Forum › Fire Emblem Three Houses General/ Yuri-ish Thread

joined Jul 13, 2016

Hi there !
I just thought it would be nice to have a Thread around for FTH since there has been an update yesterday aswell as people catching up to the yuri within the game.
I've been playing Fire Emblem Three Houses since 2 weeks and have finished the Blue Lions Route aswell as the Golden Deer Route ( with Blue Lions being my first), will prolly play through the Routes of the Black Eagles next.
General questions to kinda lead the thread would be:
Did you like the game / a specific route and why ?
Did you dislike the game / a specific route and why ?
Male Byleth of Female Byleth ?
Was there something you discovered ?
Who are your favourite characters / which characters pissed you off?
Favourite Supports between characters?
Do note that this is note supposed to be like a survey, just a general thread with like some of my ideas to like lead to conversations about the game ^-^

And the most IMPORTANT QUESTION since this is a yuri forum:
Which yuri relationship is the best in the game ?

A little bit of rambling from my side:
Thus far I'm liking this game, the first part is a bit tedious after the first playthrough, but overall I'm very fond of it.
I definetly prefer Female Byleth over the Male one, she just has a better voice and she is gorgeous in my eyes. I just love how thirsty Dorothea is, she ended up in one of my runs being a couple with Manuela even though Manuela is supposed to be straight xD And I heavily started to dislike Leonie since she literally only talks about how she wants to sleep with your dad.
What kinda hit me hard was the realization that Marianne kills herself if you do not recruit her after the timeskip happens
Have fun !

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I'm still on my first playthrough during the Black Eagles route. It's been really fun! I'm doing a casual/normal run so the most stressful thing about it is trying to manage the relationship values so that I'll get the paired endings I'm going for. Definitely looking forward to trying the harder difficulties later.

joined Mar 29, 2019

heavily started to dislike Leonie since she literally only talks about how she wants to sleep with your dad. .... is that for real? like... is she just a fangirl or is she really like that?
I did hear that her supports with Byleth aren't really good... kinda dissapointed if true since I like her design

last edited at Sep 13, 2019 7:10PM

joined Jul 13, 2016

heavily started to dislike Leonie since she literally only talks about how she wants to sleep with your dad. .... is that for real? like... is she just a fangirl or is she really like that?
I did hear that her supports with Byleth aren't really good... kinda dissapointed if true since I like her design

Her support with other characters is good since she rarely mentions Jeralt in them and acts like a human, but if you narrow her down with her interactions towards you... let’s just say I find hardly something compelling about her in that aspect. So yeah her supports with Byleth are in my opinion pretty awful, but great with others :^) She also literally copies the looks and class from your dad so her fangirling is a little bit over the top let’s just say that .-.

last edited at Sep 14, 2019 1:18AM

joined May 10, 2014

I'll answer on the poll once I finish all the S ranks.

Kinda hard to pick a favourite but Lysithea prolly gets my vote thanks to her performance+story+design+ death after war if you don't know what you're doing
Ferdinand gets a 2nd spot because he's really likeable and hilarious. and that damn hair
Honorable mentions: Catherine, Shamir, Petra, Dorothea, Manuela, Hanneman, Dedue, Mercedes, Hubert(yes, not a joke), Hilda, Marianne.

Never really liked Rhea for MULTIPLE reasons, but Cyril gets my hate vote for being BOTH bad and an asshole.

And remember to make everyone Bow knights/Dark knights/Falcon knighs/Wyvern Lords. Lys can stay Gremory, and Felix can stay Savant because they are broken.
Gonna try maddening after my church(4th) run. Prolly going to be GD/BL first.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I'm going with the Black Eagles and Edie on my first playthrough. I've been stuck for a few days though because I realized (big mid-game spoilers) I'm gonna be fighting and killing a lot of past students. I only recruited two (Mercedes and Lysithea) and I dread encountering their friends, especially Anne. I can't bring myself to continue the game yet.
Next time around I'm going to try to recruit everyone I possibly can.

Poll stuff!
-I really like the game. It's now my favorite Fire Emblem (not that I've played many). The on-foot portion between battles is pure love <3
-Dislike..I don't like how hard it is to earn money, and I don't like that the school exploration sections are the same through the month, so if you finish everything on the first weekend there isn't much left to do the rest of the month. I also don't like that dancer is limited to one character. I didn't research ahead of time to avoid spoilers and put it on a character who left after a big story point.
-Female Byleth all the way, though I might do a male run later to get some endings with other girls. (I love her outfit, btw.)
-Horseriders tick me off a bit. Nice range of movement on normal ground, TERRIBLE range nearly everywhere else. Ferdie is my horseguy, and he's just about useless most of the time. I gave him a battalion with Stride so at least my other characters can move around better. I need to get him flying ASAP.
-Besides Edie, I really like Bernie. She's adorable, has a gut-punching backstory, and is consistently MVP with her bow. Mercedes is great too, but I haven't gotten deep into her supports yet.
-There aren't really any characters I hate in particular. I can't really dislike any of the students, and the adults are mostly ok too. I didn't get many supports outside of my house, though, so there's always room for something to change.
-Favorite supports..probably Dorothea and Petra, and some of Bernie's supports with various characters as she came out of her shell.

joined Jul 13, 2016

So after like 150ish hours I'm done with all the routes. Even though I started with Blue Lions->Golden Deer->Church->Black Eagles I have to admit that I like Edelgars route the best, which surprises me even now since I had three routes beforehand where she was the antagonist. While I do dislike that her route is the shortest, doesn't touch the lore of the Black Knight in the slightest and the fight with the slithers happening off screen, Edelgard and Hubert just turn it around so hard. I kinda understand why there is so much El*Byleth fanart, they are just such a good pair and you just can't help yourself loving Edelgard who is on one side a total badass while being the same girl who couldn't sleep a night because she was agonizing whether or not the "black eagle strike force corps" is cool enough for a name .One afterthought that kinda leaves me salty is the fact that, when you find a drawing of the main character in Edelgards room it is always the male version depicted which was really awkward when your female Byleth has to pretend that she was kinda forgotten :-(

Also after playing both sides of the Black eagle house:

-Dislike..I don't like how hard it is to earn money, and I don't like that the school exploration sections are the same through the month, so if you finish everything on the first weekend there isn't much left to do the rest of the month. I also don't like that dancer is limited to one character. I didn't research ahead of time to avoid spoilers and put it on a character who left after a big story point.

-Besides Edie, I really like Bernie. She's adorable, has a gut-punching backstory, and is consistently MVP with her bow. Mercedes is great too, but I haven't gotten deep into her supports yet.

-Favorite supports..probably Dorothea and Petra, and some of Bernie's supports with various characters as she came out of her shell.

I can't agree more Bernie or even all the Black Eagles students just grow closely to your heart with Bernie taking the top and Caspar the bottom. Also the voices are astonishingly good, it's been a while since I loved the voice acting in a game so much, they just fit perfectly and carry so much emotion. I think if they just has delayed the game long enough they couldve made school explorations even better aswell as tackling the economy issue, either having too much money or just barely scrapping by.

last edited at Sep 30, 2019 4:23PM

joined May 2, 2018

I'm really enjoying all the FE stuff that shows up here but simultaneously as a complete and utter non-gamer I know that I'll probably never experience the original and get the full context of it all. It's a funny sort of frustration.

edit: I don't suppose there are any watchable/readable versions of these storylines?

last edited at Oct 7, 2019 5:09AM

joined May 10, 2014

I made a meme list lol
Don't have much experience with Jeritza/Ashen wolves so the spot is just 1st impressions. Read from left to right.

  1. F! Byleth is a tiny bit better than male because of the fem exclusive classes.
  2. Armor is not viable. That's the reason why Edel-chan is under the other 2, her personal classes suck.
  3. Still not sure were to put Hilda, so she's gatekeeper.
  4. Annette is weird... She's an excellent rally bot, try dark flier on her.
  5. Why Claude? Watch a speed run XD.
  6. I think all the "white mages" are around the same lvl tbh.
  7. Wyverns are still SS tier.
  8. Manuela is weird too...she works as either physical or magical. She DOES have warp.
  9. Not making a "waifu" list to avoid a civil war.
  10. Raphael is best dancer

last edited at Mar 2, 2020 3:36AM

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