I just see her mouth full of small hairs now..
We like that
Oh dear. Beautiful couple, and beautiful art. I love the grain and the colors.
this is so fucking cute
Ahhhh this is too cute! Sugar overdose
Fuck I love this cartoon so much. And their relationship. I need more of them in my life!
These comments didn't age well.
Same^ Ree is like my favorite artist for this pair, she does them justice.
Yes!! Future life art!
@SaturnX same
It's nice to see more ToB again
Next time
I think people just feel bad for Mahiru getting left out?
I just want like a small follow up season that's just slice of life and shows us more of these two
So so so happy but just wish they got more screentime, ya know? At least Korrasami got a comic
It’s ok, the hands just make a dog . Lapland’s hands makes the snout and Texas draws the ears
Hugs are goods
Not yuri to the naked eye, but we can assume saria is somewhere in this picture
From their reactions it seems like they're both regretting it to some degree
I wish the shades of red/pink were either deeper or more vibrant, or just make Nico's text black entirely. As it stands it almost seems like Maki was doing all the talking.
Waaah, so butch and forceful.
the game: which route are going to take katarina: YES
last edited at May 26, 2020 1:05AM
@B-to480 get [YE FLASK]
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