she calls Skadi cute in one of her dialog lines in My Room. Am working on the Berserker node now.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Wasted the rest of my SQ trying to get BB yesterday. I did get NP5 MHXX however.

joined May 10, 2014

^ Trade me one! I can trade for a shiny Mewtwo or something.

I'm finally at a respectable 800k/640k/660k and almost clean shop.
I read that Medb line too, it's...kinda awkward lol. It's like she wanted to troll her but ended flirting. Her attack is embarrassingly low, I even fou'd her to 750.

BBs lines are cool too. She's adorable in swimsuit, hilariously antagonistic in 3rd ascension.
The costumes are so damn expensive...

Btw. I assume you saw summer Abby right? It's not the costume you asked but it's close.

So...uh...I just got a full crit ABQ brave chain with Ibaraki and she went from 0 to 87% no buffs not even from She would be an insane soloer with a 2030 if she had a guts, I guess I can use her with anniblonde MC. I knew her np gain was high but I had no idea it was better than Fran's. Saber Fran herself can get ~80% with a single arts card in an arts chain when her buff is up, which I found out last week.

last edited at Aug 16, 2020 9:44AM

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I just learned about Tachie's existence today. I really hope she gets added to the game. Possibly in LB6 given that it takes place in Camelot. It'd be cute to see her and her "sister" Mash interact.

As for the current event am at 750K/1Mil/850K. Have cleared all of the shop except for the bronze and gold skill gems.

Edit: Now at 900K/1 Mil/1 Mil today (the 17th). I only need the Secret Gems of Assassin and Berserker then I'm done.

I've also changed my in-game name from Yoshiko to Touka Satomi.

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 5:38PM

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