@bojack Kyoani was attacked, a man blocked the exits and set fire to the building. I'm not sure the final count, but upwards of 30 people, or one third the total staff, were killed in the fire.
Pluto might not be a planet anymore, but she's my whole world!
I love how deadpan wingman Cloud always is.
The Nun vs The Immortal
Task Failed Succesfully
I love this artist's bunny girl art.
last edited at May 8, 2020 7:50AM
Oh, that's some good stuff.
Aine, I am convinced Karen and Mirai do lewd things all the time. Follow your dear senpais example!
Btw, in case anyone gets woooosh'd; "friends" is what duo groups are called in AiFriends.
^ wait doesn't her tail grow at will?......[lewd...]
Nice pic. Howan's eyes tell you she never planned to break that pocky.
Thats Gay
Knowing animals it's just going to be a lot of dry humping.
Yare yare. You can't pull that then get embarrassed!
Kinda looks like Texas is gittin rekt amd Lappy is laughing like usual.
Flayn is there to learn the professor's secrets, obviously.
What a good friend! Helping a buddy out ace her exam! Such a close friendship. yes, its a joke
Definitely Need Morre of This
Girl literally saved the world, I don't think da police would put her gf in jail for being a lolicon. And yeah, that Garchomp/Spiritomb.
Status Quo is God
The lack of Aine x Mio on this website physically hurts me.
though, to be clear, she isn't saying "Friends," she's saying "friends" - "tomodachi"
^^^true dat
the concerning
Together, Forever...
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