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joined Sep 26, 2016

oh boppin

mei is waifu
joined Dec 13, 2017

I have no idea who these characters are, never watched the show (I heard there's a lot of males so probably won't ever)

Uhhh what? The amount of males in Bang Dream are the same amount of males in Love Live.....

I haven't watched either if the shows (all I know about Love Live is NicoMaki) but I have seen some people commenting on dynasty that there are a lot of males in that show. And this kind of shows are subtext queerbaiting and I have no interest in CGDCT genre, so either way, I will not watch it.

joined Aug 22, 2014

I have no idea who these characters are, never watched the show (I heard there's a lot of males so probably won't ever)

Uhhh what? The amount of males in Bang Dream are the same amount of males in Love Live.....

I haven't watched either if the shows (all I know about Love Live is NicoMaki) but I have seen some people commenting on dynasty that there are a lot of males in that show. And this kind of shows are subtext queerbaiting and I have no interest in CGDCT genre, so either way, I will not watch it. Both LL and Bandori are notorious for their lack of male characters...where are you getting this information?

last edited at May 16, 2019 8:18AM

mei is waifu
joined Dec 13, 2017

I have no idea who these characters are, never watched the show (I heard there's a lot of males so probably won't ever)

Uhhh what? The amount of males in Bang Dream are the same amount of males in Love Live.....

I haven't watched either if the shows (all I know about Love Live is NicoMaki) but I have seen some people commenting on dynasty that there are a lot of males in that show. And this kind of shows are subtext queerbaiting and I have no interest in CGDCT genre, so either way, I will not watch it. Both LL and Bandori are notorious for their lack of male characters...where are you getting this information?

From comments on a Bandori image, I don't remember which one. Somebody was like "should I watch this show how gay is this" and the other was "no it has lot of males and het shipping not worth the time"

joined Mar 23, 2019

So was Boppin' like a catch phrase I missed in the anime version? or is this somehow lost in translation?

joined Oct 24, 2016

I have no idea who these characters are, never watched the show (I heard there's a lot of males so probably won't ever)

Uhhh what? The amount of males in Bang Dream are the same amount of males in Love Live.....

I haven't watched either if the shows (all I know about Love Live is NicoMaki) but I have seen some people commenting on dynasty that there are a lot of males in that show. And this kind of shows are subtext queerbaiting and I have no interest in CGDCT genre, so either way, I will not watch it. Both LL and Bandori are notorious for their lack of male characters...where are you getting this information?

From comments on a Bandori image, I don't remember which one. Somebody was like "should I watch this show how gay is this" and the other was "no it has lot of males and het shipping not worth the time"

...the only males in the show/game/manga are some of the characters' dads, that's it. I don't think that really lends itself to het shipping, so whoever said this is probably someone that also had no idea about anything related to the franchise whatsoever.

They're also not CGDCT, they're music shows, with plots and development and stuff...

But if you do hate "queerbaiting" or what have you, then you'll probably want to steer clear, god forbid anything not explicitly gay gets any attention.

last edited at May 16, 2019 3:20PM

joined Apr 28, 2019

and we're all children of jesus

joined Jan 11, 2019


joined Jul 22, 2018

It wasn't bad, the first story is way better

joined Oct 22, 2018

Why the fuck did I like this? What have I degenerated into?

joined Jan 30, 2018

Lol I started my dive into yuri after bumping into them from the hentai sites like fakku or tsumino.
Like: Digimon-> Bleach-> Soul Eater-> Soul Eater doujinshi aka rabbit hole to extreme hentai stuff found on old fakku -> Precure and yuri -> Dynasty Reader aka the yuri gold mine!

So to me, a good storyline is always icing on the cake!

I love how you included even a little chart that goes from Digimon to Yuri Hentai.

And yes a good storyline is always great icing on the cake.

joined Oct 16, 2013 Both LL and Bandori are notorious for their lack of male characters...where are you getting this information?

From comments on a Bandori image, I don't remember which one. Somebody was like "should I watch this show how gay is this" and the other was "no it has lot of males and het shipping not worth the time"

Sounds like a troll.

So was Boppin' like a catch phrase I missed in the anime version? or is this somehow lost in translation?

Hina uses the catchphrase a lot in the game. I haven't caught up with the anime, but I've heard that fans were not happy with the official anime translation, so I guess they didn't use it in the anime?

joined Dec 5, 2016

Why hasn't anyone mentioned this?

joined Oct 23, 2018

both these bitches need counselling but this was cute
also what the hell is boppin'

joined Feb 9, 2019

It did had a good story.. damnit.

joined Dec 23, 2024

Thank goodness it’s a one shot. It would be hard to read if it was a series... I’m looking at you, “Caged Lovers”!!

Sai fora, esse mangá é um lixo

joined Dec 23, 2024

i read this bc i saw the bdsm tag. not familiar with the original work, but oh boy was this not for me.

is it possible to get some tags for suicide or suicide attempt? this is the kind of thing that needs a content warning, more than just aaaaaangst and drama.

not trying to be dramatic. this isn't triggering for me specifically, but it's probably something to consider. i know there are userscripts to hide stuff with certain tags so having some tags for like major character death might be useful for folks who really can't handle that kind of stuff...

I think the aaaaaangst and drama tags do a pretty good job of warning people without getting so specific that they can spoil the the story. Generally, I think if people see those sorts of tags on here they know they are in for some seriously choppy seas. The major character death tag in particular seems like it would be an absolutely massive spoiler in any applicable story.

I'm saying this as somebody with a lot of ugly personal experience with the subject. I think tags for suicide are just a bit too specific and will spoil the story to some degree. Admittedly, in this particular manga it wouldn't be a huge spoiler, but I can think of some others where it certainly would be.

Prefiro tomar spoiler dessas merdas do que ser pego de surpresa

joined Dec 23, 2024

I have no idea who these characters are, never watched the show (I heard there's a lot of males so probably won't ever), but Expected it to be mindless porn, but this is some good shit bruh. Instant favorite.

Também não gosto de homens, por mim deveriam desaparecer

joined Dec 23, 2024

I have no idea who these characters are, never watched the show (I heard there's a lot of males so probably won't ever)

Uhhh what? The amount of males in Bang Dream are the same amount of males in Love Live.....

Eu queria que em "the idolmaster" os produtores fossem todos mulheres, odeio que sejam homens

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